Niagara Falls Marriott Fallsview Hotel & Spa Room Review | Best Falls View? | Ontario, Canada

  Рет қаралды 481

Nerds On The Go

Nerds On The Go

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 12
@triplej1975 20 күн бұрын
Wow - that view is worth the trip just to sit and watch! Amazing and gorgeous!! The Marriott is definitely the place to stay. Can't wait to see more videos from your trip.
@margielinn7369 22 күн бұрын
Your room and view were spectacular! Wow! Mom and Dad must have loved it too. Must be about 30 years since we went to Niagara Falls and it’s as beautiful as I remember it to be. Thanks for sharing! ❤️
@NerdsOnTheGo 21 күн бұрын
We were shocked by that view! Mom and dad absolutely loved it! We will definitely stay there next time we go! 💗
@margielinn7369 21 күн бұрын
@@NerdsOnTheGo that’ll be our choice too the next time we go there. Watching your travels makes us want to jump in the car and go! ❤️😂
@NerdsOnTheGo 21 күн бұрын
@margielinn7369 aww do it!!! We absolutely love seeing new places and traveling 😍
@margielinn7369 21 күн бұрын
@@NerdsOnTheGo we do too! Currently on the road to CT for Thanksgiving at our son and daughter in law’s. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 to you and your whole family!
@NerdsOnTheGo 21 күн бұрын
@@margielinn7369 that's great! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well! ❤️
@NaomisAdventures 22 күн бұрын
Looks like a nice hotel
@dpmart3275 22 күн бұрын
Nice place
@NerdsOnTheGo 21 күн бұрын
It was great! Thanks!
@docmemphis2760 2 күн бұрын
I heard the hotels there have tons of hidden fees you are basically compensating for the free entrance fee
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