Akhil Gogoi' s demand is cleared that what was or what is received from Meghalaya, with datas or respective informations of land received from Meghalaya is necessary to apprise as demand as Akhil Gogoi. It was very easy to enter , reflect what are received fr. Meghalaya in the paper for necessary appraisal. Few rulling party MLAs are seen to Control Akhil Gogoi jointly, are they entitled to do so in stead of Chairman???
" Ism " is reflected in the floor of the House.কাগজত লিখি নিদিয়া দিশটোহে গগৈৱে দাবী কৰিছে। মাটি দিয়াটো লিখিছে, সেইদৰে মাটি লাভ কৰাটো লিখি নিদিয়াটো হে কৈ আছে গগৈয়ে। ভূমি পোৱাটো লিখি দিয়াত চৰকাৰৰ আনন্দ আছে, তাকে লিখি দিয়া নাই, কথাটো কি???