Newly discovered info, Dhul-Qarnayn (will shock you)

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Kanat Eleyoun (‫قناة عليون‬‎)

Kanat Eleyoun (‫قناة عليون‬‎)

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@mdhossain 2 жыл бұрын
SubhanaAllah, I have been reading surah Kahf for over 10 years, never made sense The way it makes now. Lately I am learning physics. I came to understand that Surah Kahf is all about time and space and dimensions. I came to understand thats dhul karnayn was using warmhole to go different places. And word is not meaning two horn. It’s mentioning about two dimensions. I just got the confirmation from this lecture. Allah knows best. May Allah grant us all the understanding of his books. Ameen
@elmasofficial Жыл бұрын
Mohammed Moussa is a brillant servant of Allah masallah.
@alammasood 6 жыл бұрын
actually he is the only one making sense. Gog and magog are actually extraterrestrial, locked behind a blocked worm hole. And one day they will make the worm hole work again and they will be here in Space ships.
@hollyaldahir4910 2 жыл бұрын
Quran is a miracle and the verses concerning Dhul Qarnayn prove it. According to verses 89-91 Dhul Qarnayn says: "Give me pieces (blocks) of iron;” then, when he had filled up the gap between the two mountain-cliffs, he said: “Blow;” then when he had made them (red as) fire, he said: “Bring me molten copper to pour over them.” This method of tying blocks of stone together with molten metal staples was exclusive to the 6th Century BCE Persians. Blocks of stone with indentations for pouring the metal staples are found in the construction of Cyrus the Great's tomb at Pasargadae.
@Ash-ih4rz 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic observation!
@qaidikramuddin 8 жыл бұрын
Isa alayhi salam is not coming back as a Nabi. His du'a was to be from the ummah of the Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam; he's fulfilled his task as Nabi. He is not coming as a Nabi; the Deen has been completed. Look in Quran about the finality of Prophethood being with the Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then refer to the hadith about it. Dhul-Qarnayn is not a Prophet, please go to tafsir of Quran e.g. Tafsir Jalalayn or Ibn Kathir. Dangerous territory to speak from opinion regarding Quran. There are a number of deficiencies is this talk not to mention what other people have said regarding 'dhul' and 'ayn.'
@steviejongh1690 7 жыл бұрын
Ikramuddin Zwane +what i learn here is that muslims believe in silly fables. who believes this nonsense. muslims lve in the past
@durealimirjat9390 7 жыл бұрын
stevie jongh what i see here, is an intellectual connecting points of the Quran with the deepest thinking i have ever seen before. Also, whether he is right or wrong, he doesn't represent an entire religion as an whole.
@frensil9354 7 жыл бұрын
Silly is what you are living now!
@salishamakeba6311 7 жыл бұрын
frensil that all u can say,Quran says if there's doubts bring proof ,where's yours !
@TheOrionpass 6 жыл бұрын
yes you speak correct till The Deen completed. His second coming,after Imam Mahdi, is to clear his name and to make correction on misunderstanding mistake done by Christian of his period till today and beyond to come. This was told by our teacher when I was eleven, today i am age 62. Listen with your inteligent, AL QURAN,This teacher is covered with knowledge, Subhan Allah. I am listening to him with my youthful soul. His level is spiritual logic. Please Give Ears,for your soul. Teacher of this level is a gem. Allah swt said 'love Me like you would to your father only with abit more lifelier. An inspirational direction to be closer to HIM as a Creator with thankfulness.
@LaudaMaestro 9 жыл бұрын
I am not against thinking outside of the box, especially when it comes to trying to understand some mysteries in the Koran. Are so many parts of the story though that are not clicking in my mind and I intend to research this story and analyze all the aspects before I make up my mind about it.
@SultanMirBeats 8 жыл бұрын
dhul qarnayn meaning the man who impacts on two ages quarn can mean horn and it can mean age (time period) but whne allah mention quar he always means age not horn the man who impacts on two ages before gog and magog were released and after they were released
@adeshmahtmaliash8527 5 жыл бұрын
@MK-rk4no Жыл бұрын
This is sheikh imran hosseins sounds possible but im not convinced
@rayray9010 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Viewers & Publishers, There's some discrepancies in this presentation. The one I would like to point out is about the fact that "Yajuj Majuj" or "Gog Magog" are from the seed of ADAM, meaning that they are human. Although a completely different race and different blood group, they are still human. They are not from another planet or galaxy, they are not aliens or E.T.'s. If you are going to use Quran as a source of your discussion, please use it correctly and completely. I hope I didn't offend anyone with my comment, and if did, I apologize sincerely. Thank You.
@AbdulMukthar 2 жыл бұрын
Same question i had in the mind when watching this video
@AbdulMukthar 2 жыл бұрын
They seem to be from the dimension of Khidr(as) i.e. they live forever
@maredeserto 2 жыл бұрын
In my humble opinion we need to consider the most powerful nations on earth were in the time of Nuh AS and Musa AS… e.g. revisit the stories of descendants of the sons of Nuh AS , such as “Ad”, “Thamud” and “Madyan”and the exceptional power ALLAH SWT gave to them, and not anymore to any other nation after them, because ALLAH SWT destroyed them thoroughly…. so it could more probably have been Yapheth, than Cyrus. -> And ALLAH SWT knows best
@maredeserto 2 жыл бұрын
In my humble opinion we need to consider the most powerful nations on earth were in the time of Nuh AS and Musa AS… e.g. revisit the stories of descendants of the sons of Nuh AS , such as “Ad”, “Thamud” and “Madyan”and the exceptional power ALLAH SWT gave to them, and not anymore to any other nation after them, because ALLAH SWT destroyed them thoroughly…. so it could more probably have been Yapheth, than Cyrus. -> And ALLAH SWT knows best
@maredeserto 2 жыл бұрын
@@AbdulMukthar ?
@saidkhalamahmed5439 8 жыл бұрын
To whom it may concern, Alexander "the great" was a Homosexual, Dhul-Qarnayn was a Muslim (one who submits to Allah) not the same person!
@intekabalom8863 4 жыл бұрын
@alam Dhul Qarnayn went to West and then to East. But Alexander went to East first. So your argument is wrong. Moreover, Alexander was a Pagan but Dhul Qarnayn was a righteous person. Do you think that the Quran will praise a pagan and not even a good one? And lastly, a muslim child knows Islam better Wallahi. No Muslim says that Islam came 1400 years ago. Prophet Muhammad saw is the last prophet of Islam not the founder. According to Islam, any person who believes in the oneness of Allah or God or Ilohim and also the prophet of that place and that era is a Muslim. Prophets are sent to rectify the corrupted beliefs.
@φωτοςφωτατης 4 жыл бұрын
Alexander is your father he iwear on the head two horns open your minds don't watch Hollywood is no good
Wow, I agree with you brother, this video was very informative...I have always wondered the mysteries of khidhr and dhul qarnayn. Masha'Allah
@Things270 4 жыл бұрын
Subhan Allah... I have seen true knowledge from this person... He is a great intellectual....when the source is ahle bait... You can only gain wisdom
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
تصحيح المعلومات في هذا الفيلم الى أخر الفيلم ...فقرة مهمة جداً حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغَ مَطْلِعَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَطْلُعُ عَلَىٰ قَوْمٍ لَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَهُمْ مِنْ دُونِهَا سِتْرًا [90] كَذَٰلِكَ وَقَدْ أَحَطْنَا بِمَا لَدَيْهِ خُبْرًا [91] ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا [92] حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغَ بَيْنَ السَّدَّيْنِ وَجَدَ مِنْ دُونِهِمَا قَوْمًا لَا يَكَادُونَ يَفْقَهُونَ قَوْلًا [93] قَالُوا يَا ذَا الْقَرْنَيْنِ إِنَّ يَأْجُوجَ وَمَأْجُوجَ مُفْسِدُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَهَلْ نَجْعَلُ لَكَ خَرْجًا عَلَىٰ أَنْ تَجْعَلَ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَهُمْ سَدًّا [94] قَالَ مَا مَكَّنِّي فِيهِ رَبِّي خَيْرٌ فَأَعِينُونِي بِقُوَّةٍ أَجْعَلْ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَهُمْ رَدْمًا". سادساً: وفقاً لهذه الآيات القرآنية ...السد أو الردم بني شرقاً و ليس في مركز القطب الشمالي حيث محور الأرض و لا حتى في مركز القطب المغناطيسى الذي ينحرف عن محور الأرض 5 درجات فقط في العادة حيث درجة الحرارة تبلغ 60-80 تحت الصفر..و لا شىء سوى الجليد هناك الذي يغطي التربة بعمق يصل الى مئات الأمتار...و أى شعب كان سيعيش هناك لكى يطلبوا من ذي القرنين يناء السد هناك أو تلك الماكنة المفترضة التي تأخذ طاقتها من الحقل الكهرومغناطيسي للمحور...منطقة مركز القطب لا تمتلك أى مورد من موارد الغذاء لأدامة الحياة لشعب ...حتى الأسماك لا تعيش هناك...حقيقة يثبتها العلم. السد بني عند مطلع الشمس ...أى قرب الصين و اليابان. فقهاء المسلمين لا يعرفون أن قصة بناء سد ذي القرنين موجودة في النصوص الصينية القديمة...نصوص شو جي لعام 2600 قبل الميلاد. تذكر الرواية الصينية أن شعب مياو (الأسم القديم لشعب الصين) قد طلب من الأمبراطور الغريب غوان دي ) أى ال"غوان" بالصينية أو ال" غون " بالسومرية الذي جاءهم من الغرب من أرض تفصل بينها و بين الصين 25 سلسلة جبيلة (أنظر تأريخ الأباطرة الخمسة و الحكماء الثلاثة في النصوص الصينية للتأكد) " أن يبني لهم سدّاً يفصل بينهم و بين الأقوام البريرية الهمجية التي تغير على مدن غرب الصين و عرضوا عليه المال لقاء ذلك. الأمبراطور غوان دي رفض المال و طلب منهم مساعدته على إقامته ففعلوا". هذه الرواية هي نفسها في الآيتين القرآنية: " قَالُوا يَا ذَا الْقَرْنَيْنِ إِنَّ يَأْجُوجَ وَمَأْجُوجَ مُفْسِدُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَهَلْ نَجْعَلُ لَكَ خَرْجًا عَلَىٰ أَنْ تَجْعَلَ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَهُمْ سَدًّا [94] قَالَ مَا مَكَّنِّي فِيهِ رَبِّي خَيْرٌ فَأَعِينُونِي بِقُوَّةٍ أَجْعَلْ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَهُمْ رَدْمًا ". قوم يأجوج ذكروا في تأريخ العرب القديم و قد أوردهم الطبري في كتابه "تأريخ الأمم و الملوك" و قد "حاربهم الملك حميـّر العرنج (أو الأمبراطور توك السومري، جد سارغون ذو القرنين عليه السلام) و طاردهم الى أقصى شمال شرق سيبيريا". أى الى أطراف الحدود الغربية للصين و كوريا الشمالية. و هذا يتوافق مع ما ذكر عن موضعهم أيام ذي القرنين عليه السلام و طلب الصينين منه بناء السد. في رأى أن الملك النمرود كان من قوم يأجوج و مأجوج و قد حاربه ذو القرنين و قتله. و كان أكثر الملوك فساداً في الأرض 2780- 2751ق.م. بعد أن حارب الأمبراطور توك السومري أو حميـّر العرنج قوم يأجوج و مأجوج في مملكة عيلام القديمة و قتل ملكها أيلوش. طلبت أرملنه صوماليا من الأمبراطور توك أن يتزوّجها لأنه جعلها أرملة و جعل أبنائها الخمسة و أبنتها الوحيدة أيتاماً. الأمبراطور توك كان متزوّجاً من من الملكة السومرية آنونيت و له أربعة أبناء منها: آتو ، أوروكاجينا، لوغال باندا و كينغو. تزوج من صوماليا و تبنّى جميع أبنائها و منح الملكة صوماليا لقب تيامات، الملكة الشريرة الساحرة في الميثولوجيا السومرية. أسمها باللغة الفارسية القديمة "ودك" و عرب الجزيرة عرفوها بأسم الملكة " تعامة " و وصفوها بأنها " أشرُّ من أبنها النمرود و أردى ". النمرود قتل ولي العهد آتو تمهيدا لقتل الأمبراطور توك و الأستيلاء على عرش سومر. أصبح للأمبراطور ثمانية أبناء بدلاً من تسعى و لذا عبده الفينيقيون بأسم الإله أيشمون أى أبو الثمانية. صراع سارغون ضد النمرود وصفه القس البريطاني جيوفرى أوف مونماوث في كتابه "تأريخ ملوك أنكلترة" في القرن الثاني عشر الميلادي، نقلاً عن النصوص السيلتية القديمة التي أوردها المؤرخ البريطاني نينوس عام 800م ذاكراً أن الملك كورينيوس (بمعنى الملك ذو القرنين أو القرون) حارب العملاق غوغماغوغ و رفعه و ألقى به في الهاوية. فتوحات سارغون للجزر البريطانية التي أستوطنها العموريون البريتون العرب عام 2900ق.م. مذكورة في الألواح الرافدينية و قد ترجمها عالم اللغات لورنس أوستين وادل في كتابه "حضارة مصر و أصلها السومري" عام 1930. كلمة " بريتيش " كلمة أكادية إلتصاقية مركبة من برت + إيش و معناها السيّد العموري و لا تعني البؤيطاني الأنكليزي. خلاصة القول أن غوغماغوغ قوم عاديون و كانون عماليق مثل ملوك سومر و الأكاديين و العموريين...مجموعهم 25 قبيلة...أطوالهم ضعف طول الرجل العادي...هذه القبائل ذكرها الطبري بأسمائها في كتابه أعلاه...و ليس مخلوقات فضائية من مكان أو كوكب أخر في الكون كما زعم أستاذ التأريخ بجامعة تل أبيب زكريا ستجن و دخلت كذبته عقول بعض المسلمين للأسف...أما رواية أن الرجل من قوم يأجوج و مأجوج ينام داخل أذنه و يتغطى بالأخرى فهي مثيرة للشفقة و الأزدراء و من روايات الأسرائليات القديمة التي دخلت على نصوص المؤرخين المسلمين...............حدّث العاقل بما لا يعقل ...فإن صدّق فلا عقل له .......................................و السلام
@SH-si1dx 8 жыл бұрын
Salam, can you please provide references and the sources of your information during your lectures? Thanks
@thewhitewater 5 жыл бұрын
As far as I can understand, his all speech is based on his personal interpretation with no limits no boundaries. Its better to stay 100 miles away from such fake scholars, as they cause illusion against the fact and confuse people with less knowledge.
@sammu 5 жыл бұрын
Sources are all him and I guarantee you, there is no one sitting in front of him. He's speaking to himself and a camera.
@inammalik4126 4 жыл бұрын
@@sammu and all the people you can hear and conversing with him at different times... Computer generated? You really have shown yourself to be an idiot haven't you...
@sammu 4 жыл бұрын
@@inammalik4126 Hmmm this was quite a while back. I'll have to watch the video again and get back to you.
@ams6391 7 жыл бұрын
I am so fascinated by the tafsir of Dhul Qarnayn but to be honest as soon as I clicked on this video for some very strange reason I pictured Kanal wearing a kippah. Forgive me but there's something very fishy about this guys 'knowledge'
@kacemrochd6425 5 жыл бұрын
Who first discover America Dhu-Qarnyan or Christopher Columbus ? Dhu-Qarnyan was not the great Alexandre who was in Alexandria in Egypt as some people believe, but instead he was at the same time a king and a prophet in Yamen. It is said in the Holy Quran in Surah Al-Kahf what means : " So he (Dhu-Qarnyan) followed a way. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of Hami'ah. And he found near it a people....Then he followed the way. Until, when he came to the rising place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We (Allah) had provided no shelter against the sun....”. We learn from the meaning of Surat Al-Kahf that Dhu-Qarnyan travelled to the west until he reached the shore of the Atlantic ocean, and then he continued his way by travelling across the Atlantic ocean until he came to Yamen by the east. Thus, the above mentioned setting and rising places of the Sun are relative to the people living in Yamen and around this area. Interestingly, it could be that Dhu-Qarnyan was the first man in history that travelled across the Atlantic ocean and then the first man who discovered America before being rediscovered by Christipher Columbus later. As a conclusion, it is strongly suggested to study this period of history to find out arguments confirming this scenario according to which America was first discovered by Dhu-Qarnyan not by Christopher Columbus as generally believed. But, Allah knows best.
@exa11762 6 жыл бұрын
Alhamdhulilah, this is the exact kind of explanation I've been looking for. I know Quran is encrypted in certain way that when the time comes it will be decoded. ( I was actually very frustrated with many Sheikhs who are too blind to see what really going on to the world and compare with Quran). May Allah grant you with more in depth decoding of Quran and deliver to us. [ non-Muslims also have collected huge amount of knowledge about ancient world but its all mixed with "alien" lies.]
@revealingdajjal3552 2 жыл бұрын
Listen to Sheikh Imran Hosein the most insightful interpreation ever given by anyone on Surah Kahf
@smeha8512 8 жыл бұрын
salamalejkum, me sunni and have no problem taking wisdom where ever i find but for sure may ask for sources thank you,brother in islam, it is Dhul JALAL wul IKRAM the meaning of kifl i dont know. wassalam
@zakielahi3923 5 жыл бұрын
S Meha its asslamualikum
@hashimahmed810 8 жыл бұрын
Great lecture brother, May Allah enlighten your way .
@hashirsiddiqui4227 2 жыл бұрын
@asafrashid5051 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your 🌹kindness support and patience as always thank you for teaching me kind regards your brother, Asaf
@736939 10 жыл бұрын
I agree with the north pole because in Qur'an Qhul qarnain used - Iron and Copper for protection barrier and there is not written that he went to the N pole, but there written that he went to direction from which sun rises then to direction where sun goes down and to another ( To North or to South) direction where Sun rises and goes down (the only place is on the NPole where sun rises and goes down - seems like it moves from one place to another in the sky while summer and spring ) and in this place he built this barrier. Doctor Mustafa Mahmood also agree with this version !!!
@southernbmw4570 6 жыл бұрын
For one prophet jesus will come down to clear his name n to kill dajjal. Not for a new revelation. It says in imran sura chapter 3 . Allah is telling us. Hello
@ertanyakuza194 9 жыл бұрын
Do you have any sources to the location of the portal and do you have sources about the titanium/diamond armor?
@redomkhan5455 7 жыл бұрын
King 👑 of universe that time captures gog Magog...... Dual Qarnine said by Jesus and Mohammed.
@MrThamasterdammer 10 жыл бұрын
Also the prophet said, “a type of them is like rice, their height is 2400 fl (120 thira’), a type of them lays down on their ears and covers with their other ear. If they cross an elephant or a pig, they would eat them without leaving anything behind. They also eat their dead. ” The prophet said, when their frontline is in Sham (Syria, Jordan, and Palastine), their last line would be in Khursan (Afghanistan), they will drink all the rivers in the East and lake of Tiberias (between Palastine and Jordan). Allah will forbid them from entering Mecca, Madina, and Jerusalem.” Waheb Bin Manabah said, “Gog and Magog would eat grass, trees, wood, and any human they can get their hands on. But they won’t be able to get into Mecca, Madina, or Jerusalem.”
@lukman013 7 жыл бұрын
Zhul Qarnain was Cyrus the Great. Persian king, righteous, Zoroastrian (oldest monotheistic religion, even before Judaism) And his empire ended at Caucasus mountains where the Gog and Magog iron barrier was built. They even have drawing and statues of him wearing helmet with 2 horns. He wrote the first bill of rights for human.
@Dramazpakistani 8 жыл бұрын
Very good description and i hope you are aware that amrican sciencits have site at at north pool to study exactly what it is why its important
@ch0c0la8boy 8 жыл бұрын
MashAllah after watching your videos Mohamed I feel you solved many mysteries for me, you have a lot of answers to my questions and I understand that it is through you that Allah (SWT) wanted to understand the Quran as you do. I used to think I was alone to believe in these ideas, I am very interested in your source of knowledge. I would love to share about things I know with you and clear eachothers doubts on each matter as we go through our discussion. I dont know why but I have a feeling that I should speak you. May Allah always protect you. Amin.
@OmarLaghari 7 жыл бұрын
Abdul Rehman you're being sarcastic right? Please say you're joking.
@southernbmw4570 6 жыл бұрын
Abdul Rehman this dude is full of himself. When he says that our sajud is for our prophet Mohammed peace be upon him or Ali I forget he is committing shirk. Stay away from believing his false lectures. He associates himself with harut n marut teachings. He is scary.
@mdjoy9278 2 жыл бұрын
knowing about dhul karnain we should watch sheik imran nazar hussain lecture, he's topic based on Islamic escatalogy, people should watch his hypothesis about dhul karnain🌙
@farahsali1 10 жыл бұрын
Very informative Subhan Allah.
@asifnazirkhoso 7 жыл бұрын
not true dont blieve
@OmarLaghari 7 жыл бұрын
Farah S.Ali All lies. Please be careful. Believe in Allah and Quran. Nothing more. This man is making false stories. He's a liar.
@maryamahmed6026 5 жыл бұрын
I could be wrong but according to my research Dhul-Qarnayn is Kavad I and the Yog and Magog are the Huns. Kavad I created the forts at Derbent (the wall the Yajuj and Majuj are currently in) and he was also known as the King of the Iranians and Non Iranians(which are the two kingdoms).
@yaserm.majednahhas4302 3 жыл бұрын
some people will think I am crazy .. Lmfao 🤣
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
تعليق الى الدقيقة 13:25 عند ذكر "العثور على تمثال من معدن التيتانيوم و الماس المصهور" على شكل هيكل عظمي ينبغي ذكر المصدر في هذه الحالة للتأكد من صحة المعلومة، لا بهدف التشكيك بل بهدف التوكيد...خدمة للمعرفة.
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
تصحيح المعلومات في هذا الفيلم : أولاً: الى الدقيقة 2:28...ذو القرنين هو أبن الخضر عليهما السلام...و الخضر هو التسمية العربية المشتقة من اللون الأخضر رمز البعث من الموت عند السومريين...و بعثه هو بعث المعبود تموز في الميثولوجيا السومرية و هو رمز الخضرة...هو بعث أوزيريس في الميثولوجيا الفرعونية من الموت...هو بعث المعبود شيفا من الموت عند الهندوس...هو بعث المعبود أميدا عند اليابانيين...هو بعث المعبود كوكولكان في حضارة المايا...هو بعث الرب أودين من الموت عند الأسكندنافيين و الجرمان...و معظم هؤلاء رسموا باللون الأخضر...و بعد بعثه و خلوده أصبح رمز الخضرة الدائمة مثل نبات الياس...و أسماه العرب خضر الياس...و هو الملك السومري أوروكا جينا من 2857- 2780ق.م. و فترة حكمه من 2795 - 2780ق.م....أى لغاية مقتله على يد الملك النمرود لوغال زاجيسي. أبناء عمومته أبراهيم الخليل و هاران و أبنه لوط عليهم السلام.
@aminchowdhury7546 8 жыл бұрын
thank you for this beautiful makes total sense...
@waliahmed9761 3 жыл бұрын
ironically speaking?.....
@abey6131 6 жыл бұрын
I’m Shia. This guy does not speak for anyone. He is sadly leading many astray.
@Thrawnio 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, great story. I love hearing stuff about Dhul-Qarnayn. One part reminded me of the video game called the Witcher. You mentioned that he had one sword for humans and the other for other creatures (monsters). That’s basically what the witcher had in the video game.
@shamsheerg7519 2 жыл бұрын
Dhul is Alexander the Great... Quran makes a huge blunder and calls him a pious muslim.
@Thrawnio 2 жыл бұрын
@@shamsheerg7519 Not true, some people even call Khalid ibn Walid, Alexander the Great. But truly those who mistake the muslim warriors for Alexander the Great are ignorant fools.
@shamsheerg7519 2 жыл бұрын
@@Thrawnio Have you heard of or read any Alexander Romance Myths, either jewish, Persian, greek, Egyptian, roman...?
@Thrawnio Жыл бұрын
@@shamsheerg7519 The Quran is errorless
@shamsheerg7519 Жыл бұрын
@@Thrawnio do you know the Alexander Romance Myth? It is an old story please research this. Please tell me why Quran uses the same story? This is a huge blunder by the Quran…. Please explain why this big error is in the Quran? Thank you
@clecam1 Жыл бұрын
Half knowledge is very dangerous. This kind of lecture should be for madrasa only not for educational purpose
@oediensoeroedin292 4 жыл бұрын
Allahumma shalli ‘alaa Muhammad wa’alaa aali Muhammad... Allahumma shalli ‘alaa Muhammad wa’alaa aali Muhammad... Allahumma shalli ‘alaa Muhammad wa’alaa aali Muhammad...
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
تصحيح المعلومات في هذا الفيلم ثالثاً: الى الدقيقة 6:30....البحث عن ينبوع الخلود..أسطورة دخيلة غلى التراث الأسلامي و لا صحى لها...الخضر عليه السلام كان رسولاً موحّداً لله...و الرسول الكريم قال عن ذي القرنين في حديثه أنه كان أما نبي أو رسول و أرى أنه حديث قد تعرّض للتعريف...فالرسول أخذ علمه عبر الوحي...و لا أعتقد أنه إستخدم إما ...أو في حديثه ...فهي دليل عدم اليقين بالمعرفة...لكن الوصف القرآني له بالصالح يعني أنه كان من الأنبياء...و دراساتي تدل على أنه هو أيوب عليه السلام. الأنبياء و الرسل و جميع المؤمنين الموحدين يعلمون أن الموت حق...لذا فرواية بحثهما عن ينتبوع الخلود واهية لا ينبغي الأخذ بها. الخضر عليه السلام بعث من الموت و كتب له الخلود في الدنيا بناءا على دعوة آدم عليه السلام لربه أن يكتب الخلود في الدنيا لمن ينقل رفاته و يعيد دفنه...أوروكا جينا فعل ذلك و دفنه الى جانب نوح عليهم السلام جميعاً ...هذا ما ورد في كتب المسلمين أيضاً.
@heksos1 4 жыл бұрын
If Allah does not mention that Dhul Qarnayn a.s. was not a prophet, what gives you authority to say so? Quran should be your first source to knowledge not dreamland.
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
تصحيح المعلومات في هذا الفيلم : الى الدقيقة 10:36 خامساً : "الخضر" إكتسب هذا اللقب بعد مقتله على يد الملك النمرود و تقطيع جسده الى 16 قطعة و سرب النمرود و أتباعه ال72 دمه و أكلوا قلبه نيئاً...و زوجة أبنه كوماربي الكافر أكلت كتفه. أما أسمه السومري فهو الأمبراطور أوروكا جينا (الملك الذي يخاف الله في النصوص السومرية و ترجم العبارة صامويل نوح كريمر) أبن الأمبراطور توك أبن الأمبراطور كالبو. نسبه العربي وائل بن أبن الملك حميـّر أبن الملك كالب. والده حمل لقب حميـّر عند العرب لأنه من ذوي الشعر الأحمر، صفة سلالة ملوك سومر من العماليق الحمر...و ملوك سومر حكموا جزيرة العرب و اليمن بأسم ملوك سبأ (المشتق من لقب " سا- با" السومري بمعنى أمبراطور الملوك و هي سبأ بالعربية و شيبا بالسنسكريتية الهندوسية). أوروكا جينا هو الرسول يونس عليه السلام و هذا الأسم من لقبه السومري "غون - إيس" و يلفظ بالعربية يون- إيس و يختصر الى يونس و قد حمل لقب سبأ الأكبر و جدّه كالبو حمل لقب سبأ الأول بعد توسع ملكه في الأرض و كالبو هو الملك كالب صاحب أو سيف حديد فتح به البلدان و يدعى سيف الملك كالب في ملحمة أبي زيد الهلالي الشعرية. أما ذو القرنين. بعث من الموت كروح قدس و معنها بالسومرية "أو" (مثل حرف الأو بالأنكليزية، و أوم بالسنسكريتية و بتاح بالهيروغليفية و أيضاً أوم و "الروح القدس" في اللغات الأوروبية. أبنه سارغون حمل لقب سبأ الأوسط و خلال رحلاته الثلاث و فتوحاته في الأرض حمل لقب الملك " تبـّع الأكبر " لأنه كان يقوم بتهجير الشعوب من المناطق القاحلة الى الخصبة ذات الأنهار و الوديان...تبعته شعوب الأرض فسمّي " تبـّع " و هو النبي آيوب عليه السلام...نكشف هن هويتهما أول مرة. لذا نهى الرسول يلّى الله عليه و سلّم أصحابه قائلاً : " لا تسيّوا تبـّعاً فقد كان رجلاً صالحاً ". كنية الرجل الصالح أطلقت على الأنبياء في القرآن الكريم. الشعوب عبدتهما في فترات الشرك و الأب يحمل أيضاً لقب الروح القدس فهما "الأب و الأبن و الروح القدس" و الثلاثة في واحد و الدليل على ذلك مكتوب في مسلّة سارغون بالسومرية "أنا و أبي واحد" ...و هذا قول سارغون العظيم ذو القرنين و ليس قول السيّد المسيح كما يذكر الأنجيل. الأثنان يمثلان الثالوث المقدس الروماني المتمثل بالإله "جانوس "، أة الملك جان...رسموه بهيئة رجل له وجه رحل شاب من الأمام و وجه رجل كهل من الخلف و الكهل هو الروح القدس بعد بعثه...و الثلاثة في واحد و هذا هو أصل عقيدة التثليث التي أدخلها الرومان على المسيحية في القرن الرابع الميلادي و فرضت بحد السيف على شعوب سواحل البحر المتوسط و أوروبا. حقائق تكشف لأول مرة.
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
تصحيح المعلومات في هذا الفيلم : الى الدقيقة 15:07 في علم الفيزياء الفلكية و الفيزياء الجزيئية، المادة المضادة لها شحنة مضادة أو معاكسة لشحنة المادة العادية و هي مادة غير منتجة على نطاق كبير و تجري محاولات لتصنيعها مختبرياً ...المعروف عنها أنها لا توجد حرّة طليقة على سطح الأرض أو جوفها لأنها تنفجر لملامستها الجليد و الماء و الهواء أو أية مواد أخرى. على سبيل المثال يعتقد العلماء أن إتحاد البوزيترون ، أى الأليكترون المضاد، مع البروتون المضاد ( أنتي بروتون) يشكلان فرضياً الهيدروجين المضاد. علماء الفلك يعتقدون نظرياً بوجود المادة المضادة في أطراف الكون البعيدة فقط بشكل طليق حيت لا مادة سواها . و تتحرر نتيجة الأنفجارت الكونية النووية التي تحصل نتيجة إرتطام النجوم و المجرات ببعضها البعض و لكن المادة المضادة تفنى لحظة الأنفجار...و جودها حرة في أطراف الكون مفترض الحصول في اللحظة الأولى من نشوء الكون. ...و هي فرضية علمية لم تثبت بعد. تصنيعها في مختبرات التعجيل الأرضية (مختبر في سويسرا و الأخر في الولايات المتحدة) صعب جداً و من نفايات الأنفجارات النووية التي تفرزها أشعة غاما. هذه الرواية في الفيلم لا تخدمنا و تعرضنا الى المزيد من الإتهامات التي نحن في غنى عنها الآن.
@AhmedTheBarbarian 8 жыл бұрын
This is how the liars are exposed. This guy does not even know basics of Arabic. Dhu means 'possessor' or 'one who (has)'. The 'ain' after Qarn shows this is dual i.e two horns. Dhul-Qarnain can be translated as "Possessor of two horns" or "One with two horns". Qarnain is the majrur form or Qarnaan.
@barbarasaleh9796 6 жыл бұрын
thu al-qarnain can also mean the man or the person of the two centuries. Qarn also means century.
@braun786 6 жыл бұрын
In the Quran Qarn is used to refer to age never for horns and this is the benchmark we should use to interpret the Quran. So the man is a sign for 2 ages. The one that is gone and the age that is to come.
@alammasood 6 жыл бұрын
Thats what he is saying Ahmed. Two horns is referred to as two ends of the worm holes. Google worm holes please and you will see two openings which may be refereed to two horns. This means he was called zulqarnain because he could open worm holes to other galaxies.
@thelion2087 2 жыл бұрын
The only way to get authentic narrations about anyone including DHUL QARNAIAN is from the school of Ahalbayt. Directly from the household of the prophet. Don’t take in any of these none sense so called “historical facts” if you’re a Muslim than you should know the prophet told us any knowledge you may need than attend to my Ahalbayt. Enough with the gibberish
@NotIntoBeingWellKnown_3768 Жыл бұрын
Dhulqarnayn is mentioned little in details in the quran. Wish to know more about him
@amiratalzohoor6605 10 жыл бұрын
May Allah bless u ,an i always pray for u ,an i have a suggestion why dont u have a facebook page it Will be better Coz nowdays Ppl are most time on facebook so ur knowledge Will be published quickly on facebook :)
@frensil9354 7 жыл бұрын
Put more lectues in english!
@beneenqasim 10 жыл бұрын
بارك الله بيك وزادك علم. عندي سؤال وانا اسمع حديثك. انا قريت كتير عن قصة جاجوج وما جوج. ولكن لم اسمع باي من التفاصيل الي ذكرتها حضرتك. هل تستطيع ان تذكر المصدر الي تستخرج منه معلوماتك وجزاك الله خيرا
@yaserm.majednahhas4302 3 жыл бұрын
هذه الجاهل ليس لديه اي مصدر.. الا اذا كنت تعتبر حكايات ما قبل النوم من جدتي مصدر
@lol43399 7 жыл бұрын
i wanna smoke what hes smoking
@OmarLaghari 7 жыл бұрын
Ace D Shakur hahahaha.. So true.. This guy is a joker.
@therewasmoretwm8711 6 жыл бұрын
Ace D Shakur hes smoking the hubbly Bubbly on edgware road whilst eyeing up the asian girls who sneaked out from papas house huehuehue
@KimikarazonGardening 4 жыл бұрын
@majorpremise 3 жыл бұрын
Salaam aleikum, I can already see all the ultra-literalists (i.e. Wahhabiyyah and their supporters) are infuriated in the comment section by this lecture...this means you're doing something right...LOL...Keep up the good work bro!!!
@abduleve8688 3 жыл бұрын
What do you mean by Ultra literalists? Do you mean the people who follow only what is written in Islamic literature being the Qur'an and Hadith such as Muhammad and his Sahabas? If that's what you mean then do you know all other sins such as that which created other religions and shirk etc is when people started saying and following things outside the Qur'an and Hadith.
@deem3794 3 жыл бұрын
@@abduleve8688 you know what he means “wahhabi”
@ISLAMFOREVERYONE415 3 жыл бұрын
Masha allah deep insights deep knowledge
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
صحيح المعلومات في هذا الفيلم : الى الدقيقة 8:27 رابعاً: الحكمة لا تعني أبداً القدرة على الشفاء فقط...أضف المعرفة بالعلوم و القدرة على الحكم بالعدل و فهم الأشياء بسرعة. الحكمة هبة الله لرسله و أنبيائه و لعباده الصالحين "و لوطاً آتيناه حكماً و علما"، فهي تؤتى و لا تكتسب. فيقال صار حكيمًا ، بمعنى أن تصدر أعمالُه وأقوالُه عن رويّة ورأي سديد و الحكمة في معجم المعاني معرفةُ أفضل الأشياء بأَفضل العلوم و ضَبْطُ النَّفْسِ وَالتَّرَوِّي...الخ. في عام 2674ق.م. إختفى الأمبراطور السومري موس بن سارغون ذو القرنين عليه السلام و بقي عرش سومر بلا وريث شرعي و مجلس حكماء سومر إنتخب نينجيشزيدا ، وزير سارغون و موس و مستشارهما و زوج أينهيدوانا أبنهة عمه سارغون ليحكم الأرض رغم أنه لم يمتلك الحق الإلهي في الحكم، الأمبراطورية التي أسسها سارغون ذو القرنين في الأرض كلها و فترة حكمه من2751- 2689ق.م. نينجيشزيدا عند العرب هو لقمان الحكيم أو لقمان أبن الملك عاد الثاني (أورده الطبري في تأريخ الأمم و الملوك) أو الملك العقرب الثاني و ترجمته الى السومرية هي لقب "أكاد = آك + عاد = الملك العقرب. و سارغون العظيم هو من حمل لقب "أكاد" في الألواح السومرية. الرواية العربية عن لقمان: ما رأيك يا لقمان لو جعلك الله خليفة في الأرض؟ ..قال: لو خيّرني لرفضت و إن أجبرني لقبلت. قالوا: لمَ يا لقمان؟ أجاب: الحاكم لو حكم بالعدل كوال فترة حكمه فبالكاد ينجو بجلده و إن أخطأ بواحدة، وحد طريقه الى جهنم. نام لقمان و غطته الملائكة بالحكمة فلما إستيقظ نطق بها ... و لذلك لقّبوه بالأسوَد...أة الحكيم...أنظر معنى "أسْوّدد" في معجم المعاني...لم يكن زنجياً بل شديد البياض و من سلالة صقور الشمس السومرية. فقد أوتي الحكمة و لم يؤت النبوة لأن والده كوماربي (الأخ الأكبر لسارغون أو أيوب من زوجة أبيه الأولى ) كان كافراً و حليفاً للملك النمرود و ملكاً نائباً على أور و حمل لقبه السومري " با - أور " بمعنى ملك أور...و لذا قالت العرب أن لقمان بن باعور. أما تفسير كون لقمان أبن أخت آيوب عند المسلمين فبسيط : كوماربي والد نينجيشزيدا تزّوج من الأميرة السومرية بابا التي حملت لقب نينليل و أخو سارغون تزوّج شقيتها الصغرى أينانا و بذا يصبح سارغون أو آيوب أخاً للأميرة بابا بموجب الشريعة السومرية أو بموجب القانون كما في الغرب اليوم. الأميرة بابا أنجبت لكوماربي ثلاثة أبناء و ثلاث بنات و نينجيشزيدا أحدهم. و لهذا السبب قالت العرب أن لقمان أبن أخت آيوب عليه السلام. لقمان الحكيم في الميثولوجيا الفرعونية حمل لقب الحكيم ثوث. في الميثولوجيا الأغريقية خمل لقب الحكيم هيرميس أو الإله هيرميس كما يسميه الأغريق. (الأمبراطور موس خليفة سارغون حمل لقب " تموز" الحفيد في الميثولوجيا السومرية، راعي خصوبة التربة و الذي بعث من الموت، هو عند اليهود العزير و عند العرب بشر بن آيوب عليهما السلام و لقبه العربي ذو الكفل الذي أمانه الله مائة عام ثم بعثه. و آيوب بالسومرية "يو- با " بمعنى الأمبراطور الشجاع. و عند مقارنة سارغون الى آيوب : كلاهما عاش 93 عام، كلاهما تمرّض في جلده و مرضه أقعده عن الحركة، كلاهما تركته زوجته، كلا زوجتيهما قصّت شعرها، كلاهما كانا يُزاران من قبل أخويهما أثناء المرض، كلاهما كانا يطعمان الجياع في الأرض..كلاهما كان له أبناء كثيرون يقومون بمساعدته في إطعام الناس ، أبناء سارغون 2 من صلبه و لكن جميع ملوك الأقاليم الكبرى و الصغرى و المدن كانوا بمثابة الأبناء في العرف السومري و كلاهما كان له المال و الطعام...و كلاهما فقد الجاه و المال و السلطان هلال مرضه). أما العلاج بالماء فهذا علم و ليس حكمة و مؤخراً توصل عالم الماء الياباني ماسارو أيموتو الى أن المياه القديمة المتجمدة من ملايين السنين في الكهوف على الحدود الباكستانية- الصينية في أرض قبيلة الهونزا الباكستانية تشفي جميع الأمراض و حتى السرطان. و لقمان الحكيم أخذ علوم الطب و طب الأعشاب و النبات عن جده الخضر عليه السلام و عن سارغون و زوجته أينانا الذان ربيانه في بيتهما و كان في الحرب الحاسمة ذد والده كوماربي و حليفاً لسارغون. و السلام
@avrod3631 9 жыл бұрын
Well...this knowledge is revolutionizing. May Allah teach us its application.
@IhsaanAbrahams 4 жыл бұрын
If its not in the Quran or Hadith then where is it from? and how authentic is that source?
@yaserm.majednahhas4302 3 жыл бұрын
fountain of youth! that definitely reminds me of some disney movies I used to watch when I was a kid!
@mahmoudisfahani8420 3 жыл бұрын
The authority between two world as well as two times is most definition of Zulqarnain.
@tousiefahmed9040 3 жыл бұрын
Good lecture. This makes me think out of box. I heard Sahil Adeem from Pakistan, even he thinks out of box.
@aceclipse Жыл бұрын
please share sources of literature used for this lecture
@jaankhan23 7 жыл бұрын
23:40 actually the same combination of joints that makes our hand and arm in the birds it makes their leg. and the combination of joints that makes our leg in the birds it makes their wing. so they have hands on which they stand but the birds in reality don't have legs it has evolved as their wings.
@Hotchips1 8 жыл бұрын
In the Ancient Map you had kosh on top and Magog straight underneath. And to the left of Magog you had the Ashkanazis. What I have mentioned here are facts that people can actually research and are not some made up fantasy story. And I mean no disrespect to my brother and learned companion Mohammad Moussa .
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
تصحيح المعلومات في هذا الفيلم : الى الدقيقة11:11 ذو القرنين أبن الخضر عليه السلام و ليس أبن عمه.
@neemor1 5 жыл бұрын
Zul means Reliable or Steadfast. Qara means Black or Dark. Nayn means Eyes. So his name is an epithet - The man with steadfast black eyes or the black eyed reliable man. My humble submission.
@asnwoa8280 3 жыл бұрын
I am good friends with the Saudi Arab royal family..we alvast talk about this and we know it is in what You call the Antarctica.. your compass 🧭 points to it everyday since at least 5000+ years
@zaidsmith2827 5 жыл бұрын
I can't believe that this man is allowed to talk about islam... When they talk about Ali as if he is a prophet then I get very upset
@abisbaris9997 9 жыл бұрын
Where do u get these stories from.. I'm very curious about ur original sources. Uve connected some strange dots for me
@adnanfromthekingdomofbosni9911 8 жыл бұрын
+abis baris no answer, a little bit strange to me
@abisbaris9997 8 жыл бұрын
+Adnan from the Kingdom of Bosnia Ma iszmišlja bro haha
@user-sj5py1tt3j 3 жыл бұрын
They are all based from Qur'an and Hadith and science. Reflect upon these sources and you'll understand where he gets his information
@MrHassantrisl 8 жыл бұрын
Good story some them like a fairly tales, misleading quotes may be as I can see negative comments, all over its was an entertaining :) I really enjoyed
@earthqwest 9 жыл бұрын
Can you explain the story of the fish coming to life where the two water meet? Musa a.s was looking for Kidr a.s. Sound like he did not know where the water of life was! So he had to go back. It makes a lot of sense!
@truehikma 3 жыл бұрын
fish represents knowledge and that was why it disappeared because Musa attained it.
@QF756 6 жыл бұрын
It’s good to have some perspective, as long as the scholars have right akhida.
@bugginyaear 7 жыл бұрын
Bismillah. They are 'IN' the earth brother! Unfortunately we were all deceived growing up, starting with many aspects of our education system, with the main deception being they taught us the earth was a globe since we were in kindergarten. when in fact we come to find out that our earth is flat and stationary. I believe everything you've said just now is in accordance with what I've been looking into regarding the north pole and the sacred waters there. This is amazing brother. I know of a group of people planning an expedition there in 2019 solely for that reason. I'm glad I came across this video. Would love to be able to talk with you about this brother! So let me just ever-so briefly cover a few key points about the flat earth theory. --the sun is not as big, nor as far as we've been taught. --the moon does not reflect the sun's light. it is self luminating and has its own phases regardless of it's position in the sky. --Space in reality is (most probably water, with the 'firmament' covering us like a celestial sphere, wherein the constellations also reside and revolve around the north pole star, Polaris, and NEVER have chance positions ever, as observed by amateur telescopes and high-zoom cameras --We are arrogant to think we can somehow see stars that are thousands of LIGHT YEARS away from us, with our naked eyes even! They are not as far as we've been taught. This is demonstratable with star time-lapse photography. --Light travels instantly. There is no 8 minute delay from the sun. --Gravity is the huge big fat lie that is really the ONLY thing keeping this globe theory alive. We do not need the 'theory' of gravity to explain the LAWS of density and buoyancy. --The horizon is always flat, no matter how high you go up. There has never been any supposed proof ofany curvature, whatsoever, other then their imaginary math fitting their planned deception. --The higher you go up, if on a ball, the horizon should fall away from you. It never does. the horizon ALWAYS raises to your eye level- so matter how high you go. Amateur ballons with cameras and without gopro lenses have proven this. --Ships that disappear in the ocean bottoms first reappear in full view with a Nikon P900 camera. --All of these space missions are fake. Sorry to break it to all the space fans, but they've been faking space missions ever since the inception of NASA, when they brought the Nazi German scientists over and they were the ones running NASA, because they had technology- since Hitler and the Nazis were obsessed with both the north and south poles.... --Stanley Kubrick was the film maker who faked the moon landing. --Disney was a big part of pushing the idea of space travel. --The South pole is in reality, is not just a continent. It's what surrounds our whole earth. There is prob a small ice wall, but there may be more land beyond our little 'celestial sphere' so-to-speak. The North pole is in the center, along with the vortex you mentioned, which has also been fabled to have had the original tree of life as well- but it has been theorized by some that we had enormous, monumental trees some time ago.. which would make sense if there were really giants in existence, since organisms like us may grow big if the oxygen content in the atmosphere is increased, while also making people healthier, and live much longer --The Antarctica Treaty was formed directly after Admiral Byrd expedition to the South pole, and now it's closely guarded and not anyone can just freely pass --I need more of my brothers and sisters in Islam to wake up to this! --I need to be able to talk to more intelligent muslims who are open to talking about these things without being attached to the dunya and it's deceptions- with one of the biggest ones being gravity. This is the 'gravity of what we have to overcome.. Lol.. Salam!
@crictube6846 5 жыл бұрын
I think you just watched inception!
@HassounaKhalil 10 жыл бұрын
Please send me your mail, I want any answer to differents questions → "biologie" , plants...
@KanatEleyoun 10 жыл бұрын
@rokumura8 5 жыл бұрын
A3udubi'Llahi min ashaytan alrajeem. ALLAH YHDIKUM.
@Hotchips1 8 жыл бұрын
Dhulqarnayn means the Ruler of the East and West or also meaning the King of North and South. Just As the Pharaohs carried Both Staff to indicate thier Rulership of the North and South. And Magog Brothers and sisters was a name of the people who lived in Magog.They where the people of Magog.. Magog is still called so in the ancient Map of the world. Just as Medein the land of the jews was todays Saudia Arabia. joj(GoG) were the Powerfull Ju-Juan tribes of Mangolia...
@kamilzakri 3 жыл бұрын
dhu al-qarnayn, the possessor of two ages. what if i said that is a title of one empire, not a man. the empire that i meant is han dynasty, they have 13 kings in east and 13 kings in west. they built chinese great wall to against mongol, they have seem a rising sun from dark sea at japan.
@aminahayat9567 7 жыл бұрын
Alexander was not Zulkarnain he was before the time of Alexander
@srali7609 6 жыл бұрын
Ahhh his a Shia lol no wonder what he's saying sounded fishy
@saqibhanif4590 4 жыл бұрын
Please share more of your scholarly wisdom ... I hope for your sake you will have the hatred in your heart cleansed.
@majorpremise 3 жыл бұрын
Easy Wahhabi
@JohnGeometresMaximos Жыл бұрын
Dhul-Qarnayn is Alexander the Great. The Quran plagiarized the Syrian Alexander Romance text.
@fatoumatad1356 6 жыл бұрын
what a wisedom from Allah to this man!
@ahmadaliabdullah1827 9 жыл бұрын
it shocks one who doesnt reflect.
@mrbwatson8081 6 жыл бұрын
If you work hard enough on someone you can make the believe just about anything and this guy is trying so hard bless him. I’d rather read lord of the rings and believe that
@sumerlandedin9098 9 жыл бұрын
تصحيح المعلومات في هذا الفيلم ثانياً: الى الدقيقة 5:10.... التفسير لمغزى تسمية "ذو القرنين" ذو القرنين غير مقنع و لا علاقة له بتشبيهه بسيف ذو الفقار...سارغون العظيم ذو القرنين 2780- 2689ق.م. كان ملكاً سومرياً (حكم بعد النمرود من 2751- 2689ق.م.) يضع القرنين في خوذته دليل إنتمائه الى قبيلة الثوريم السومرية العربية و منها سلالة صقور الشمس الملكية الذهبية السومرية صاحبة الحق الإلهي في حكم البشرية الذي منحه الخالق عزّ و جلّ لنوح عليه السلام و أصلابه البكر نزولاً و المنصوص عليه في ألواح القدر السومرية...و لهذا ذكر السومريون أن " الملوكية أنزلت من السماء "....وضع القرنين على خوذة الرأس هو للدلالة و التعريف بهويته و حقه المشروع في الحكم...و اللقب ورثه عن أبيه و جده الأمبراطور توك 2810- 2795. و جميع ملوك الأقاليم التابعين له من سلالته وضعوا القرنين حتى بات تقليداً مألوفاً لملوك الأرض من اليابان غرباً الى الأمريكتين. أسم القبيلة بالعربية "الثيران" أورده الطبري في كتابه تأريخ الأمم و الملوك - ج1 لضخامة أجسامهم و قوة أبدانهم و القبيلة من قبائل العمليق ال25 التي ذكرها الكبري بأسمائها...و طولهم ضعف طول الرجل العادي.
@amersultan5409 3 жыл бұрын
Masha allah
@yaserm.majednahhas4302 3 жыл бұрын
wormholes do not work in the morning 🤣🤣🤣😲
@rlensrlens2575 5 жыл бұрын
اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُم, Very true, my Allah our Allah love all of us that why Allah make us as a khalifah. Time is running up and we don't feel it's came to the finishing but not ending, that kind gong n magong gonna kill anything n every thing to rules our world n take over our place as a khalifah n as a khalifah we rulers our life (that mean this world). Come on join us in islam n accept love from Allah n fall in love to Allah that the only one truely love to all of us. I pray, i wish n hope fully Allah guid us n give you, me n all of us hidayah; insyaAllah, aaminn ya Haiyum aaminn ya Qaiyum aaminn ya Allah.
@msiuser 8 жыл бұрын
i want to know one thing about Hazrat Khidar and Hazrat zulkar nain A.S. the difference between Hazrat Mausa A.S and Hazrat Isa A.S is 1400 years, and was old or at least older than Hazrat Mausa A.S. on there other hand, Hazrat zulkar main A.S came i believe few hundred years after Hazrat Mausa A.S, when he freed jews from Nabukadnazar or i would close to Hazrat Isa A.S, so how come Hazrat Khidar was even alive the time of Hazrat zulkar nain A.S? please answer this question. thank you
@asifmarzuk8105 5 жыл бұрын
May Allah give this man true wisedome...... Allah Jallah Shanhu.. gave authority on Jinn only to Prophet Sulaiman A.S ... not to Imam Ali (PBH) or Dhul quarnin... this is basic knowledge... haiz
@adeshmahtmaliash8527 5 жыл бұрын
@safaaatassi897 9 жыл бұрын
Where do you get your knowledge?
@truncate280 5 жыл бұрын
Magnetic north shifting by 30 miles a year, might signal pole reversal The magnetic pole is moving faster than at any time in human history.
@TrueEyes 4 жыл бұрын
Yes thats true. Can you explain the shifting of physical poles?? Thats why Sun will rise from the west and many hidden secrets will be unfolded
@yaserm.majednahhas4302 3 жыл бұрын
for a wise man, how could he lose his fish 😂😂😂
@siall123 6 жыл бұрын
it's a capacitor thing in layers in a a charger it's a transformer from 230v to 19v depending on region and laptop but the word your looking for is a die electric insulated
@yaserm.majednahhas4302 3 жыл бұрын
who said that Luqman can heal people with water?? it is not mentioned in quran nor sunah
@urimiy93 6 жыл бұрын
Dhulkarejn is the one who build chinese wall.Its described at Risale Nur
@yaserm.majednahhas4302 3 жыл бұрын
sword of Ali was for humans and other spirit creatures😂😂
@muhaiman22 10 жыл бұрын
This video blew my mind.
@OmarLaghari 7 жыл бұрын
Mikel1988 hahahahaha
@adnanfromthekingdomofbosni9911 8 жыл бұрын
A Selam Eleikum Could it be that Dhul Qarnayn ( peace be upon him ) was a Bosnian king 13.000 years ago in Bosnia? I ask this because we have pyramids in Bosnia and the stone is dated very old. Also the Pyramid is closed with a lot of stone. Every Entrance is closed with stones. We are opening this pyramid now. Could magog and gog be here? Cyrus the great and Alexander the great could not have been Dhul Qarnayn is my opinion, because they did not have two horns and Alexandar was also gay. I do think that maybe he was a Bosnian King very long ago off who we do not have any records. Haplogroup I is the only native European DNA group and highest percentage is in Bosnia. Is this possible? Selam
@puppetmasternostringsonme8293 5 жыл бұрын
My friend if the whole Balkan only knew the true history !
@alamin104 8 жыл бұрын
this guy is genious
@kakareviews 4 жыл бұрын
Well, there's nothing shocking or new. This guy is claiming that his explanation is "for the first time", for which he must read numerous scholars from Asia ( Urdu) then claim that he has found new knowledge. He is somehow right but not fully. I have quite insight into this topic. 1. No proof that dhul-qarnain is cousin of Khidr. 2. He completely ignored the Devil's Sea of Japan where Dajjal is claimed to be tied. 3. The walls of magnetic fields is already been explained by scholars earlier.
@TheAdhraYahyai 8 жыл бұрын
all this is conjecture, where is your proof?????????
@akirayokohama8436 6 жыл бұрын
Truth hurts hard To you conjecture Wether any thing he says or not true we all know Imam Ali a.s is the successor of Mohammad pbuh+hf and this is the decree of of Allah SWT.
@TrueEyes 4 жыл бұрын
@@akirayokohama8436 Who says Ali(ra) was the successor of Muhammad(pbuh)? In what sense?
@lastofAdyingBreed81 7 жыл бұрын
the only problem... that I heard... is that... Yajuj and Majuj...are children of Adam.... and the proof is.. when Rasullullah sullallahu alaiyhi was sallem.... relayed the story of Adam... when Allah told him to separate the portion of his descendents for the hell fire.... and he asked Allah... what is the portion. ...Allah said... 1 /999 go to Jennah.... that disturbed the Sahaba.... and Rasullullah sullallahu alaiyhi was sallem read that on their face.... and said.. Yajuj and majuj... counts for 900 of the 99... can u rectify that?
@MyRastafa 3 жыл бұрын
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