My Nala Se deck is similar to yours with some differences. I am definitely going to take some of these on board. I recommend Salacious Crumb, played him on force table and he rocked.
@braydenharvey724Ай бұрын
35:10! Great video!
@TravyCCGАй бұрын
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :)
@kellz9972Ай бұрын
Love the sauce with using Jesse to set up a big overwhelm play. Quinlan ECL has been fun to cook so far.
@guilegustafson1459Ай бұрын
Loving the Anakin deck dude, the bravado combos can be insane!
@duesexistat5016Ай бұрын
35:10. Chancellor is such a cool card. I built a tester version with green and I thought it would be clunky but it’s fairly solid. Also I clicked since I’m interested in Anakin this season. While I think he’s good he has to compete with Sabine and Han in the same colors.
@devloberАй бұрын
I'm also very interested in a Nala Se deck, and have been trying out a few games with your list on ForceTable. Specifically against Sabine Green though, and while it might be a bit tough, damn Jesse is just a game winner. You get him out on the second turn, and he is a beefy 4-4 with raid, making Sabine impossible to deploy the next turn. I also tried playing around with using ECL to kill Sabine with Jesse, but having the ECL for Wrecker against Poe or Wrecker is pretty valuable. The one thing I feel is lacking against Sabine at least, is space units. I also feel like the removals are too expensive to be valuable against Sabine Green, so I'd probably side board them and look for something else, I think. Super fun deck and leader, had one game where I healed 14 hp, and it's so satisfying. Would love to see more updates on that deck particularly. Thanks for a great list to start brewing with!
@TravyCCGАй бұрын
I love hearing this! Yeah you can always adjust the deck for whatever you think you’re going to see the most. If you need more space, system patrol craft could be handy.