很多人只看到錢,都沒有想到有錢去上補習班自己也要努力唸啊! 這些孩子是真正的懂事,有更多的是待在語言學校很久申請不上好學校的,有些進了小學校混畢業後找不到工作的,不是有錢就可以和他們一樣。我看到的是這些孩子背後付出的努力! 要顧好學校三年課業(而且GPA 要很高!沒有半科是可以混的)課外活動也要花心力不能是沾醬油,還有托福、SAT …. 你們真的超級忙!幾點睡覺啊?家裏可以給予金援很好,但是態度成熟又努力才是決定一切👍 wish you all have a bright future ~
I suggest reaching out to a California resident and posing similar inquiries regarding tuition, dining expenses, and their approach to extracurricular activities. This could result in a highly successful episode.
To add onto applying for Ivy Leagues or any UC's , there's a bigger chance that they'll accept you if you have relatives/family who were alumnis from that college and if are an athlete, you may score a scholarship possibly. UCR grad here~ Met lots of Taiwanese friends here! :)
I am an UCLA alumni, and thanks to this video all the memories are back...😊... However in my humble opinion, I guess they were from TAS or somewhere similar, while these kids were in Taiwan....
10:55 If you find a part time job (maybe have to be on campus because of your student visa), you might be able to be considered a California resident the next year. Basically using last years tax records as proof that you work and live in the state.