Рет қаралды 154
Description English: Stem cells are able to change and transform into other types of cells found in the body. This process is cell differentiation and is in charge of the development of all of the cells in one’s body. This means that stem cells can differentiate into muscle cells, fat cells, bone cells, blood cells, nervous cells, epithelial cells, immune cells, sex cells, and more.
Date 10 June 2019
Source Own work
Author Haileyfournier
Descrição Bosanski: Izvor pluripotentne matične ćelije od embriona u razvoju.
Magyar: Pluripotent, embryonic stem cells originate as inner mass cells within a blastocyst. The stem cells can become any tissue in the body, excluding a placenta. Only the morula's cells are totipotent, able to become all tissues and a placenta.
Македонски: Пат на настанување и изолирање на матичните клетки.
Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Razvojne mogućnosti totipotentne i pluripotentne embionalne ćelije.
Српски / srpski: Развојне могућности тотипотентне и плурипотентне ембионалне ћелије.
Sunda: Sél sirung émbrionik pluripotén salaku sél massa jero dina blastosis. Sél sirung bisa jadi jaringan naon baé dina awak, iwal bali. Ukur sél morula nu totipotén nu bisa jadi sagala rupa sél kaasup bali.
ไทย: ภาพแผนผังสเต็มเซลล์.
中文:胚胎幹細胞(Embryonic Stem Cells)起源於囊胚(Blastocyst)內部細胞(Inner Mass Cells),為多能幹細胞,它可以成為任何組織,但不包括胎盤。只有桑椹胚(Morula)的細胞是全能的,可以成為所有組織或胎盤。 .
Data 3 de maio de 2006
Origem From English Wikipedia. Original description page is/was here.
Comment: The source of pluripotent stems cells from developing embryos. Original work by Mike Jones for Wikipedia.
Autor Mike Jones
Description English: Derive from File:HumanEmbryogenesis.svg, with some minor modifications.
Date 6 June 2018
Source Own work
Author Panzer VI-II
Description English: The first few weeks of embryogenesis in humans. Beginning at the fertilised egg, ending with the closing of the neural tube.
• overall: www.britannica....
• stages 2-6 from Gray's Anatomy plate 9 and www.ncbi.nlm.n... and openlearn.open....
• stage 7 from Johnson (2007) Essential Reproduction
• stage 8 from www.utm.utoront... and humupd.oxfordjo...
• stage 9 from www6.ufrgs.br/f... and embryology.med....
• stage 10 from Larsen WJ (1993) Human Embryology and Gilbert (2006) Developmental Biology (Fig 11.34)
• stages 11+12 from Gray's Anatomy plates 24-28 and scienceblogs.co...
Date 5 July 2010
Source SVG version of .
Author Zephyris
Description Português: Implantação do blastocisto - Modificado de MOORE, K. Embriologia Básica. 8ª Edição. Elsevier, 2013. 376p.
Date 27 June 2016
Source Own work
Author Vinicius Rubiano
Description English: ovarian follicles developement (correct) labelled in Galician
Source Own work
Author Miguelferig