Varangian Guard goes into Early Access February 1st! Are you excited? TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Gameplay Moveset 11:13 JC on How She's Expected to Fit Into the Meta
@Shanex25010 ай бұрын
Literally if Black prior and Afeera had a child.
@Norgoz10 ай бұрын
I'd say more Warlord/Aramusha with Afeera CC in chain, but I see where you're coming from
@CallMeLeoo10 ай бұрын
I like the simplicity of the character, she has one solid mixup for offense and a strong but yet very exploitable defense
@Norgoz10 ай бұрын
Recovery cancel into full block is going to be big powerful, too.
@CallMeLeoo10 ай бұрын
@@Norgoz it always is but my question is since it’s a temporary full guard does it work like aramushas and cancel ALL of her recovery’s? Even hit stun? Because if so that would have to change aramusha is already a pain to kill because of his ability to punish whenever he feels
@Norgoz10 ай бұрын
@@CallMeLeooValid question. Devstream only specifies recovery cancelling out of her attack recoveries.
@CallMeLeoo10 ай бұрын
@@Norgoz yeah but you know ubi they will show you everything they want to this character is really a tossup when it comes to strength we will just have to see
@Jay-Rep7010 ай бұрын
So what's the new heroes name is it Varanginn Or is it like Vortiger where his other name was Black Prior
@Norgoz10 ай бұрын
"Katla" is the heroes name from the trailer and lore. The class designation (like Black Prior) is Varangian Guard.