Assalamualaikum warahmatullah sahabat muslim. Dan Al Qur'an berlapis makna. Jika anda melihat al qur'an dengan kedua mata, maka anda akan melihat dunia. Jika anda melihat al qur'an dengan akal pikiran, Maka anda akan melihat ilmu pengetahuan . Jika anda melihat al qur'an dengan hati, maka anda akan menemukan kasih sayang. Jika anda melihat al qur'an dengan jiwa, maka anda akan melihat sang pencipta. By : Maulana Djalaluddin ar Rumi
@RibutWaidi-p8s9 күн бұрын
😮Alhamdulilah . Kulo sangking kenduruan Tuban . Sama alumni Hannya beda qinasis Allah .
@MohdSyafieTerlobouBaru5 күн бұрын
Assalam... Maaf gus sy cuman org biasa tapi lo kan kata junjungan besar kita Rasulullah SAW jangan banding²kan semua nabi Rasul semuanya sama saja kekasih Allah katanya kan, Maaf bukan berprasangka buruk ya teman², Wallahua'lam... #Mudah-Mudahan Kita Semua Cerdas selalu, Aamiin.
@LenaMarlena-o8u9 күн бұрын
Ssya sukaa dengar taklim gus Baha. Taklim nya bahasa indonesia jadi mengerti secara utuh.
@OrangGila-b9h9 күн бұрын
Masya allah..saya pengen jadi muridmu Gus🙏
@pujiastutik78745 күн бұрын
@Supriatin-p6p7 күн бұрын
Terima kasih banyak atas ilmunya Ustadz. Semoga Ustadz sehat selalu.
@pujiastutik78745 күн бұрын
@0xFF0A0A......3 күн бұрын
ALLAHU AKBAR !! 🇵🇸 FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakeel O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai, both of 'Ulama. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 פלסטין תהיה חופשית “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam HmEi7 Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 Remember; "zionism is dajjalism". ... https :// youtube. com/shorts/x2oWniEGGO0?lc=UgzXbLVWbrcFAwF9rm94AaABAg&si= https :// youtu. be/R3oGxGmLcDE?lc=UgwY4Ikx6Yhbu9f4EZ14AaABAg&si= https :// youtu. be/GpanKCcIAtY?lc=UgxePv9BvqJbN_WlyqN4AaABAg&si= https :// youtu. be/d5SQqNH8b64?lc=UgyDCsBBkGTUYOWNYPF4AaABAg&si= https :// youtu. be/GpanKCcIAtY?lc=UgwYFjux1MYxmJ9gXNN4AaABAg&si= Pinned this ... ☺️ 🇵🇸
@0xFF0A0A......3 күн бұрын
ALLAHU AKBAR !! 🇵🇸 FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakeel O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai, both of 'Ulama. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 פלסטין תהיה חופשית “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam HmEi7 Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 Remember; "zionism is dajjalism". ... https :// youtube. com/shorts/x2oWniEGGO0?lc=UgzXbLVWbrcFAwF9rm94AaABAg&si= https :// youtu. be/R3oGxGmLcDE?lc=UgwY4Ikx6Yhbu9f4EZ14AaABAg&si= https :// youtu. be/GpanKCcIAtY?lc=UgxePv9BvqJbN_WlyqN4AaABAg&si= https :// youtu. be/d5SQqNH8b64?lc=UgyDCsBBkGTUYOWNYPF4AaABAg&si= https :// youtu. be/GpanKCcIAtY?lc=UgwYFjux1MYxmJ9gXNN4AaABAg&si= Pinned this ... ☺️ 🇵🇸