This is The Hololive Member that Bae was scared of at first, EN? JP?

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Noises V

Noises V

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@jeremygeller9145 2 ай бұрын
Bae: I was really worried Calli wouldn’t like me Also bae: CALLI LETMESMELLYOFEET
@YawnMK1 2 ай бұрын
_"i got K'ed!!!!! Noooooooo!!"_
@ShadowdaHedgie11 2 ай бұрын
To be fair it wasn't Bae's fault, it was someone who left a supa using that name XP
@ShadowdaHedgie11 2 ай бұрын
@@YawnMK1 "I'm sowwy. Big sister be angy."
@theoneguyoverthere 2 ай бұрын
Bae before debut: Omigod, Calli is so cool and scary, what if she doesn’t like me? Several Halloweens later… Calli: COBBLIN’ DEEZ NUUUUUU… Bae: 😑
@kingofthelandbaby 2 ай бұрын
Subaru when Bae said Towa: she’s kind, no need to be afraid Subaru when Bae said Suisei: ah… well… Suisei is…. Well… unique… not scary…. Definitely not a wall… definitely not right behind me with a axe…
@blazingkite8983 2 ай бұрын
Subaru: this is between us Bae: yes between us Clippers: *and us* *starts USSR theme*
@noisessv 2 ай бұрын
"US" *bug bunny meme
@cbalinefourcba4615 2 ай бұрын
Clip viewer: and us
@tsukinoyuki 2 ай бұрын
I didn't know the Oxford dictionary ahs updated the definition of "Us" into "every person on earth". Lmao
@maunabesanika Ай бұрын
OUR secret kkomrad
@coriolis5347 2 ай бұрын
Mori mentioned over the years, how growing up, being a fan of musical bands and groups, that she wanted to be a 'part of' because from afar, it looks like a great family environment of talented people working together for a common goal. However, as she started her musical career, there were lots of walls, barriers, and anxiety ridden phases where she didn't feel like she 'fit in'. Eventually, she found herself in Hololive, again, with walls, barriers and anxiety at first. But over time, those broke down and went away, with hard work from her, her genmates, staff, and of course us, the fans that cheer them on. That she realized, she found a good place, with good people, good staff, good fans. Of course, it comes with its limitations and restrictions, but realizes that, with the free time she has, she wants to spend them with other HoloMems, and to let them know, hey, we are family! And make amazing content. Mori's found her home, and she opens her arms to everyone that joins the family. If you look at her collabs, she's almost always one of the first to reach out and collab and/or work with them on projects. IRyS, Council, Tempus, Advent, Justice, ID, HoloX, ReGloss, when she has time, and this is a huge factor, her time lol, she will reach out and make sure that new talents feel at home. Unless something really big happens for Mori, I think she'll be part of Hololive for a long time, be it a talent, or behind the scenes. She's mentioned how much she enjoys the production of music as well, and how she loves when her friends sing her songs with the lyrics she wrote.
@Jp_116 Ай бұрын
I don't remember which stream but what I do remember was that there was a stream where Bae said she thinks that Hololive as a whole feels like family. And Calli reacted to it.. Um... Well, she didn't exactly agree but she didn't fault Bae for her opinion. This happened like still pretty early into their career in Hololive. IIRC, it was a time when Bae was still somewhat scared of Calli 😅. And Calli was still somewhat apprehensive of thinking like she's in a good place now. I'm glad that after some time, she can feel that what Bae said is true now.
@chaoton 2 ай бұрын
From what I’ve heard throughout the years, The Myths said that they have no immediate senpais and was unprecedented, and while not without benefits, they felt as if they were on their own. When Council came to be, they didn’t want the 2nd gen to feel as lost, thus the warm and helpful welcome that result in this clip.
@EndoftheBeginning17 2 ай бұрын
If you note that in the first 2 Gen Council/Promise do not call any of the Myth members senpai, they all went with the English way of speaking. some of Advent and Justice does it with Myth and Promise but rarely they all do it with the JP's Myth with Gen 4 and earlier and ID Gen 1, everything after are kohais and again no senpai or kohai relationship as that is primarily a Japnese concept
@broadbandislife 2 ай бұрын
@@EndoftheBeginning17 The whole obsession with seniority is more or less a Confucian thing and pretty much doesn't exist as such in Western culture. There are loose _analogues_ ofc but they're not even remotely as formalised.
@issew1667 2 ай бұрын
@@EndoftheBeginning17 well it's basically just Japanese culture. if I recall, someone said that HoloEN wasn't built with generational unit concept from the start since difference in culture (and location) of each EN member. while HoloID although having seniority as their culture and close proximity, uses seniority card loosely just for fun or more or less like a parody and interact more like a close friend circle.
@irvancrocs1753 2 ай бұрын
@@EndoftheBeginning17 Tbf that senpai concept is still kinda applied with ID members as well, if I recall only Kobo and Reine that aren't afraid to call their senpais by name..
@Yampiey 2 ай бұрын
I will give the credit to management! They definitely have a good judgement, when it comes to "who would be a good fit for hololive talent". It really feels like a family. haha
@EndoftheBeginning17 2 ай бұрын
There's a clip Calli was talking about the audition process and one of the first things they weed out are people that will go for the one up man ship, pettiness, anything that is basically going to cause division or upset, these are people that have to work together so personality comes first, good work ethic comes second. I just found out Raden like Subru had no experience streaming, singing or dancing, she learned enough singing to pass the audition, and basically impressed the auditioner with her knowledge and enthusiasm. It's beenupwards from there despite how hard it has been to get there
@ThatchNetherfold 2 ай бұрын
@@EndoftheBeginning17 If I'm not mistaken, before JP Gen 5, Yagoo did all the screening and scouting himself (though there were minor exceptions in the past due to the lack of Vtubing fame such as Korone). And then from there on onwards he leave it to the management, as the shape of the company has solidified and its management knows what sort of talent they need to diversify for viewer content.
@Dinbatu62 2 ай бұрын
It does make you wonder if there anyone that got kick out before debut but that probably under NDA
@jaq_frost 2 ай бұрын
there's always a different bae whenever Towa shows up
@CaptainIchimaruGin 2 ай бұрын
Bae: "I'm sort of afraid of my own big Sis." Subaru: "Calli isn't that scary." Bae: In JP I'm scared of Towa and Suisei." Subaru: "Towa is an angel don't be scared of her, but Suisei I say watch what you say to her especially don't mention her chest as she tend to get murderous when someone say something about her chest." Also the two of them should know chat will snitch on them.
@bankkunarak 2 ай бұрын
it's between 2 of them and 10k live audience. no way this news gonna leak anywhere.
@karayura10 2 ай бұрын
@ToaOfTwilightZKai 2 ай бұрын
This was surprise super heartwarming
@MakotoTheKnight 2 ай бұрын
I don't know why, but I could totally picture Calli eating a sandwich, pulling the most confused faces ever when she's hearing that Bae was afraid of not being liked by her 🤣 To be fair I think it's pretty fair to not want to disappoint someone you look up to, and given that they hadn't interacted, how much banter was okay was still an unknown quantity. But the ice has long been shattered by now 🤣
@quaeravoluptatem 2 ай бұрын
"So are you scared of anyone now?" *_A shadow appears in the window, the top of its silhouette broken by two protrusions, light glinting off of a blade held close_* "N-no, of course not..."
@maxord11 2 ай бұрын
*Dan Dan intensifies*
@sh1r0.n3k0 2 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, Suisei aura is too strong. She's like the biggest super stars in Hololive and feels like on same tier like Ado. That's why I think most of new members feel a bit discourage to approach her especially on early months after they debut.
@ultrasoul7870 2 ай бұрын
Sui-chan's aura is so strong even that Freeza's army scooter probably explodes
@Rixkie 2 ай бұрын
She gives off this really professional/serious vibe
@クラウススタジオプロダクション 2 ай бұрын
That was fair... almost everyone scared of death
@Izarius666 2 ай бұрын
Ah yes, infamous HoloEN member Calliope Mori, also known as: Mowi - by Wawa Kawaiiope - by Goomba Dad - by DeadBeats and Kobo etc etc and then ... KOWAIope - by CHAOS THE END OF ENDS A STEEL ROSE TRAPPED IN A CAGE OF ICE
@Amia_the_Smol 2 ай бұрын
Nah, she's Uncle Dad to Kobo
@fahrenheit1522 2 ай бұрын
@dr_oopsie 2 ай бұрын
@Jp_116 Ай бұрын
Also by Wawa: Cawwi
@totallyathome 2 ай бұрын
So the holomem bae was truly afraid of was herself... For being a burden to others. Man thats deep.
@TehmleGal 2 ай бұрын
Surprised bae didn't simply go for the obvious EN member everyone should be afraid of... Mumei
@broadbandislife 2 ай бұрын
This was "at first", remember? She only learned what The TOWL is like _later..._ Kinda like how back when Towa first collabed with Mooms and Zeta and sort of gawked in shocked disbelief when it quickly started becoming apparent her qt overseas kouhais are actually walking talking examples of the old "Cute But Psycho - Things Even Out" meme o3o
@KaimanDororo 2 ай бұрын
Because Mumei is her partner in crime.
@SLtheFMAYT 2 ай бұрын
Love the idea of Bae being scared of her own Gen member.
@MuhmmdSyhm 2 ай бұрын
2:39 Yeah... Almost like a dad...
@marcelostalker 2 ай бұрын
Suisei is scary cause she is really cool, but she is also the girl that screams "KonKon!" from the backstage when Fubuki sings "Say! Fanfare"
@lastnamefirstname8655 2 ай бұрын
everyone in hololive is very cute!
@ryl1 2 ай бұрын
Bae is so JP she refers to Calli as Calliope now
@jakkametkraiwong6508 2 ай бұрын
Calli will be very confused if Bae accidentally calls her Calliope when they collab. 😂
@jakkametkraiwong6508 2 ай бұрын
Calli and Towa have the same vibe to me. Without knowing them very well, they seem so cool and might be a little bit hard to talk to. But after knowing how they really are, they're cute dorks. 😂
@sarutobisensei1 2 ай бұрын
I would think that Bae would be scared or at least intimidated by Pekora (since when she went to EN's 1st Minecraft server everyone was nervous about Pekora's presence since she has always had big numbers and is famous for being Mischievous).
@marinda653 2 ай бұрын
I like the family environment of hololive.😊
@ShadowdaHedgie11 2 ай бұрын
I was definitely expecting Calli to be the one Bae was scared of at first. If I joined... hmm.. I think I'd be most scared of Calli, Kronii, and Elizabeth when it comes to EN (no-one in Advent, they all seem like goobers) With ID, probably Moona and Reine. With JP... Sora, Fubuki, Marine, Watame and Lui. And I'm well aware my fears would likely be unfounded but y'know, anxiety.
@jimjoe0012 2 ай бұрын
@GK-st6qm 2 ай бұрын
@obitoxshinobi8978 2 ай бұрын
@lexsaito1189 2 ай бұрын
Suisei and Towa mentioned, it reminded me again of a certain onion T-T
@BASEDsoda 2 ай бұрын
gratuitous use of mechakucha jeez
@obitoxshinobi8978 2 ай бұрын
I want gta6 HoloSantos😢i think want more
@Trivial_Man 2 ай бұрын
JP members are all so busy, so you wouldn't want to bother them. On the other hand that slacker Calli has nothing but free time, so no worries about talking to her
@GoodOleDFT 2 ай бұрын
Death obeys not the rules of time.
@broadbandislife 2 ай бұрын
@@GoodOleDFT **camera pans slowly to Kronii, holding a clown horn** "Bet."
@GoodOleDFT 2 ай бұрын
@@broadbandislife Sounds like we got a Hologra in the making.
@comradeofthebalance3147 2 ай бұрын
Wait, isn’t this a hate comment? Why are people liking this and not commenting on the tone of it?
@GoodOleDFT 2 ай бұрын
@@comradeofthebalance3147 He's memeing, my dude.
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