∴flower『Arandano』/ NILFRUITS【Official】

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@NILFRUITS 3 жыл бұрын
@ぐっちゃん-c1w 3 жыл бұрын
@yoosung6967 3 жыл бұрын
This whole thing is a masterpiece. I listened to this over 10 times and everything is so quite after having this so loud :D
@darkshield2202 3 жыл бұрын
@11908_ 3 жыл бұрын
in love
@aisyahnaza3761 3 жыл бұрын
Theory maybe the other spin off is about clay pool's mom?(the one in kilmer I think) Or maybe a continuation about gui's and the other child in the mv's fight?
@かえで-f9s 3 жыл бұрын
@takoyaking841 3 жыл бұрын
@tiousambi2937 2 жыл бұрын
@TRPGsatoho 3 жыл бұрын
@ばぶばぶ-z4r 3 жыл бұрын
@まる-u2b 2 жыл бұрын
@무무-x7o8y 4 ай бұрын
@ワサビ-n1e 3 жыл бұрын
ガイはスプーンを持つときも、ヘイルにハサミを向けるときも左手なんですよね。 0:36 2:14 2:20 キルマーで右手を使っていたのは、元から両利き、もしくは左利きから右利きに矯正されたのかもしれない。 カルミアに対して左手で銃を撃ったのは「手加減」ではなく、殺されそうになって素の利き手が出たからかもしれない。
@盛岡の山椒マン 2 жыл бұрын
@なう-t6i Жыл бұрын
@赤鷹-p1y 3 жыл бұрын
@苺は野菜-r7k 3 жыл бұрын
そのクランベリーは キルマーでは血まみれであることの 比喩表現なので今回の曲にも 当てはまりますね…
@角砂糖-d9f 3 жыл бұрын
画面の端にずっと黒い枠があるのは、過去を思い出してるからなのかな、と思ってた。 でも、曲の終わりにそれが無くなってからのGuiくんの最期と思われる演出を見て、この曲はGuiくんの走馬灯なのかもな、とも思った…。 こんなにそれぞれの人生を感じさせる曲が作れるなんて本当に煮ル果実さんはすごい……そしてそれをさらに濃密ににするWOOMAさんもすごい……!
@umeno10 3 жыл бұрын
@まる-u2b 3 жыл бұрын
@neon9719 3 жыл бұрын
@トオル-q3z 3 жыл бұрын
@smile_ghosts 3 жыл бұрын
2:11「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」でguiさんが白髪の男の子に跨って(いると思われる) 刃を向けた場面が、『キルマー』でkalmiaちゃんがguiさんに剣を向けた場面と似ていてとても鳥肌が立ちました...!! 今回も素敵な果実をありがとうございます😭 追記: アランダーノは、スペイン語や英語でブルーベリー(またはクランベリー)という意味だそうです。『キルマー』でkalmiaちゃんは剣に赤紫色のワインを垂らしてguiさんに剣を振るったのですが、その場面と曲名まで関連しているなんて素敵すぎます... (返信の方から一部引用させて頂きました🙇‍♂️)
@もるるん-t4h 3 жыл бұрын
@あみ-i3x2q 3 жыл бұрын
@ヱスヰロ 3 жыл бұрын
@tantaru3 2 жыл бұрын
キルマーにもアランダーノにも 「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」て歌詞が使われてて黒髪の男の人もピンク髪の女の人も同じ思いをしていてすごくエモい。紗麻で女の人も男と同じ悪役になるのも凄すぎる。
@うわぁぁぁぁ-x8g Жыл бұрын
でも絵の向きが キルマー左 アランダーノ右 で反対なんですよね…
@user-bl5xm5jg3f 2 жыл бұрын
@ルイン-s8j 2 жыл бұрын
@すまぽ Жыл бұрын
@小城都葵 Жыл бұрын
@RainsIce1102 Жыл бұрын
​@@すまぽ 理解した瞬間大爆笑した
@Saーーーーーーmondazo Жыл бұрын
@うるち米-n3v 3 жыл бұрын
@azuki_o0O 2 жыл бұрын
キルマーの娘を飼い慣らす(愛す)ことが出来ずに御覧の有様(殺されてしまった)になってしまったという比喩。 改めて見ると本当に怖いくらいの語彙力。
@浅葱-y7h 3 жыл бұрын
2:13の「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」がキルマーと同じでお互いに底辺にだった事があるから共通の歌詞と音使ってるのかなって思った こういう細かい仕掛けみたいなのめちゃくちゃ好き
@つなまよ-n9d 3 жыл бұрын
大人に対してはいい顔してた悪ガキが最後軍服着てるのめっちゃいいし、幼い頃のガイさんの目付きがどんどん尖っていって最後には反社てきなものに豹変していくの最高にいい…言葉に出来ない自分の語彙力を惜しむぐらい…二人の少年の反転の物語って感じでとてもすきです! 追記 2:40からのガイさんの走馬灯?過去が写されてる描写で他のキャラやガイさんの今に繋がってるであろう人物達が一瞬写るんだけど、ロンの幼い頃とかカルミアの一族の女性が出てるから次の曲とかでそこのとこ掘り下げて行くんですかね?今から楽しみですね!
@俺のゲイボルグ 3 жыл бұрын
@dai_7115 3 жыл бұрын
2:11 秒辺りからですね…。共感しかないです()
@うゆりんちょ Жыл бұрын
@どふらみんご 2 жыл бұрын
@mozuzumozu 2 жыл бұрын
きっと歌詞の井美も知りたいって日本語学び始めた人も居るよね。 筆舌尽くし難いかっこ良さ ( ・ω・) 尽くしても描けないかも
@nyaaaaaaaang Жыл бұрын
@@mozuzumozu 歌詞の意味を知りたくて日本語勉強始めた人登場です
@RainsIce1102 Жыл бұрын
@user-gh6mo3dl2m Жыл бұрын
@冢中枯骨-z3p 3 жыл бұрын
00:39 関係ないけどこの子の自信たっぷりな表情とポーズ好き
@KrHr007 Жыл бұрын
@鈴音-l2q 3 жыл бұрын
「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」でいい意味で背筋凍りました、 KALMIAちゃんと同じ行動(反逆?)で同じ歌詞なの凄すぎるし、最後guiさんがKALMIAちゃんの三つ編みに朧げな目で手を伸ばしながらゆっくり目を瞑るの、、、キルマーでKALMIAちゃんに切りかかられたとき凄く苦しそうというか驚いたような表情を見せたのはやっぱり本当は愛していたってこと、、、? それでアランダーノ(guiさん目線?or guiさん編)の最後で手を伸ばして、でも結局KALMIAちゃんには届かずそのまま目を瞑った、 本当に好き過ぎて考察止まらないですっ 白髪の子も今後出てくるのかな、、取りあえず煮ル果実さんの曲大好きですっ!!
@狆-e4c 3 жыл бұрын
1:39 「i’ll add another wounds」 「私はもうひとつの傷を与えます」 ガイが傷つけることを指してるのか金髪の少年が傷つけることを指してるのか…… 1:49「want to hurt me?」 「私を傷つけたい?」 1:51「me...」 金髪の子が孤児院のボスのような、カースト上位にいるような存在で、誰も彼に逆らえなかった。ガイもその一人なんだけど、ある日金髪の子が黒髪の子を突き飛ばしているのを目撃。 それをシスターに伝えたけど、あしらわれてしまう。(金髪の子の親が孤児院を支えてる、みたいに何か関係しているのかな、それともただ単に外面がよく信じてもらえなかった?) ガイがシスターに、金髪の子が突き飛ばした!って告発したのがバレて、「告げ口するような悪い口は無い方がいいね、」 って、切られちゃうんじゃないかな。自分に牙を向く者が居なくなるように、また周りの子に対する戒めみたいな。 追記 ガイ含む子供たちがいたのが孤児院だとして。金髪の子の親が孤児院を支えてるって書いたけど、これから戦争が悪化して、我が子が危険にさらされ無いようにって、金髪の子は孤児院にいる(預けられた?)んじゃないかな。だから 「戦争で親もいないお前らとは違う」 みたいに金髪の子は周囲の子をいじめていたり? あと、2:12の「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」 キルマーは最後の音が上がってるのに対して、アランダーノは下がってる。(憂いたくなるよな↑と憂いたくなるよな↓) キルマーは、「ここから這い上がってやる」 アランダーノは「堕ちるところまで堕ちてやる」って復讐心がかいま見えるようで大好きなんだけど。
@狆-e4c 3 жыл бұрын
@角砂糖-d9f 3 жыл бұрын
なるほど…! もともと口に一つ傷跡があったのも意味と理由の一つなのかもしれないですね……! 追記の音程についての考察、めっちゃ素敵です……そういう対比もあると考えるとまた面白いですね…!
@オズワルド-i1l 3 жыл бұрын
@まんじゅう-l2p 3 жыл бұрын
え、凄すぎ 天才ですか??
@とり-s6d 3 жыл бұрын
@しめの-t4h 3 жыл бұрын
0:11 ここの文字の点?がちょうど唇のとこきてるの天才すぎる 神曲すぎる ずっと待ってた  本当にありがとう...
@ぽんぽん-l1r 3 жыл бұрын
@優希-v1q 3 жыл бұрын
@しめの-t4h 3 жыл бұрын
@@優希-v1q ですよねっ ちょうど白髪に少年につけられた傷のとこですよね... よいっ
@しめの-t4h 3 жыл бұрын
@@ぽんぽん-l1r タイトルのデザイン天才ですよね!!!Shanaシリーズのタイトルカッコいいっ
@鈴音-l2q 3 жыл бұрын
@suika_dog 3 жыл бұрын
KalmiaもGuiさんも「過去に助けてくれなかった人物」と似た特徴の人に何らかで執着してるのが似てるな… Guiさんは「長い三つ編みの女性」でKalmiaは「白髪碧眼の女性」
@eve4006 2 жыл бұрын
@いあ-q2p7m 2 жыл бұрын
それは、リベラとクレイが同一人物だったらの話しね。 同一人物だって決定的な描写がないからなんとも言えないよね。
@戀恋 2 жыл бұрын
@@eve4006 Guiさんにとって助けてくれなかった人はメイドさん?で、その特徴に当てはまる三つ編みの女性は言わずもがなkalmia kalmiaにとって助けてくれなかった人は、キルマーで出てきた白髪碧眼の女の子(リベラ?)じゃないですかね 最後は毒を飲まないように止めてくれましたけど、曲の途中でGuiの所へ案内していたのは彼女なのでkalmiaにとってみれば助けてくれなかった人になるって事じゃないですか? その人によく似ているクレイ(紗痲の子)が執着の対象なのかなと…
@jmpamjda 2 жыл бұрын
@@戀恋 なるほど確かに! 他の看守でも良かったのに、わざわざ彼女(クレイ)をターゲットしたのが、そういう執着故の八つ当たりだったら最高だなって思いました!!
@ねる-d2t 2 жыл бұрын
@@戀恋 確かに!紗痲のClayも白髪碧眼だもんね!
@crumb.crumblet.S.crumbington 3 жыл бұрын
@kun1741 3 жыл бұрын
@kyuurit8741 3 жыл бұрын
@kemma_ 3 жыл бұрын
@QuynhAnhDak 3 жыл бұрын
*le gasp* cuptoast (°○° )
@cuckookirbyfan7192 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, this is just a spin-off song. Niru Kajitsu confirmed on Twitter that part three is still down the line!
@海洋生物-z7r 3 жыл бұрын
キルマーの登場人物全員が生涯最の底辺だと憂いた者達の集まりだったりするんですかね… 曲も絵もとても素敵
@たなか-i7f 3 жыл бұрын
2:40 RonくんやLivaraちゃん、Armisちゃんの過去みたいなのが流れる。それもみんな暴行とかを受けてた姿。それに対比して、現在は軽口を言い合ったり楽しそうにしている様子の3人の姿が続いて流れる。 「Livara、ArmisはAlacran(Guiの組織)に捕らえられた」ってWOOMAさんのインスタに書いてあったけど、もしかしたら捕らえられたっていうよりこれ以上酷い扱いをされないように保護したんじゃないかな…。 キルマーのときにKalmiaちゃんが牢から逃げるところから始まってたから、そういうことも考えるとKalmiaちゃんも保護する目的で…? (けどそれだとKalmiaちゃんのお姉ちゃんが殺されちゃった理由がよくわからないよな〜うーーん)
@油屋大繁盛 3 жыл бұрын
各人がひとつ確かに持っている背景・それに付随して生じた思想や生き方が、次の人の人生に深く爪痕を残す それが漸化式的に、ドミノ倒しの様に展開していく 紗痲シリーズのMVはそれを、時間に逆らう形で切り取り、順々に種明かししていく構成なんだろうと思いました WOOMAさんが描かれたMVと “人間”を描く煮ル果実さんの音楽が 綿密に絡み合って、 決して腐り得ない、ひとつの芸術作品として昇華しているなと感じました カルボナーラもソースが絡むと美味しいですしね
@榊ラル 3 жыл бұрын
@まる-u2b 3 жыл бұрын
@roion2814 3 жыл бұрын
@yamato_626 3 жыл бұрын
@縷縷綿綿-r6p 2 жыл бұрын
@kwys4673 3 жыл бұрын
1:53〜 瞳の黄色と周りの黒色が反転するところ、ただ反転させてるだけかと思ったらちゃんと瞳の向きが上がってる 歌詞もここから攻撃的になってくる ラスサビで一気に跳ねる…までの導線が細かく仕掛けてあるのに気づくと楽しすぎる…
@ドアノブの静電気 3 жыл бұрын
@rolanroran 3 жыл бұрын
intense thinking
@ksleo 3 жыл бұрын
Gui達が今までキルマーの世界線でやってきたことは最低であることに変わりないのに どうしてもGuiの悲惨な過去とか 2:40 の仲間達との出会いのきっかけ(?)とか幸せそうな姿見ると同情してしまう…… Episode2が待ちきれない……
@chas_maru 3 жыл бұрын
2:14 2:14 「憂いたくなるよな」で口が動いてるというか歌ってるようなイラストなの、 キルマーの「しょうがないってもう1回ぐらい言わせてやるよな」 のとこと全く一緒で鳥肌
@サシミ美味しい 10 ай бұрын
@白亜-q7z Жыл бұрын
@---lu5tn 3 жыл бұрын
@unitymask 3 жыл бұрын
@renegademiah 3 жыл бұрын
literally got chills. and how the mv mirrors the exact moment in kilmer's mv... god DAMN what an incredible way to end a series
@luckyshimmy8116 3 жыл бұрын
@bizarremaybe3307 3 жыл бұрын
@drjitterbug 3 жыл бұрын
@Nofian-s1g 3 жыл бұрын
@桃太郎-o3f 3 жыл бұрын
@リョーカ-w6c 3 жыл бұрын
@ちょこもち-u5s 3 жыл бұрын
最初のメロディー似てるし、「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」って歌詞一緒だし、キルマーでは「fooligan」こっちでは「slogan」っていう風に「gan」で揃えてきてるとことか、ガチで好き。 聞いててワクワクしてくる
@user-gf4vn7bd7y 3 жыл бұрын
@Mcl-cg3jd 3 жыл бұрын
I find it fascinating that with each "episode" of this story we learn more and more about this world. Based on the opening shots, it seems that there was some kind of great war in the past, akin to WW1 or WW2. Gui was a war orphan who's parents died in a bombing, and he was taken in by a wealthy family with ties to the church who adopted children that lost family. Because of the cruelty and abuse he suffered from the white haired boy, who seemingly grew up to become a soldier, Gui became sadistic and derived pleasure from hurting others. It's possible that Kalmia's people, the people with pink hair, red eyes, and demon horns, are displaced refuges who came to Gui's country as a result of ongoing conflict. There probably wasn't a good relationship between the refuges and other people, since Kalmia and her mother had to wear cloaks that hid their appearance in public. Gui most likely targeted Kalmia in the first place because she was part of a minority group that could be attacked without anyone really caring. As for the white haired boy? I imagine we'll see more of his story in the future. It's possible that he tried to change his ways and stop being cruel after Gui stood up to him, but old habits die hard, and joining the military and being thrust onto a battlefield could reawaken his old sadistic personality, and turn him back into a monster.
@monokoUwU 3 жыл бұрын
so handmaidens tale right?
@weirdkiddo6463 3 жыл бұрын
This is so good. You made an awesome summary 😊
@shasynarrayai.a703 3 жыл бұрын
Gui might actually have an addiction to killing Kalmia's people and taking their body parts, if you watch some scenes in Kilmer, there are some shots like eyeballs in a jar and Ron (Gui's male assistant) giving him a pair of detached horns. Kalmia's people aside from resembling demons, they also resemble Scorpions based on their hair, hence why Kilmer and Arandano has scorpions on their title cards, not only that, Kilmer, there's a shot that shows Gui actually has an actual black Scorpion tattoo on his chest. Its just weird that one of Gui's servant is also a part of Kalmia's species, making it somewhat ironic
@michi2123 3 жыл бұрын
@@shasynarrayai.a703 his maid was probably enslaved
@shasynarrayai.a703 3 жыл бұрын
@@michi2123 true dat, that's why the white haired maid (i forgot her name) was the one that gave Kalmia the poison wine to kill Gui with her sword
@じゃがポク 3 жыл бұрын
このシリーズずっと好きでずっと待ってました… 生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな で鳥肌立ちました ガイさんの過去も最後キルマーで出た方々 も見れて嬉しいですありがとうございます!!! woomaさんの描くキャラの表情ほんとに大好きです… たくさん聞いてたくさん見させていただきます
@scapegoat8075 3 жыл бұрын
The word 'dog' is used a lot in this series, which I think dog = slave. The idea of dog eat dog is heavily implied on every protagonist on each songs. Meaning, a competition where violence is involve in order to be successful. Then there's the idea of love, which three characters kept on pondering about yet both Kalmia and Gui came to realize that there's no love at all, while Clay believed in that shallow love she felt towards Kalmia. Clay broke the cycle of the 'dog eat dog' mentality and believed in that love she harbored, becoming Kalmia's dog in the end. Whereas Kalmia and Gui both 'ate' their abusers, thus realizing that there's no love at all. Idk, I just can't explain it well. But that concludes that Clay broke that mentality.
@panchitaperez3950 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! I was thinking so! Clay my beloved,,,,
@yurkin8156 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting analysis ^^
@faithyuna1458 3 жыл бұрын
Technically becoming someone's dog isn't really breaking a cycle of abuse tho. But I understand what you mean.
@naru_naru909 2 жыл бұрын
@@faithyuna1458 More like they became the 'dog' and because of that they came to the conclusion that there is no love, so they decided they should get rid of emotion and get a 'dog' for themselves, but Clay continued to believe in love even after becoming Kalmia's dog, so she broke the cycle
@thefireman17492 2 жыл бұрын
@@faithyuna1458 they weren't necessarily referring to breaking the abuse itself, just the cycle that has been seemingly brought on for generations.
@おむすび-e8l 3 жыл бұрын
概要欄にepisode 0がキルマー、episode 1が紗痲、episode 2は未収穫って書いてある・・・ まだこのシリーズは終わってないってことですよね・・・!! 煮ル果実さんの曲を聞いて楽しみに待っておきますね!!
@ぷりん-q2r 3 жыл бұрын
煮ル果実さん独特の心の中を一気に吐き出すような曲調と、WOOMAさん独特の勢いのあるMVが合いすぎて、、 皆さんがコメしてるけどキルマーのメロディで息止まりました。 煮ル果実さんの曲はしっかり沼に沈んでやっと落ち着いたらまたいい曲に出会ってしまうから一生推せる。ループから抜けれん
@hummingrum 3 жыл бұрын
This is really good... The instrumental at the beginning sounds like Kilmer's but backwards if that makes sense.. Addition, that they really contradict with each other, Kilmer and Arandano I mean. You can hear (almost) the same melody and Flower's scream when Gui choked his friend, with the time Kalmia killed Gui himself. They are completing each other in a certain event, so are the melody and lyrics.. They share the same desperate feeling and wanting to escape.
@kyuurit8741 3 жыл бұрын
YESSS i think the score is flipped :D for the start at least
@goldstarburst1984 3 жыл бұрын
Someone needs to combine the two songs
@stray_tanuki 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's called leitmotiv xD
@milkkkkkkks9803 3 жыл бұрын
yeah not to mention all of the frames in arandano mirrors the one in kilmer except it's faster in this one. also another fun fact the title not only look like a scorpion but it also resembles the scars he have, one on his lips and the other the one that looks like scorpion's tail on his chest when he got slashed by kalmia. The scorpion is probably a metaphor for kalmia since at the end of the mv her braids looks like scorpion's tail. So for gui, kalmia is a scorpion that poisoned (makes him fall in love) and eventually killed him when he became weak edit: i rewatched kilmer and i forgot that kalmia poisoned the sword with the wine she got for k/lling herself lmaoo
@uncultured_sen 3 жыл бұрын
Also in 2:12 you got a direct callback from the lyric in Kilmer
@akatuki_2000 3 жыл бұрын
「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」 キルマーと共通の歌詞でどっちも愛に飢えてたんだなぁと思いました。 あと、0:11は親に対して0:22はカルミヤに対して手を向けてると思うと最初から最後まで愛されなかくて泣きそうです
@ぴかぴか宇宙 2 жыл бұрын
概要欄の「episode2 未収穫」っていうのが煮ル果実さんが話を考えてるんじゃなくて、実際にあった話を集めて組み合わせてる感があってすごい好き。
@はる-h8w2s 2 жыл бұрын
キルマーの「クランベリーに溺れる不埒なhooligan」は Guiの曲名”アランダーノ”(クランベリー)に溺れるって意味で使われてるのかなって思って鳥肌 甘い果実に溺れるって意味と解釈してたけど、KalmiaがGuiに溺れる(愛していた)って意味で捉える方が納得した…めちゃくちゃ好きです…。
@はる-h8w2s 2 жыл бұрын
@かむ-v6k Жыл бұрын
クランベリー=アランダーノ=Gui と見るってことか···KalmiaはGuiに溺れていることをどこかで自覚していてそんな自分を愚か者だって笑ったのかな
@user_cRCF3wcL 3 жыл бұрын
@おか-x3t 3 жыл бұрын
2:11 ここでキルマーが入るの本当に良すぎる
@holdinonion 3 жыл бұрын
If you place Arandano's thumbnail beside Kilmer's thumbnail it looks like Gui is reaching out to Kalmia like the last scene in Arandano. Also in Arandano thumbnail there's a baby scorpion tail and in Kilmer's thumbnail it's already fully grown. Dunno a tiny easter egg i guess
@yujaaaaaaa 3 жыл бұрын
and how it looks like arandano title IS the scorpion while kilmer the scorpion surrounds the white text !! incredible
@bonk6252 3 жыл бұрын
also, part of the title in kilmer looks similar to the sword kalmia used to kill gui with, it even has blood dripping from it
@sakuradesu1412 Ай бұрын
@泡瀬-f2u 7 ай бұрын
2:09 ここの「帳が上がる」って歌詞と同時に今まで黒かった背景とかが黄色になったり目が睨んでるみたいになって刃向かえなかった金髪の子にやっと刃向かえる覚悟?ができたみたいで好き
@29mm55 3 жыл бұрын
2:12 から鳥肌すごかった、、!! ほんとに煮ル果実サンの曲だいすき、、、😭🤍
@こいと-z7n 3 жыл бұрын
「キルマー」では、ラスサビで、カルミアちゃんが、剣をガイさんに振り上げてたけど、「アランダーノ」は、ガイさんがハサミを振り上げていて、作り込まれてるなぁって思いました。 ラスサビ本当に、あのフレーズが出てきた時本当に興奮しました!!
@okinawaaree9443 Жыл бұрын
「他愛もないね agitator」が「他愛もないね 愛して」に聞こえるぅ... マジで煮ル果実さん言葉選びが天才すぐる
@artemis993 3 жыл бұрын
A group of observations, explanations, guesses, and parallels with Kilmer for Arandano. Most of what I'm saying that's not confirmed are guesses, so I might be wrong. I love this song and it has been on repeat ever since the music video came out. I love getting to see the backstory for Gui and I'm excited for the third episode in the Shama series. I'm just doing this for fun, and if there's anything I missed, I would love to know. The name "Arandano" is a word that means blueberry or cranberry in Spanish. I'm not sure what the connection is here, though. Sound-wise, Arandano and Kilmer start with soft beginnings that sound similar, leading up to an explosion at 0:10. Video-wise, Arandano and Kilmer both start in a church. Kilmer in (some people have guessed) the church Kalmia was kidnapped in. Arandano with an overview of a church in a possibly bombed city, unless the smoke is just from homes, but I'm assuming it's not and that there's a war. Nuns are giving the kids to a wealthy couple. Probably kids whose parents died from the war. One of the children is likely Gui. Maybe the church is the same in both Arandano and Kilmer? It would be interesting story-wise, but as far as I'm aware there's no evidence to support this. Then the screen showing the name of the song and the protagonist of the music video with wind blowing toward them. The キ in キルマー has an extended bottom and blood on it, representing the blade Kalmia used to kill Gui. There's a scorpion tail in both, shorter and less grown in Arandano, possibly showing that it takes place before Kilmer, where the tail is longer. The background color is their main color. Yellow for Arandano, red for Kilmer. Gui looks like he’s reaching toward Kalmia. The screen shifts to an adult Gui, still reaching forward. Arandano shows the kids all the kids sitting at a table, eating, with one kid sitting at the head of the table, smirking, his name is probably Hale Albee. The scene shifts to the protagonist, Gui, quietly eating, until he gets hit in the head by a piece of food. The culprit is Hale. He seems to be the leader of this group. He’s confident, sassy, taunting. You can tell from 0:43 and 0:44. And he keeps bullying Gui, physically especially. A photo is seen at 0:51, of the wealthy parents and a kid. I'm assuming the kid is Hale. Gui watches as another kid is in the staircase with Hale, and Hale pushes him down the stairs. This could be an entirely different kid, or Gui remembering how Hale pushed him off. The kid's hair is shorter than Gui's, but he’s wearing the same/similar clothes. We’ll assume that it’s a different kid. At 1:00 in Arandano, 0:54 in Kilmer, both songs reach the height of their crescendo, as they both experience trauma, the antagonist of the music video hurts someone close to them. It’s uncertain whether Gui was close to the kid Hale pushed, but later scenes suggest he might've cared for him somewhat. Gui tries to bring this to the attention of a maid, physically trying to pull her, but she looks fearful and pulls away, hitting his wrist. For just a moment he’s reminded of the kid being pushed down the stairs, lying on the floor, and sits there, unsure of what to do. The scene changes to him standing in front of a gravestone, right next to a dead tree. This could be the grave of the kid Hale pushed, who died from the fall. Gui seems sad, it's likely he knew the kid and maybe cared for him. Even if he wasn't close to him, he knew him and he died, and that can still affect him. Or maybe the kid serves as a reminder of what could happen to Gui if he keeps letting Hale bully him. Or if we go off the assumption that Hale pushed Gui, this could be Gui’s “old self” dying, he’s not going to let Hale mess with him anymore, and he’s going to get revenge. Gui meets Hale in a hallway. Hale does the usual and beats him on the ground. This time he cuts Gui’s lip with scissors, and he finds sadistic pleasure in doing so. 1:39 “i’ll add another wounds.” How Gui got the original cut is unknown, though it's possible Hale gave it to him. At 1:41 Gui screams, like the one at 1:50 in Kilmer. Blood gushes from Gui’s mouth. At 1:49, it says "want to hurt me?" and at 1:50, "me..." I'm not entirely sure what it means. This could be Hale speaking to Gui, asking him if he wants to hurt him as revenge. Or it could be Gui, wondering why Hale wants to hurt him. Gui thinks back, the wealthy parents seemed to favor Hale. Maybe he’s their biological child? At 2:11, Gui stands, it focuses on his face and the screen fades to white as he charges at Hale, stealing his weapon and preparing to attack with a grin. In Kilmer, at 2:24, it focuses on Kalmia's face and the screen fades to white as Kalmia slashes Gui. And the same phrase is sung. "shougai sai no teihen datte ureitaku naru yo na." in Arandano 「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」 in Kilmer 「今が生涯 最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」 In Kilmer, Gui grins, realizing that Kalmia was just like him as a kid, getting revenge on their abuser. A maid examines Gui’s wound. Gui stands in a hallway, looking back and turning into his older self. He passes by Livara and Armis, who are bowing. Then he passes by Ron, who is casually walking next to him. Armis scolds Ron for this, who doesn’t seem to care. We see short flashes of Ron, Livara, and Armis, probably before they met Gui. Ron is seemingly younger and is curled up, scratched, and looks sad. Livara has her hair down and doesn't look happy. Armis has a neutral expression and scratches on her arm, she looks younger and her hair is down. And we see a short flash of someone with pink hair, likely Kalmia. He then passes by Hale, first, it shows him as a child, then him as an adult. At first, I thought he might've been working under Gui, but his uniform looks different, like a soldier's uniform. Perhaps he's joined the military and is, if it's still going on, fighting in the war. They walk past each other. Gui is seen running, reaching toward the tail of Kalmia’s braid. He fails to catch it and his eyes close. Gui probably loved Kalmia, but he hurt her, and she didn't love him. The end music for both songs sounds similar. Eventually, Gui grew up and stayed the way he was at the end and committed more crimes, he inflicted the pain he felt upon others, and the cycle of violence continued. Hale to Gui. Gui to Kalmia. Kalmia to Clay. Thanks for reading this all the way! I hope you enjoyed reading this because I enjoyed over-analyzing this music video.
@asha_013 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this! I just discovered this series so I was really looking for such an analysis! Also I was a bit confused as to how the timeline went. It's probably: 2 (Arandano) --> 0 (Kilmer) --> 1 (Shama)? (As in Hale to Gui, Gui to Kalmia, Kalmia to Clay) I first thought it was 2 --> 1 --> 0 (watched it in that order) because I thought Kalmia got something of a karma but it also didn't really make sense.
@majesticjuggler8350 3 жыл бұрын
@@artemis993 Also, Wozwald, while not part of the Shama-Kilmer-Arandano storyline, is set in the same universe, judging from Kalmia's cameo in the Wozwald MV.
@artemis993 3 жыл бұрын
@@majesticjuggler8350 Yeah that's true, I forgot about that, thanks for mentioning it. Wozwald is a great song, it's actually what introduced me to Vocaloid! I definitely recommend listening to it and watching it if you want to see a bit more Kalmia.
@asha_013 3 жыл бұрын
@@artemis993 Thank you very much! I have read milktiara's theory on Wozwald and I agree that they are simply amazing at it! I also just noticed Kalmia had appeared there! P.S. I really thought Hale and Clay were the same person for a good amount of time and that Hale cut Gui's tongue off lol. I gotta thank you for clarifying that too!
@artemis993 3 жыл бұрын
@@asha_013 No problem! I understand the confusion, at first I thought that Hale pulled out one of Gui’s teeth lol. It took a lot of rewatches and slowing the video to realize what he actually did.
@Lamiazril Жыл бұрын
@missmax2492 3 жыл бұрын
OHOHO! I'm sure we're all seeing and drooling over the Kilmaa references in the lyrics and instrumental but it's just occured to me: what if the reason he was smiling during the final confrontation with Kalmia is *because* if this one? He's been her tormentor and now it is time for *him* to be eaten for her to become strong. It is a dog eat dog world full of parallels after all. The white haired man is to the black haired man what Kalmia becomes to Clay; a cruel opportunist that takes advantage of pain for their own betterment.
@cybelli80 3 жыл бұрын
Kalmia def manipulated Clay but it didn't seem nearly as toxic or as spiteful as it was between black haired man with Kalmia.
@Specters0rd 3 жыл бұрын
JUst shows that abuse is a cycle,
@Vkummii 3 жыл бұрын
But I think clay misunderstood the assignment. Lololol!!! Even parts of the song sound similar!! Good call.
@sillyd0g 3 жыл бұрын
it really supports my theory that this whole narrative is all about cycles of abuse. hale abuses gui abuses kalmia abuses clay. clay breaks the cycle but still ends up fucking herself over because she got caught in it. i think her narrative function is to illustrate how innocent people can become stuck in a cycle of abuse, and how abusers (kalmia) recognize vulnerability they can exploit (clay's repression of her sexuality and her love for kalmia) because they've experienced being vulnerable at the hands of their own abuser. (lol can you tell i really love clay?)
@sillyd0g 3 жыл бұрын
@@cybelli80 yeah i get the sense that if the series continues kalmia will get some kind of redemption arc. she's not a good person but she could become one if she works through her own trauma. i think that's why kalmia's still alive while gui's story ends with him getting killed.
@7_cM1ko 2 жыл бұрын
0:11 ~タイトルのちょんってなってるのが少年の口元の傷と同じ位置にあるの好き
@yamato_626 3 жыл бұрын
@96_____Cat 3 жыл бұрын
@ひっぴゃぺ 3 жыл бұрын
1:14のメイドさん三つ編みだ……… キルマーにでてきた女の子達に三つ編みをさせていたのは、このメイドさんに重ねていたからなのかな。
@かちわりなう 3 жыл бұрын
@元-r7c 3 жыл бұрын
@katatsumuuu 3 жыл бұрын
アランダーノ、調べたらクランベリーみたいです。 花言葉は『心痛を慰める』『天真爛漫』『心を癒やす』
@user-vg2ot3up1l 3 жыл бұрын
@katatsumuuu 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-vg2ot3up1l ああ!!たしかに!!!
@ナヴァ-g5p 2 жыл бұрын
月=誰かの死を表してる? 最後ガイが三つ編みの女性(恐らくキルマー)に手を伸ばすシーンはキルマーに殺され死の瀬戸際、走馬灯を見てるって解釈見たんだけどここではっきり映ってる月って1:21の水面に映る月と繋がってるのかな。だとしたらこの解釈めっちゃ納得いく。 空に浮かんだ月(現在進行の自身の死)が水面に月(過去の、死を伴った一連の騒ぎ・ガイの変わったきっかけ)を映し、思い出させ、走馬灯を見せてる。
@strrbxy 4 ай бұрын
@Cossaint 4 ай бұрын
@aisyahnaza3761 2 ай бұрын
@リム-u4b 3 жыл бұрын
あんな焦らしてからのイントロで 分かるこの神曲感。 煮ルさん、ほんと最高✨
@ひらさん-r9c 3 жыл бұрын
ラスサビで限りなく絶頂に近い感覚になった 人体に影響を及ぼす程の音楽を作れるって素晴らしい
@user-oc3ok9nl1r 3 жыл бұрын
@あゆ-r4v 3 жыл бұрын
やっぱガイ好きだァァァァァ 臆病だった少年から 擦れきって余裕のある悪い男になるのがもう……スキ ガイは三つ編みのメイド?のお姉さんがどんな感情であれ好きだったのかな だから自分の周りにおかせた女の人は皆三つ編みを結ってる? ロンとの関係も親しげでめっちゃ気になるし 部下だけど相棒?みたいな関係性いいな ロンの過去編も勝手に期待したい 最高でした👏✨
@Mangoabout 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure if anyone pointed this out yet or not but, in the lyrics at 2:12, it quotes “it’s sad to be at the bottom though out life, right?” and in Kilmer at 2:23 it quotes “You’re at the bottom of your life now, so you want to grieve, right?” I think that parallel from the two videos is so interesting to me and a cool easter egg to add after 2 years Kilmer was released. During the scenes for both videos, they’re fighting against the person who caused them the most greif and despair etc etc (In this video it’s from Gui to white haired boy and in Kilmer, it’s from Kalmia to Gui) Hope for part 4 of this series soon!! :D also love the song NILFRUITS
@merimero4420 3 жыл бұрын
Wait.. Kilmer was out 2 years ago....??
@gotyouhacker5934 3 жыл бұрын
tbh the explains why Gui was smiling just before he was gonna die by Kalmia, because that exact situation looked the same as how he did the same.
@anarisar 3 жыл бұрын
And instrumental of these tso moments also are quite similar i'd say
@Rose-cy8fg 2 жыл бұрын
One of the subtitles is mistranslated they're both the exact same line it's a great callback
@louise4152 2 жыл бұрын
😭😭 wtf 2 years??? already??
@1iu-n1b 3 жыл бұрын
2:12 の「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」がキルマーと同じサビで鳥肌ですし、2:06では左右で服が違かったので右手が現在のGui、左手が過去のGuiになっいて細かい描写が沢山あって何度見ても飽きません♪夕食後の素敵なデザートご馳走様でした💌
@稲穂-n1u 3 жыл бұрын
@タコ焼き-w9z 3 жыл бұрын
【アランダーノ】 歌詞 箱庭に立ち込める焦燥と hakoniwa ni ta ti ko meru syousou to むせ返る弱者の咆哮 muse kae ru zyakusya no houkou 放埓な生活 戯れるも騙るも嘲るも houratu na seikatu   tawamu reru mo kata ru mo azake ru mo 準 自由 故に zyun   ziyuu   yue ni 「礼節」の文字を落丁したまま育つ 「 reisetu 」 no mozi wo rakutyou si ta mama soda tu 法と童の牢獄 統馭と洗礼 hou to warabe no rougoku   tougyo to senrei 鈍く濁る瞳面に臆病が映る nibu ku nigo ru hitomi men ni okubyou ga utu ru 名誉 才能に魅せられ焦がれたとして meiyo   sainou ni mi se rare ko gare ta to si te 妥協 癖に 怜悧極めねば 一生隷僕者 dakyou   kuse ni   reiri kiwa me ne ba   issyou rei boku sya 『果つまでずっと遊び尽くしてよう』 『 hate tuma de zutto aso bi tu kusi teyo u 』 悪辣舞ったslogan akuratu ma xtu ta slogan 這い蹲って涙を呑んでも ha i tukuba xtu te namida wo no n de mo 叶わず戦々恐々 kana wa zu sensenkyoukyou 暴かれたって無意味だろうって aba ka re ta tte muimi daro u tte 脳を洗われた共犯者 nou wo ara wa re ta kyouhansya 救いの手 声 震えたまま suku i no te   koe   huru e ta mama 愛は消え去って帳が落ちた ai ha ki e sa xtu te tyou ga o ti ta どうせ灰になると思えば douse hai ni naru to omo e ba 荒唐無稽な結末も koutoumukei na ketumatu mo 変えられるだろうか ka e rareru daro u ka 滾る体温で厭悪を打てば tagi ru taion de eno wo u te ba 鋭利なる切っ先と相成った eiri naru ki xtu saki to aina xtu ta 『先人のように飽かれ朽つるのを せいぜい待っていろ』 『 senzin no you ni a ka re kyuu turuno wo seizei ma xtu te iro 』 「果つまでずっと遊び尽くしてよう」 「 hate tuma de zutto aso bi tu kusi teyo u 」 芽吹く未来のmurder mebu ku mirai no murder 這い蹲って涙を呑んでも ha i tukuba xtu te namida wo no n de mo 誰も来ないと睥睨 dare mo ko nai to heigei 慰めなんて端から無いでしょう nagusa me nante hasi kara na i desyo u 自業自得の喘鳴 zigouzitoku no zenmei 救いの手 暴 握ったまま suku i no te   bou   nigi xtu ta mama 寧は消え去って帳が上がる yasusi ha ki e sa xtu te tyou ga a garu 生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな syougai takasi no teihen datte ure i taku naru yo na さんざお望み通り遊び尽くして san zao nozo mi doo ri aso bi tu kusi te 業火と交わった少年 gouka to mazi waxtu ta syounen もう喰われたって構いやしないだろう mou ku wa re ta tte kama i ya si nai daro u 他愛も無いねagitator tawai mo na i ne agitator 呆れるほど重ねた罪 aki reru hodo kasa ne ta tumi 飼い慣らせずに 御覧の有り様 ka i na ra se zu ni   goran no a ri sama さあ遊び疲れた果てはどうだい saa aso bi tuka re ta ha te ha doudai 奪い去られ嗤われた命に uba i sa ra re wara wa re ta inoti ni 相応しい縁故と末路を husawa sii enko to maturo wo ありがとうございました。 thank you, キルマーと繋がった曲でとても興奮しているため、間違えがあるかもしれません。 もし間違えを見つけた場合コメントで教えてください。 余談ですが、私が初めて煮ル果実さんに出会ったのはキルマーでした。 キルマーは友達に紹介されて聴いた曲であるため、今回の「アンダラーノ」を紹介する側になろうと発表の時心に決めました。 煮ル果実さんありがとうございました!! そして、これからもよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
@doll_chls6293 3 жыл бұрын
@タコ焼き-w9z 3 жыл бұрын
@@doll_chls6293 まじですねw ありがとうございます。 直しときますw
@PK-nh2ew 3 жыл бұрын
@あおばなぴょちゃんの裏垢 3 күн бұрын
@ぬね-x3y 3 жыл бұрын
口切られる時心臓がキュッってなった。 愛し方を知らないで大人になっちゃった感じなのかな。 毎度煮ル果実さんの曲に引き込まれてます。ありがとうございます。
@valeria7fuentes233 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't know this song was about Gui and it honestly surprised me a little. However, I think that it is absolutely brilliant to give him a backstory rather than leaving him like some evil guy. Arandano truly adds a lot of depth to the "villain" of the story and in doing so makes the saga a lot more interesting.
@Minohorse 3 жыл бұрын
Why are people so against characters that are evil just because?
@kuromez5560 3 жыл бұрын
@@Minohorse because it lacks any sort of depth and it's not a very satisfying reason to be evil "just because"
@Minohorse 3 жыл бұрын
@@kuromez5560 the character can still have an interesting background without it being the reason why they are evil.
@kuromez5560 3 жыл бұрын
@@Minohorse yes but the reason they're evil isn't satisfying at all. It's just good writing to have a cause and a consequence. That's how you build a satisfying story. Having it otherwise makes them feel like a two dimensional villain, why do I care about their backstory if it doesn't describe any cause as to why their personality is like it is? You want to see what *builds* the character. Character and story are equally important
@melissamaga 3 жыл бұрын
@@Minohorse right? i'm so tired of giving evil characters a sad past, and its always the same ''people were assholes to him now he thinks he has the right to be an asshole with everyone boohoo'' too
@鈴木ゆうか-c1t 3 жыл бұрын
@白露-w7j 3 жыл бұрын
@りゃ-e4g 3 жыл бұрын
「今が生涯 最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」の「今が」がないのってこの人にとってずっと地獄だったのかなって感じた
@user-dl8lx4hn6b 3 жыл бұрын
@ミカヅキモ-q2p 3 жыл бұрын
最初のアランダーノって出てるところ文字がちょうど傷に重なっててすごい あと一番のサビの後すごく好き
@awo7204 3 жыл бұрын
1:13『脳を洗われた共犯者』 ↓ 「洗脳された」 って事か…。ずっと聞いてたのに今更気づいたわ
@jp6t352 9 ай бұрын
0:10 のときに子供の頃のガイが、黄色の背景で写っているけど、 0:20 のときに大人になったガイの背景の黄色は実はガイの周りを円形にしか照らしておらず、一匹狼や孤独に囚われている……にも思える。 でも、 2:56 を見るに、この世界の月は白い事がわかるからこの考察は正しいとは言えない。 だから、 0:22 で完全にガイ自身が黄色の周りと同じ黒になったのはガイが成長するにつれて周りと思惑と思想に囚われた汚れた大人になったからだと思う。 それでもなお、臆病などの意味を持つ黄色がガイに当っているのは、心の中にある、臆病をうつし出してるのかな 長文失礼しました
@no_name6820 3 жыл бұрын
@no_sima Жыл бұрын
@ウォン-v9b 3 жыл бұрын
@airnaka2559 3 жыл бұрын
また、素敵な果実が出荷されてしまった…! 新鮮なのに中は熟れてて濃い酸味が中に潜んだ甘味を包むようなこれまた最高品質の果実だな
@サボテン-u5q 3 жыл бұрын
途中キルマーの歌詞に変わるの最高です。。。ガイはカルミアと違って思いとどまった感じが良き(語彙力) しかも、この後立場が悪と善で逆転するの凄い好きです。
@user-ek1mu7il5o 3 жыл бұрын
@こんこん-j1l 3 жыл бұрын
『沙痲』guiをこ○した後の獄中のKALMA →『キルマー』KALMIAがguiをこ○す →『アランダーノ』guiさんの幼少期 時間進むんじゃなくて、戻るように工夫されてて 伏線がどんどん回収されてくのがめちゃめちゃいい(語彙力)
@The_Darkestlord_RUSIFERIOS 3 жыл бұрын
@ぴぴぴ-j1h 3 жыл бұрын
@こんこん-j1l 3 жыл бұрын
@@The_Darkestlord_RUSIFERIOS わわ!いえいえありがとうございます🥲 直しました!
@こんこん-j1l 3 жыл бұрын
@@ぴぴぴ-j1h わかります...色んな立場や視点を考えられてて ほんとに凄いですよね...
@user-umeneg 3 жыл бұрын
アルバムで聴いた時からずっとこのMVを待ってた…ほんとにうれしい 音だけで解釈していくのもすっごい楽しいけどMVつくと感じ方が変わってくる歌詞があってまた楽しい 構図の対比と類似点がマジで綺麗……似た者同士だったのかな……
@あうい-v1u 7 ай бұрын
この曲カルミア?の三つ編みに手伸ばして終わってくのが切なくてすき。最初から人間性がない終わってる奴だったんじゃないってことがわかって安心した。 キルマー聞いたときはこんなくず野郎は殺されても仕方ないというか自業自得みたいなとこあるよな、とか思いながら聞いてたけどアランダーノ聞いてからガイくんが一生報われないというか理解してもらえてないのが不憫すぎる…
@みーちゃん-j5l6c 3 жыл бұрын
キルマーの方では「今が生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」で今が人生で1番最悪だ!!!みたいな意味として取れるけど、今回のアランダーノでは「生涯最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな」で自分は一生最底辺にいるんだみたいな感じに取れますよね!!!!!💪(˙👄˙ )(語彙力) でも結局何が言いたいって煮ル果実様の曲は全部素晴らしいということとストーリーがとてもすこだということとイラストがかっけぇということとetc…
@西の国の槐 2 жыл бұрын
@にゃ-g6g 3 жыл бұрын
@田中ペチカ 3 жыл бұрын
POPGATOを聞いた時からこの曲気になってたんよな…映像も相まって最高だ… あとこういう悪役のバックグラウンド的なストーリー好きなんよなぁ…本当に煮ルさん好き…
@ladanna16 3 жыл бұрын
Ok, this song was a surprise to me, specially with Gui as the protagonis, but I think that both, this song and Killmer show the same message, how the victim can become the victimizer. Also, I don't know if I'm overanalyzing these songs, but since Killmer I have had this suspicion, and I think this song reaffirms it to me: Gui is a bastard and enslaved Kalmia, because he liked her physically, just like he did with many other women, but only Kalmia was treated a little better (in Killmer Gui even dressed her elegantly and took her as his companion to the "party" where in the end she would kill him). So, I really believe that over time he came to love Kalmia (in a twisted way like when a kidnapper loves his victim, but just the same she hated him for killing his mother). And Kalmia came to "like" Gui, like the people who have been kidnapped for a long time, and they begin to develop a relationship of dependency and even affection for their kidnapper. That is why in Killmer, Kalmia before killing him says: - "So, there’s no love" (because she wants to confirm that he never wanted her, there was never love) - "I'll sever the velvet rope!" (making a parallel between the velvet rope and the red ribbon of destiny / love, she will cut her twisted relationship and feelings for him) But, from Gui´s perspective: - In Kilmer he responds "No love at all" (He confirms to Kalmia that he never love her, but still he's smiling, I think it's because he wants her to kill him) - In this song, this momento: 2:55. Because it represents the moment of Gui's death (especially here 3:02, he even has the cut on his face that Kalmia gave him in Killmer). Although he is going to die, he does not look angry at all, he only keeps trying to reach Kalmia until the end (which reaffirms for me, that he loved her, even if it was in a very twisted way).
@crazym2750 3 жыл бұрын
Omg, i love your theory and when i think about it again. It does makes sense why gui doesn't mad when kalmia killed him and i think, he kinda expected it that sooner or later kalmia would avenged her mother and got her freedom P.s im sorry if my blabbering have so many grammer error, lol
@sdfgdhjklotrewfb1822 3 жыл бұрын
very detailed analysis thank you very much!
@drjitterbug 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like gui 'loved' her with potential which doesn't work out in most relationships
@anziepanzie 3 жыл бұрын
thank you for the analysis. god, the fact that he genuinely loved kalmia (even if it was a fucked up type of love) makes it 100x worse. it would’ve been a lot easier to stomach if he was just abusing her for fun or smth
@faithyuna1458 3 жыл бұрын
@@anziepanzie yeah worst part is that cases like him genuinely appears irl. Like the time where slavery was common I think there are cases where slave owners who fell in love with their slave, and become exactly what Gui is to Kalmia. He loves her but treats her like crap, regards her as a possession, a thing.
@no_sima Жыл бұрын
2:14 憂いたくなるよなぁーがキルマーの願いたくなるよなぁと似てた気がしたのは私だけでは無いかもしれない
@たなかゴンザレス 4 ай бұрын
@SYAU_MJ 3 жыл бұрын
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