_You had mentioned the Litany of the the Saints in a previous video. One of my aims this year will_ _be to be able to put all the Catholic Church's approved litanies on KZbin in a well-formatted style DV._ _Here is the_ *Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus* *Lord, have mercy,* _Lord, have mercy._ * *Christ, have mercy,* _Christ, have mercy._ * *Lord, have mercy,* _Lord, have mercy._ * *_Bow_* *Jesus, hear us,* _Jesus, graciously hear us._ *_from_* *God the Father of Heaven,* _have mercy on us._ *_here_* *God the Son, Redeemer of the world,* _have mercy on us._ *God, the Holy Spirit,* _have mercy on us._ *Holy Trinity, One God,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, Son of the living God,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, splendour of the Father,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, brightness of eternal light,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, King of glory,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, sun of justice,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, most amiable,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, most admirable,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, the mighty God,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, Father of the world to come,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, angel of great counsel,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, most powerful,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, most patient,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, most obedient,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, meek and humble of heart,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, lover of chastity,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, lover of us,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, God of peace,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, author of life,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, example of virtues,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, zealous lover of souls,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, our God,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, our refuge,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, father of the poor,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, treasure of the faithful,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, good Shepherd,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, true light,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, eternal wisdom,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, infinite goodness,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, our way and our life,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, joy of Angels,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, King of the Patriarchs,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, Master of the Apostles,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, teacher of the Evangelists,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, strength of Martyrs,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, light of Confessors,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, purity of Virgins,* _have mercy on us._ *Jesus, crown of Saints,* _have mercy on us._ *Be merciful,* _spare us, O Jesus._ *Be merciful,* _graciously hear us, O Jesus._ *From all evil,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *From all sin,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *From Your wrath,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *From the snares of the devil,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *From the spirit of fornication,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *From everlasting death,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *From the neglect of Your inspirations,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By the mystery of Your holy Incarnation,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your Nativity,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your Infancy,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your most divine Life,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your Labours,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your agony and passion,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your cross and dereliction,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your sufferings,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your death and burial,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your Resurrection,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your Ascension,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your institution of the most Holy Eucharist,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your joys,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *By Your glory,* _deliver us, O Jesus._ *Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,* _spare us, O Jesus._ *Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,* _graciously hear us, O Jesus._ *Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,* _have mercy on us, O Jesus._ *Jesus, hear us,* _Jesus, graciously hear us._ *Let us pray:* *O Lord Jesus Christ, You have said,* " Ask and you shall receive, seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you. " *Grant, we beg of You, to us who ask it, the gift of Your most divine love,* *that we may ever love You with our whole heart, in word and deed,* *and never cease praising You.* *_Cease_* *Give us, O Lord, as much a lasting fear as a lasting love of Your Holy Name,* *_bowing_* *for You, Who love and are King for ever and ever,* *never fail to govern* *those whom You have solidly established* *in Your love. Amen.* _The three responses indicated by an asterisk_ * _may be omitted by a single petitioner praying alone._ _Bow while reciting most of this prayer out of respect for the Holy Name_ _of Jesus, which means "YHWH saves". It is permissible to pronounce the_ _name "Jesus" since it is the proper name of a human being, but bow_ _out of respect for the Father to Whom the Holy Name refers, and out of_ _respect to the Jewish tradition that the Name of the Father given here_ _cannot be pronounced (one point to note is that we simply don't know_ _the vowels of this Name and any speculation should be avoided)._ _You may copy and paste this prayer to a word processor, and reformat it_ _as required. You may print it off, laminate it and give it to your_ _friends, or to anyone who is sick or housebound._ _This prayer may be said in January. It may also be said on the Feasts of_ _the Ascension and of Christ the King. You could take a copy of the prayer_ _to church to say at Benediction or the Solemn Exposition of the Holy_ _Eucharist (in the Latin rite) in winter between about mid October and_ _mid March. There are other litanies to say in the summer._ _This is one of six approved litanies and the other five are also being_ _distributed. They could all be said with roughly equal frequency._