Man, hier kan ik als Belg alleen maar jaloers op zijn. Wat een persoon, wat een charisma.
@mdejong0077 жыл бұрын
ben geen fvd fan, maar je kan gewoon niet ontkennen wat een geweldige vent die Theo is!
@Dutchbag14027 жыл бұрын
Waar heb je dit vandaan?
@mdejong0077 жыл бұрын
Blah b leg eens uit?
@paulwalker24127 жыл бұрын
Hij was een advocaat. De bedoeling van advocaten is om de client zo veel mogelijk te ontzien van vervolging. Of het nou om een fietsendiefstal gaat of om verkrachting. Daar kunnen sommige utopisten gewoon niet mee omgaan. Om het over advocaten doodschoppen te hebben toont gewoon pure onwetendheid over het rechtssysteem. Criminelen verdedigen, *iemand* moet het gewoon doen, anders werkt rechtspraak gewoon niet.
@influence53107 жыл бұрын
Paul Walker Daarin heb je gelijk. Soms kan ik het ook niet geloven wat advocaten doen om hun schuldige client vrij te spreken. Maar dat is zijn beroep. En wat je zegt, helaas is ons rechtssysteem niet perfect. Is geen utopie.
@smikkelbeer63527 жыл бұрын
Blah b Niet waar. Je hebt niet goed opgelet bij maatschappijleer zo te zien.
@vereenigdeoostindischecomp99327 жыл бұрын
Hij is echt een goede man.
@user-mv8zk2yk5d5 жыл бұрын
Nu is hij een goede man.
@howiespetsnaz54784 жыл бұрын
Niemand dat was hij al!
@duncan39982 жыл бұрын
@SimonSloototter4 жыл бұрын
Danai van Weerdenburg haalt bij mij, mijn woorden uit mijn mond. U bent een waardig woordvoerder en volksvertegenwoordiger van mij, mijn familie en van miljoenen andere Medelanders.
@dihermes885 жыл бұрын
I am a huge fan of the FvD, Theo Hiddema & Thierry Baudet they are the new heroes of Holland! Theo Hiddema is so intelligent and such a gentleman with a great sense of humour . . . success to both of them!
@Hertog1015 жыл бұрын
what must you with Nederlandse politiek now? hihi
@DmnMrtn7 жыл бұрын
Prachtig camerawerk en muziek ook.
@Maestrodhont5 жыл бұрын
@miekejilisen6704 жыл бұрын
Welke muziek?
@arthurribaudet5597 жыл бұрын
goede video. Mooi om de nieuwe kamerleden zo te zien, en het parlementsgebouw
@johnywolfs1045 жыл бұрын
Theo is een erg slimme man en Danai een heel mooie vrouw.
@JeanetteeeGirl7 жыл бұрын
Wat een spannend intro muziekje
@kravten70907 жыл бұрын
Een beetje house of cards vibe.
@liverturcxdanpavs5 жыл бұрын
Mag ook wel van al die belastingcenten.
@soyouknow82075 жыл бұрын
Eerst Hiddema als premier met Baudet als VP.. De heer brengt de rest wel in de leer. Dan kan de jeugdigheid van Baudet nog rijpen.
@Victor-07-045 жыл бұрын
Ik vrees dat Baudet eerder een lijsttrekker is dan een bestuurder
@halepiepoet88217 жыл бұрын
Theo is een held
@mistermalik21087 жыл бұрын
Hale Pie Poet goddelijke macht?
@eigenwijs24417 жыл бұрын
Ik heb een lied gemaakt over Hiddema, mijn trouwe maatje! Neem dus even een kijkje op mijn kanaal
@paulwalker24127 жыл бұрын
Jouw comment samengevat: Jij bent ermee bekend dat Theo een advocaat was? Advocaat zijn is één ding, maar Hiddema is een onderkruipsel.
@r.v.42247 жыл бұрын
Thierry Baudet
@peterr.devries29247 жыл бұрын
Blah b Dus zijn werk als advocaat was tevens zijn favoriete bezigheid? Je kent de man dus persoonlijk?Je bent ermee bekend dat Hiddema in de rechtszaal net zo goed verdachten aanvalt en de slachtoffers verdedigt?
@hollander34023 жыл бұрын
Theo hiddema eet iedereen op in de rechtzaal gr Hugo middelplaats
@nicoanker13437 жыл бұрын
Ik heb veel bewondering voor Danai van Weerdenburg. Wat een prachtige vrouw die verbaal behoorlijk sterk is.
@Kuroo97 жыл бұрын
Argumenten ontbreken toch echt
@paraglideaddict7 жыл бұрын
Weet iemand welk nummer op 1:06 wordt gebruikt (artiest, tracknaam)?
@LuckGoodLuckLuckGoodLuck7 жыл бұрын
paraglideaddict Ik ben hier ook naar op zoek, vreemd genoeg herkent Shazam hem niet!
@emerther58437 жыл бұрын
Hiddema lijkt op zo iemand die over 2000 jaar uit z'n cryosleep ontwaakt.
@Enlae7 жыл бұрын
hoe heet de interviewster van deze serie?
@adilriffo30615 жыл бұрын
Vind wel danai van weerdenburg mooi vrouw
@heppieveppie41315 жыл бұрын
11:35 rechts lekker tongetje
@franklinderksen67174 жыл бұрын
Echt een ontzettende ondeugende klier, maar wel lachwekkend !!
@miket15915 жыл бұрын
10:08 holy moly. Ik denk dat zij eens even ander werk moet gaan doen. Kanonnen wat een schatje
@cretium8057 жыл бұрын
Prima man, die Hiddema, maar hij straalt weinig energie af.
@isabelvermaas Жыл бұрын
dat dus
@confuciuslola3 жыл бұрын
Ik begrijp er ook niets meer van. Paarden op het museumplein? want ze kunnen zeker nergens anders staan?!
@404Gerard7 жыл бұрын
De houding dat Hiddema van niets weet gaat hem natuurlijk af.
@jajaed59468 ай бұрын
En dan een compromie met criminelen.
@dc22177hm5 жыл бұрын
Thirst I want always work and they hold me always to go before where I go to ask work to tell that people not must give me work while I wanna work and ask to work when I 8 years old and my mother say always a reason why she don't want this and I hear that on the duty television strangers play or they my parents ? so that people think that I a difficult person while I a very relaxt calm person to work with and with a lot off ideas when I begin to work. 10 yeas a go and hear from my neighbour to a other person on the telephone that he want that I go to a place where they do this things while I do nothing wrong and hear that the moment that I live there 3 mouth he all so there and that they almost attack him one time when they know that he all the time lie about me And I hear that they wanna there make more masks and a man use a mask off my face to play or he me and later I hear in a clinic a man say that they undersviolance and that they mask count my face to make new masks and that they do this more nd this is possible my neighbour. Hello I'm in danger and hear that a man walk with a implant to know to play ore is me because I love people and this man with the name Aan is Crazy and he can not work with a Apogee goo because he is not so smart and he always try to play the songs off a man that is all so musician mark letterman and they are friends or he is jalousie on him because this police man always kissing with a boy to do or he is the same as mark letterman. while I know every choice to set-up the apogee gif and her that he try to play or I the most crazy man off the world and he make many lies to the people they never see me and always when I live and come every where they put me in a clinic because they don't want that the people know me and when I take a other house then they hold me because this is not what they wanna really and this is the dirty lie they play in station Out-Bijerlamnd and I hear that this police all so lie to the other police officers and this is not normal what can I do and they don't let me hear what other people hear and then they do or I feel nothing and they think that I forgot every thing and that they can do every thing while I totally not forgot as the day from yesterday that they terror me and every one around me where I'm and this is my family or stepfather and they do some thing with him and think that they hurt me while he hurt me my hole life and so they make only faults because they self very stupid. and they let me hear only lies with special communication and they looking future and they do our this is mind control to do what they want and to look in the future they think that they can lier to the hole world while this is total not needed because I can work and give concerts and I hear that he want to a country to play or he is me and or I him and this is not to understand what I all so not understand years a go when I hear some things they wanna do and I walk from the pin automat to home and see maybe my ex on the high way when I walk over the brich and hear here with special frequent ions from her car laughing as a horse and it seems or it make her feel to good that they do or have my son while they do for I not a good father while eery time when I try to see years a go they make many violence around me to make it to dangerous to see my child and I hear that the people know can well speak normal to me and that a man say that when they tell me what is happen or I can't handle the thru what is happen while this make me not aggressive as I hear the reason why they want on the office or from family this but they lie about this because they want hold some thing secret I think because they think that I can hold my mouth what they do while when they tell me the thru I don't need to uderstand why the office in Our-Biojerland want that I not come out my house And people ask me around my house or I know what happen in Our-Bijerland while how I can know this when I hear only my neighbour speak from his garden and see him on the telephone nd speak that a man is every time more crazy or he do I I there while I that moment that he do or play this or he speak about me so how I can know who what is happen there ? And I hear that people can help me or tell me know that it is over and that I can begin to live and to to be afraid that they with know reason do some thing or that they do nothing to this people they tell me the thru because this dan that is a police man is in jail they tell me and he shout to me while I don't see him and say not to want that I speak about my bio apogee because he do or I can work with midi devices and a friend Ron Van Wulften take all the things and a other person that I need to live I hear more times and o save me from dangerous people they work with frequent ions and they can hurt people while they alive to the last moment and this is what I feel ever that they do this to people and this make me afraid and they do this and hear that they do this 10 yeas a go and hear from my neighbour to a other person on the telephone that he want that I go to a place where they do this things while I do nothing wrong and hear that the moment that I live there 3 mouth he all so there and that they almost attack him one time when they know that he all the time lie about me
@ZorbaTheDutch7 жыл бұрын
Mooie introductie van de nieuwe zakkenvullers in ons parlement.
@killax277 жыл бұрын
ZorbaTheDutch hiddema kan veel meer verdienen buitte de politiek en is te oud om dalijk nog een baantje ergens te nemen mischien moet je het partij progama over kartel bestrijding lezen mischien spreekt het je wel aan
@martijn70005 жыл бұрын
Domste comment ooit
@user-mv8zk2yk5d5 жыл бұрын
Deze man irriteert me een beetje op de andere manier beetje arrogant misschien