我哋入英國喺有apply visa 𠺢,係合法合理入英國住.難民喺末經批准而佢哋係非法㗎。森爺你知唔知有分別㗎。唔好成日話香港人同非法入境者一視同仁。叫佢哋返回原居地再申請啦。
@serena200802028 сағат бұрын
It is an universal right to apply for refugee status. UK is part of the UN signatories to recognise people's right to apply for asylum. If the country of origin does not have an official embassy for people to apple, eg Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq etc, they have a right to apply in the UK after they have arrived. They will have to go through proper assessments before being accepted. If a person is deemed to be a refugee, it is not illegal to apply for asylum.
@lamfanny90816 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the info
@marychan46257 сағат бұрын
持bno visa 去英國嘅香港人係難民。如果唔使bno visa '你都可以去英國合法居留,咁你就唔係難民。其實所有香港人因反送中而可以去外居留都可以算難民。
@jts1702a13 сағат бұрын
Said (the name) is read 莎伊, and can be spelled in several variants like Saeed.
@redrooster5096Сағат бұрын
嚴格來說部份香港人是被「難民化」了!1985 HK Act推出前香港出生擁有香港永久居留權的香港人的身份是Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies,擁有British Passport,是可以在任何時候到英國定居,在HK Act 之後這個權利被剝奪了!