Wonderful to watch Jam & Film watching this together and their reactions and comments on the scene. Such handsome young guys who are genuine and natural together. 💝 love them and their awesome smiles that make you smile along with them. Stay happy and open always guys.
Repost with timestamps 0:27 F: What are u doing? 0:30 J: I'm digging. 0:32 J: See? 0:38 J: Mother-in-law's order 0:41 [Mother-in-law? So smooth] 0:47 F: What's up? You just got face fillers or something? 0:49 J: You mean the stern face? 0:59 J: Just keep watching 1:03 F: Here we go 1:09 F: You are quite something, Tien 1:11 J: Telling yourself? 1:13 F: Quite something. Whoa! 1:18 F: That's your brother's girl, dude. 1:26 F: What's wrong now, Lady Pinn? 1:32 J: I like that throbbing effect. 1:39 F: You are at my house~ 1:46 F: The weather is hot. ( Responding to Lady Pinn in the clip) 1:51 F: Here we go. Holding hands. Now what? Now what, Tien? 2:01 F: That's your bro's girlfriend, man. What now? 2:14 F: Just leave Chan there. You come back later 2:29 F: Go back to help... Why? Let her be for now. 2:36 F: Go help your girl first! Your mom's fine 2:41 J: Is Yang in a rescue team or something. He helps everyone. 2:47 F: He's a good samaritan 2:48 J: Just like me 2:52 F: (With a long pause) Right 3:03 F: Lady Pinn is not here! Who are you shouting for? She's not here. 3:09 J: What did he just see? 3:10 F: Water drops. 3:11 F+J : In red color 3:13 [They are called blood!] 3:17 F: Your brother's girl! 3:22 F: Brother's girl. Don't do that 3:26 J: Little brother is searching... 3:27 F: No! That's Yang's girl. 3:28 J: And big bro is about to force himself on her 3:30 [Will yang arrive in time?] 3:31 F: Don't! She's your brother's girlfriend. He'll see ya. Oops! 3:40 F: You are not Yang. Why are you here? 3:41 J: To help! 3:45 J: ..help Lady Pinn 3:48 F: If you are here for Lady Pinn why did you call for Tien? 3:50 J: Cuz I care 3:51 F: Care about who? 3:52 J: Care about Tien 3:52 [Helping Lady Pinn was just an excuse. The truth is he was worried about Tian] 4:18 F: Jeez. You left your bro just like that 4:22 F: You left your brother alone with a guy 4:25 F: What kind of person are you? You are being disrespectful to my parents. I have parents! You do this, you must tell your parents to arrange a marriage for me. 4:34 J: My(Jiu's) parents are dead 4:36 F: Give me compensation. 4:40 F: Give me all your pay. 4:43 F: He just doesn't think of doing a thing for me 4:44 J: There. He takes care. He's worried 4:52 F: He gains everything while I gains nothing 4:58 J: 'I'm hot.' Say it. 'I'm hot.' 5:02 F: 'I'm hot' 5:05 J: Getting you some water 5:13 F: Is it THAT hot!?!? Whoa, Tien... 5:20 F: Mr.Tien, you just can't keep your cool anymore 5:31 F: What now 5:34 J: See? Gentle. Cherish. 5:52 F: Readily undressed 5:54 [Don't need to be shy now] 5:57 Camera crew: In this scene, Ice Saranyu's song should pop 5:59 F+J: ( Singing ost. Just Love Enough from Ice Saranyu) 6:60 Camera crew: No, I mean Kon Jai Ngai (Someone who falls in love so easily. A song from Ice Saranyu) 6:11 J: ( Laughing) That was so unexpected. 6:12 F: Such a mood killer 6:20 F: I like men 6:21 J: You confessed first. You lost 6:26 F: You can only win against me in series 6:36 J: (Responding to the clip) Restrain yourself 6:38 F: Telling who? 6:39 J: Myself 6:48 J: Just go at it! 6:50 F: It's over, Mr. Tien. You submit to him this much. 7:00 F: You are brave, Mr.Tien. I give you my respects 7:24 F: 'Can I love you, Jiu?' 7:30 J: No response 7:32 J: It's inside 7:36 F: What now. 7:38 J: Do it already! 7:40 J: Come on! 7:41 F: You started it. See? You did! 8:06 F: You see, he always starts things. Not me. 8:10 J: You confessed to me first 8:12 F: That was all I did. But when it comes to action and what not you always make a move first 8:16 J: Fine. Fine. 8:18 F: You have to yield. 8:20 J: OK. Fine. 8:22 F: Yield to me. OK? 8:23 J: OK 8:23 [Got it? You giant pooch] 8:28 F: When we watch the show as an audience, it's like... 8:31 J: It feels different than when we were on the set. Just now it was like...so good. Everything was so beautiful, smooth and just right 8:40 F: It was their first love scene that, to me, was more like they were really open and communicating from their hearts without social status, financial differences or anything. It was more like that than just physical contact. 9:17 F: Just freeing myself. 9:20 F: So when we both, Film and Jam, have a chance we're gonna watch the series and do this for you guys again.
@numulan1112 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot 💐
@mona_lisa_smile66062 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the translation🙏💙
@khoalam11292 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for translation ❤
@leilatimeful2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! Film is funny even if you don’t understand what he’s saying. But with the translation, it’s even better. 😂
@miadelgado56092 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the translations so us English speakers can understand.