Thanks for the step by step clearly stated instructions. I like the way the class is included in the discussion and how you draw information from them. It helped me to feel like I was part of the class.
@areejbowirrat68187 жыл бұрын
!!!!!!! extraordinary professor
@Chaingz Жыл бұрын
1:02 a guy said "yeah" in the deepest voice
@romanbecher69613 жыл бұрын
Thank you for currently saving my butt with all this online learning shtuff
@harmonyae70336 жыл бұрын
what about air resistance for the car?
@yoprofmatt6 жыл бұрын
Good point. We can lump that in with friction, but ideally we would write a separate force vector for air resistance (or drag). Cheers, Dr. A
@ibo81118 жыл бұрын
Hi I think how can stop the ecceleration is the police
@ibo81118 жыл бұрын
I like the explication
@frankdimeglio82162 жыл бұрын
Since gravity cannot be shielded (or blocked), it has to be fundamentally BALANCED with (or equivalent to) what is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy regarding what is invisible AND VISIBLE SPACE in BALANCE. This CLEARLY explains the fourth dimension AND the term c4 from Einstein's field equations (along WITH E=mc2 AND F=ma). Indeed, consider what is a TWO dimensional surface OR SPACE ON BALANCE. (So, ON BALANCE, consider what is THE EYE.) The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE, AND consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense ON BALANCE, as BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental (ON BALANCE). By Frank DiMeglio Boris Stoyanov is a super bright and an HONEST physicist. He has agreed that the following writing (and I quote) is "crystal clear": "ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. This is proven by F=ma AND E=mc2. Accordingly, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. "Mass"/energy involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance consistent with/as what is balanced ELECTROMAGNETIC/GRAVITATIONAL force/energy, as electromagnetism/energy is gravity. Gravity IS electromagnetism/energy. That objects fall at the same rate (neglecting air resistance, of course) PROVES that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Think about it. By Frank DiMeglio” Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE on balance, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity ON/IN BALANCE. This explains F=ma AND E=mc2. This ALSO explains why the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. Inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). This explains F=ma AND E=mc2. I have truly (and fundamentally) revolutionized what is our understanding of physics/physical experience. By Frank DiMeglio The following provides overwhelming, CLEAR, BALANCED, precise, consistent, additional, and extensive proof that I have now mathematically unified physics. (I have surpassed Newton and Einstein.) My answer to Why is it that only Dongfang can perfectly realize the unity of macro and micro quantum theory and prove that LIGO's gravitational waves are lies (ORCID)? Frank DiMeglio's answer to Why is it that only Dongfang can perfectly realize the unity of macro and micro quantum theory and prove that LIGO's gravitational waves are lies ( in Historical Physics
@yoprofmatt2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for chiming in. Cheers, Dr. A
@frankdimeglio82162 жыл бұрын
@@yoprofmatt THE MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL PROOF THAT E=MC2 IS DIMENSIONALLY CONSISTENT WITH ONE AND WHAT IS A TWO DIMENSIONAL SURFACE OR SPACE ON BALANCE, THEREBY PROVING THAT ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY PROVEN TO BE GRAVITY (ON/IN BALANCE): This also clearly proves ON balance that E=mc2 is directly taken from F=ma. Magnificent. Gravity is a property of SPACE ON BALANCE. It involves adherence or cohesion. So, BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental ON BALANCE. Accordingly, ON BALANCE, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. Consider what is the man who IS standing on what is THE EARTH/ground (ON BALANCE). What is the blue sky ON BALANCE? This IS the blue EARTH AS this is expressed on balance WITH (or equivalently by) what is the eye. The translucent AND blue sky is consistent with what is BALANCED BODILY/VISUAL (AND electromagnetic/gravitational) EXPERIENCE ON BALANCE, as touch AND feeling BLEND; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY (AND necessarily) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). GREAT. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE, AND consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE !! Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. E=mc2 IS F=ma ON BALANCE, AS the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY (AND necessarily) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). The tides are CLEARLY and necessarily proven to be electroMAGNETIC/gravitational ON BALANCE. I have also CLEARLY explained (ON BALANCE) why THE PLANETS move away very, very, very, very slightly in relation to WHAT IS THE SUN !! I have explained why WHAT IS THE EYE beholds what is then (ON BALANCE) WHAT IS THE BLUE EARTH. Notice the associated black “space” AND DOME regarding what is the eye. Again, the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE. ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). Very carefully consider what is THE SUN ON BALANCE !! E=mc2 IS F=ma. Again, I have proven AND explained why the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. Gravity cannot be shielded (or blocked) ON BALANCE. What is quantum gravity is CLEARLY fundamental ON BALANCE. Gravity is CLEARLY fundamental ON BALANCE. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental ON BALANCE. Define “mass". You cannot. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental. E=mc2 is taken directly from F=ma. CLEARLY, gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky !! Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. GREAT. You have to CLEARLY AND fully understand what E=mc2 means and represents ON BALANCE. We want to understand the dimensions in a seamless (or balanced) fashion in relation to gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy (including what is E=mc2). Consider one AND three dimensional SPACE ON BALANCE. Consider what is the fourth dimension ON BALANCE. NOW, consider all of the following. Consider what is E=mc2. CLEARLY, you have to understand what is a TWO dimensional surface OR SPACE ON BALANCE. c squared CLEARLY represents BALANCED acceleration in conjunction WITH what is NECESSARILY a dimension of SPACE ON BALANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE, AND consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. This CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. Carefully consider what is THE EYE ON BALANCE. Great. Consider what is gravity AND E=mc2 ON BALANCE. TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves (ON BALANCE) that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity, AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma ON BALANCE. Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma ON BALANCE; AS the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Accordingly, ON BALANCE, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma ON BALANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Accordingly, ON BALANCE, it makes perfect sense that THE PLANETS (including WHAT IS THE EARTH) will move away very, very, very slightly in relation to what is THE SUN !!! ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity, AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma ON BALANCE. Inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY, as this balances gravity AND inertia; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma ON BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. GREAT. By Frank DiMeglio
@frankdimeglio82162 жыл бұрын
The ultimate mathematical definition of what is BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is F=ma AND E=MC2 (ON/IN BALANCE): UNDERSTANDING WEIGHT AS BALANCED AND INTERACTIVE INERTIA/INERTIAL RESISTANCE: Define “mass”. You cannot. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental. Weight ultimately pertains to and involves what is BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. E=mc² is F=ma. Energy has/involves GRAVITY, AND ENERGY has/involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. “Mass"/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. (Weight necessarily pertains to distance in/of SPACE.) Gravity AND weight are characterized by electromagnetic/gravitational interaction. NOTE: “Inertia" is not properly defined AND understood. The new/correct designation is inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. By Frank DiMeglio
@yoprofmatt2 жыл бұрын
Love it, thanks for chiming in. Cheers, Dr. A
@frankdimeglio82162 жыл бұрын
@@yoprofmatt Since gravity cannot be shielded (or blocked), it has to be fundamentally BALANCED with (or equivalent to) what is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy regarding what is invisible AND VISIBLE SPACE in BALANCE. This CLEARLY explains the fourth dimension AND the term c4 from Einstein's field equations (along WITH E=mc2 AND F=ma). Indeed, consider what is a TWO dimensional surface OR SPACE ON BALANCE. (So, ON BALANCE, consider what is THE EYE.) The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE, AND consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense ON BALANCE, as BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental (ON BALANCE). By Frank DiMeglio Boris Stoyanov is a super bright and an HONEST physicist. He has agreed that the following writing (and I quote) is "crystal clear": "ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. This is proven by F=ma AND E=mc2. Accordingly, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. "Mass"/energy involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance consistent with/as what is balanced ELECTROMAGNETIC/GRAVITATIONAL force/energy, as electromagnetism/energy is gravity. Gravity IS electromagnetism/energy. That objects fall at the same rate (neglecting air resistance, of course) PROVES that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Think about it. By Frank DiMeglio” Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE on balance, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity ON/IN BALANCE. This explains F=ma AND E=mc2. This ALSO explains why the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. Inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). This explains F=ma AND E=mc2. I have truly (and fundamentally) revolutionized what is our understanding of physics/physical experience. By Frank DiMeglio The following provides overwhelming, CLEAR, BALANCED, precise, consistent, additional, and extensive proof that I have now mathematically unified physics. (I have surpassed Newton and Einstein.) My answer to Why is it that only Dongfang can perfectly realize the unity of macro and micro quantum theory and prove that LIGO's gravitational waves are lies (ORCID)? Frank DiMeglio's answer to Why is it that only Dongfang can perfectly realize the unity of macro and micro quantum theory and prove that LIGO's gravitational waves are lies ( in Historical Physics
@frankdimeglio82162 жыл бұрын
CLEARLY, gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. E=mc2 is taken directly from F=ma. Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. Great. By Frank DiMeglio
@JoeMra14 жыл бұрын
I couldn't pay attention anymore once I realized that this dude is WRITING BACKWARDS!
@yoprofmatt4 жыл бұрын
JoeMra1, Not writing backwards (I'm not that talented). The board is called Learning Glass. You can check it out at Cheers, Dr. A
@JoeMra14 жыл бұрын
@@yoprofmatt That's still pretty cool, but you should have owned the writing backwards thing. that would have been epic!
@laleenshehzadikhan65946 жыл бұрын
how do they learn this stuff in high school its soooo easy!!!!!! in Pakistan its taught in grade 7/8.
@yoprofmatt6 жыл бұрын
Awesome! That gives me hope for humanity. Cheers, Dr. A