I would suggest shooting in log. You can load a LUT on to the camera and if you don’t want to bother with slapping it on and post, the camera can burn the LUT to the file. If you don’t have a LUT workflow, I would suggest buying the Phantom LUTs because they are excellent.
@KongThaoSound7 ай бұрын
Interesting. I've never tried that before. Thank you for the feedback.
@mediaflmcreation3 ай бұрын
Is your ISO on auto? I notice when you move that the lighting automatically changes. Also it looks like you're not shooting in a cine or LOG profile. In Cine, expose to 0.0 or -1.0. In LOG, expose +1.5 to +2.00 stops. If you are in any auto settings, turn all the auto off, it's killing you my guy. Lastly, order a K&N VND 1-9 stop so you can have a good variation of light adjustments. not expensive at all. Always follow that Histogram(or the exposure meter) if you can.
@emiel5006 ай бұрын
I heard you say you change the ISO to expose. The FX30 has two native ISO's. if. you derive from those it will look correct in LCD but not in the recording. I suggest using a VND. Go to hi ISO inside and low ISO outside/daylight. That should help, it's not always easy to wrap your head around this "exposure index" method, I know it took me a while to do so. Hope this helps!