Norman Witnesses to Steve a Jehovah's Witness in Hartford, CT on May 21, 2024. Listen in!

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Norman Harold Patterson Jr

Norman Harold Patterson Jr

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@cygnustsp 4 ай бұрын
It is really sad that they can barely have a conversation and not direct people to the website
@daleburnfart6845 4 ай бұрын
Christian means christ-like right? Imitating Christ? Can you imagine Jesus instead of teaching just running around arguing and debating individuals? lol Clearly you havnt thought about that. This man directed this guy to their website which is designed to teach. This guy wants to argue and debate or try to catch a JW in an inconsistency and if you are honest you can see that. Pharisees tried that with Jesus and Jesus humiliated them. This guy claiming to be a christian looking for an argument is getting humiliated because this guy like Jesus isnt playing their game. =D
@cygnustsp 4 ай бұрын
@@daleburnfart6845 have you ever read the gospels? Half of it is Jesus running around arguing with people, or denying them knowledge. I get it, I'm not a big fan of street preaching or approaching JWs with the implicit motivation to "save" them and explicitly looking for a fight but JWs are so ill-equipped. I V remember going door to door with an elder who never had to direct anyone to anything and rarely used watchtower stuff. He knew so much about the Bible. Why can't they still be that way? Because the religion is more about culture than really digging into the Bible and considering that their position could be off. I wouldn't be either of these guys because arguing on the street is just ridiculous and it's only good for someone's ego and someone's KZbin channel. I watch them sometimes to see if anything new will happen and it never does.
@tim..t175 4 ай бұрын
@@daleburnfart6845lol . Not playing his game . Condescending more like it . The Christian, unlike the JW , doesn’t follow men . Jw’s follow a group called the governing body .
@holylandfan3275 4 ай бұрын
The first red flag for anyone is, if a denomination has to have an ‘ADDITIONAL’ Bible, run! There is no addition to the word of God. (Revelation 22:18-19). The KJV is the best selling book throughout the ages and can, and should, stand on its own. It doesn’t need Ellen White or Joseph Smith adding to it.
@W8RIT1 4 ай бұрын
Not Charles Russell inserting the word Jehovah 237 times that there is no basis for it from the Greek manuscripts. In so doing, they take away from the Glory of Jesus. No, Jesus did not revert back to archangel Michael.
@yahuhallah1259 4 ай бұрын
@@W8RIT1 Charles Russell died in 1916 and the NWT came out in 1950's so how did he insert Jehovah 237 times? 😆😆 You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
@W8RIT1 4 ай бұрын
@@yahuhallah1259 The Watchtower was first published by Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Bible Student movement, in 1879, followed by the inception of the Watch Tower Society in 1881. Supporters adopted the name Jehovah's witnesses in 1931. It doesn't matter when they were actually named "Jehovah's Witnesses"....the philosophy/theology of Russell was known from the inception. You'd better do some research.
@W8RIT1 4 ай бұрын
@@yahuhallah1259 correct, the version put out in 1953 also had the changes. I've heard a Christian apologist classify the JW version as the most Satanically produced copy of the Bible he knows of. It can be proven with passages, it's also apparent if you study the Greek Interlinear...found on the JW website so there won't be any argument from them that any other version of the Bible is from what they consider as corrupt Christendom.
@W8RIT1 4 ай бұрын
@@yahuhallah1259 Both versions contained this manipulation. The latter was created to refine itself with JW doctrine, now pay is where you got lost last time....the JW doctrine created by Russell. Whew! Did you grasp that? Ok...let comprehension sink in.
@paulross6727 4 ай бұрын
You keep quoting the bible but you can't quote the bible to prove the bible. All religions have their own holy book and they all think theirs is the true one. Thousands of religions thousands of gods, Christianity is no more likely to be true than any of the others. It's all just blind faith, zero provable facts.
@pattynellis7347 4 ай бұрын
The JW guy looks like a jerk , he knows he's being challenged and it irritates him
@rogerlau4932 4 ай бұрын
I thought you would present the gospel rather than solely a polemic against abortion. There are a couple places in the OT where God pronounces a judgment against Israel and against Babylon, promoting a "ripping up of pregnant women." So, perhaps, society shouldn't support abortion, but God promoted abortion. Is it okay if he does it? Is he exempt, whereas we are not? When Roe vs Wade was first debated in the 1970s, by evangelical churches, there was a lot of nuanced thinking, regarding issues of a free society, moral liability, death, balancing the life of the mother vs the unborn baby. Obviously you've settled this and reduced it to a more simplistic conclusion.
@chrishanson1631 4 ай бұрын
Free will does not mean you can do anything you want. That is a stupid notion.
@holylandfan3275 4 ай бұрын
The one verse I always compare different Bible versions to is, Daniel 3:25. The KJV has it correct as the “Son of God” (no plural), not more than one God. I trash any others I come across that have this different. KJV Daniel 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. LSB Daniel 3:25 He answered and said, “Look! I see four men loosed and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!” LSB is not a good translation and is deceptive, adding the ‘s’.
@QuëstionšnÅňşwęŕż 4 ай бұрын
You picked Daniel 3:25 to determine if a translation is good? And made the determination based on a polytheistic king who believed in many Gods who used the plural "Θεοῦ" in the LXX as opposed to the singular Θεόν? Please tell me your kidding. You do know that the accurate rendering is son of the Gods according to the septuagint? Don't forget King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar worshiped many gods of course hes using the plural, thats all the guy knew lol.
@holylandfan3275 4 ай бұрын
@@QuëstionšnÅňşwęŕż 100% I go to that verse first. He realized it must be THE son of GOD (not many) to be able to save them from a furnace he even increased 7 times hotter and they didn’t even smell like smoke or have a hair on their head singed. The other translation versions they are coming out with today want a reader to believe there are many other sons and many other gods, rather than the one true God.
@QuëstionšnÅňşwęŕż 4 ай бұрын
​​​@@holylandfan3275 really beautiful thought to think King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar became a believer in the one true God. Beautiful man! However dont condemn other translations either because they are staying true to the old languages and writings written prior to Jesus and still available today. The plural is actually used in that verse so its good a translation sticks to the original thought expressed. But love your thought! On a side note God in the kjv refers to Moses as "a god" at Exodus 7:1. And at 2 cor. 4:4 the Bible acknowledges "the god" of this world who blinds the minds kjv. But yeah love your thought 😊
@toddhayes3506 4 ай бұрын
Watchtower is DANGEROUS RIP Raymond Franz please read Crisis of Conscience
@toddhayes3506 4 ай бұрын
Yeshua 🇮🇱 Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life HalleluYah!
@jakubheliniak1156 3 ай бұрын
When JWs say that Jesus is/was Michael archangel, they usually use this verse: 1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.'' Their explanation is this: you see, he is coming with a SHOUT of the archangel, and that is how we now he is archangel Michael''...well, dear jw, he is also coming with the trumpet call of GOD. If a shout of archangel makes him the archangel, wouldn't a trumpet of God make him God too? lol...jw logic is missing, its just ridicilous To rebuke this false claim, one can use three simple verses: 1st. Establish who is The Lord 1 Corinthians 8:6 But to us there is but ONE GOD, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and ONE LORD Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him..'' One God - Father, One Lord-Jesus..they must agree, no way they cant. Then, open this verse: Jude 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, THE LORD rebuke thee.'' Remember, they've INSTERTED the word JEHOVAH into their translation..But thanks to the modern tehchnology, we can actually check what original texts are saying. Show them form THEIR website, that the word JEHOVAH is NOT THERE! Jesu Lord, Κύριος (Kyrios) NOT JEHOVAH Ask them, who is Lord? Jesus or Jehovah. They cannot escape it! Truth is truth! If they ignore that..well, you've planted a seed. If they accept their transaltion over Gods Holy and unchangable word, then the only thing one can do, is to pray for them
@robotaholic 4 ай бұрын
Wow it is TRUE Jesus was a different species than god woah mind blown. I'm atheist but I never realized it before until just after 11 minutes.
@toddhayes3506 4 ай бұрын
World English Bible please read before its Banned
@toddhayes3506 4 ай бұрын
Ethiopian Bible Apocrypha please read before its Banned
@michelehansen1653 4 ай бұрын
Mate ,let this man speak, he is right,Jesus is Gods son,it says in the Bible, its not a cult, they read the Bible and pray ,believe in God,thats all that Jesus wants,and gods namme is Jehovah, stop been angry and listen
@kevinfromcanada4379 4 ай бұрын
Jesus is Jehovah, the second person of the triune God.
@thehappy3750 4 ай бұрын
​​@@kevinfromcanada4379Are you sure about that ?then prove me Show me the bible text, That Jesus is Jehova?
@kevinfromcanada4379 4 ай бұрын
Thehappy (do you have a first name I can call you?), the NT identifies Jesus as Jehovah, the second person of the triune God, by taking OT Jehovah passages and applying them to Jesus: Mar 1:2-3 (citing Isa 40:3 & Mal 3:1), Rom 10:13 (citing Joel 2:32), Phi 2:10-11 (citing Isa 45:23), 2Thes 1:9 (citing Isa 2:10), Heb 1:10-12 (citing Psa 102:25-27), 1Pe 2:3 (Psa 34:8), 3:14-15 (Isa 8:12-13). Want to go through these verses?
@thehappy3750 3 ай бұрын
@@kevinfromcanada4379 which verse tells that Jesus is Jehovah ? That contradict the bible since Jesus is the SON of JEHOVAH And use simple English :) I'm not an English person.
@kevinfromcanada4379 3 ай бұрын
Thehappy, I gave you several verses that identify Jesus as Jehovah. 1. The Bible clearly teaches that there is one, and ONLY one God (Deu 4:35, 32:39; 2Sa 7:22; Isa 44:6, 45:5, 45:14, 45:21-22; John 17:3; 1Cor 8:4-6; 1Tim 1:17, 2:5-6; James 2:19; etc.). 2. The ONE God subsists simultaneously in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are not three gods, but three subsistences (or persons) of the one God. 3. Each person of the Godhead is fully divine: the Father is identified as God (Gal 1:1), the Son is identified as God (John 20:28), and the Holy Spirit is identified as God (Acts 5:3-4). As subsistences of the ONE God, each can be called God. They are NOT three Gods, but three subsistences of the ONE God. 4. The Father, Son and Spirit are personally distinct from each other (Mat 3:16-17). As distinct persons, each can possess different names and titles than the other persons of the Godhead. "Father" and "Son" are anthropomorphic titles that help us understand how these two persons of the Godhead relate to each other. 5. YHWH (Yahweh or Jehovah) is the name of the ONE being of God. Since each person of the Godhead is a subsistence of the ONE God, each shares the divine name (Mat 28:19) and thus can each be called YHWH (Yahweh or Jehovah). There is ONE Jehovah, not three Jehovahs, but three subsistences of the ONE Jehovah who can each be called Jehovah (cf. Gen 19:24).
@Sahira-123 4 ай бұрын
I tried once after studying with them for almost three years, to understand Hebrews 1 and the whole chapter, that Jesus WAS NOT an angel etc. Their answer was: "I cannot see what you mean!" and "If you do not accept the GB you cannot become a JW" :) I never became one...
@stefanmarcu1969 4 ай бұрын
What’s always interesting is that the lady left the old guy alone in defending the cult’s doctrine. And they all do that.. you would thought they should team up, but they don’t know what the camaraderie is. They lack empathy really, even towards other PIMIs.
@nellylugo7414 4 ай бұрын
Talking about the concentration camps and the JWs, he didn’t know that Their leader at that time, Rutherford, wrote a letter to Hitler, congratulating him and putting himself as a follower!
@SeedyBiscuit_ 3 күн бұрын
is this true? How do you know this? I have a lot of Jehovahs Witness family and if there is proof of this it would be very valuable to me
@lomejordever 4 ай бұрын
Our Precious Lord Jesus Christ warned us about all these false religions…. We must NOT follow false religions created by men, The Precious Holy Spirit guides us to the truth… Jesus Christ is The Way The Truth And The Light! THE ONLY AND TRUE GOD!
@robotaholic 4 ай бұрын
Their programming style is read watchtower read question. Find exact words for word answer in the paragraph you just read. - I told my mom that's now how you teach and learn. To me it's all bs like arguing over Harry Potter except Potter has entertaining qualities
@daleburnfart6845 4 ай бұрын
When you tell a JW you are a "christian" I assure you they are laughing at you to themselves. They dont debate. They dont argue. They may discuss a subject to a point but when they direct you to the website its not so much they are saying they dont know what the bible says. They simply dont wish to argue. They show what the bible teaches. Now you can disagree with that, then your argument is with God not a representative. Jesus himself said if you go into a city and the people listen stay, if they wont have you shake the dust off your feet and go on about your business. This guy wants to argue and debate. Jesus didnt argue nor did he debate however this guy calls himself a "Christian" which means christ like... Jesus didnt argue or debate. Just sayin, yall are about to find out. This guy cares about abortion, and decides he will go about it arguing with a JW... lol think about that.
@normanpatterson4462 4 ай бұрын
Dale, your statement about Jesus and Jehovah's Witnesses needs some clarification. First, you claim that Jehovah's Witnesses don't debate because they simply show what the Bible teaches and prefer not to argue. However, avoiding debate often indicates an unwillingness to have their beliefs scrutinized. True understanding and faith can withstand and even grow through rigorous examination and discussion. Engaging in debates can clarify misunderstandings and lead to deeper insights into the truth. Second, you argue that Jesus didn't debate or argue. This is not accurate. Jesus frequently engaged in debates with religious leaders of His time. For example, in Matthew 22, Jesus debated with the Pharisees and Sadducees on various theological issues. His purpose was to correct their errors and reveal the truth. Jesus' debates were characterized by a deep understanding of Scripture and a commitment to revealing God's truth. Third, you mentioned Jesus' instruction to shake the dust off your feet if people won't listen (Matthew 10:14). This directive was about moving on from those who outright reject the Gospel after it has been presented, not avoiding reasoned discussion altogether. There is a significant difference between stubborn rejection and genuine inquiry or debate. Lastly, the issue of abortion is a critical moral and ethical issue that requires clear, reasoned discussion. Engaging with others, including Jehovah's Witnesses, about the sanctity of life and the biblical perspective on abortion is important. It's not about arguing for the sake of it but about defending the value of human life, which is a central tenet of Christian belief. In summary, respectful debate and discussion are vital parts of defending and understanding our faith. Jesus Himself modeled this by engaging in thoughtful, scripturally grounded debates. Avoiding discussion doesn't strengthen faith; engaging in it does.
@tim..t175 4 ай бұрын
Don’t debate… although 1 Pet 3:15 says 15 But [a]sanctify [b]the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear Jw’s never provide a real defence. They are so weak they can’t even question their own religion or what they are taught because they know they will be accused of apostasy.
@daleburnfart6845 4 ай бұрын
@@normanpatterson4462 Fact. At no point not even once is there a scriptural example of Jesus debating once. Jesus made his claims and shit his mouth. To say any different makes you a liar and an idiot.
@daleburnfart6845 4 ай бұрын
@@tim..t175 The ready defense was avoiding argument and allowing ppl to answer their questions on the JW site. Instead you have an example of the desire to fight. Debate what the watchtower says. Id love to see that. lol
@richbaker7187 4 ай бұрын
@@daleburnfart6845 If I see somebody walking off a cliff to immenet death, I try my hardest to stop that person from walking off that cliff. You are playing with semantics. This man clearly wants to see JWs open their eyes and come to the knowledge of the Truth. That Truth is Jesus, because Jesus SAID so. You said JWs just want to show people what the Bible teaches. Fair enough. But what if they are teaching a false gospel? Mormons want to teach people what the Bible says, but most Mormons don't know what the Bible says, they only know what their leadership and the OTHER books say WHAT the Bible says. JWs are in the same boat. They don't KNOW wha tthe Bible says, they only know what the WATCHTOWER tells them the Bible says. The JWs have the most extra-biblical literature that is REQUIRED reading as a JW. You HAVE to follow their written prescriptions, and arguing about this truth is futile. I've BEEN to meetings, and that is EXACTLY what they do with entire portions of their meetings are ALL about reading what the magzines say. So the issue comes when the magazines quote verses, that don't support what the Watchtower teaches. This happens more often that not. Case in point? This man was trying to show that the WT changed the bible by CHANGING the Greek word "kyrios" with "Jehovah" in the New Testament. The WT did this 237 times in the NT with NO manuscrpt evidence. JWS willdeny this, and this is why a Christian will DEBATE and FIGHT for this, because if you belive the WT, then you are walking right off that cliff. Can you refute what this man was testifying to, or are you just goint to say you don't argue? Show me evidence to what the WT claims about the name "Jehovah" being REMOVED from manuscripts. This is a fallacy and a lie becaue their is NO evidence the tetragrammaton was in ANY Greek manuscripts. Can you give me evidence to the contrary? So what are the implication if it is TRUE, that the WT inserted "Jehovah" into the bible, with NO manuscript evidence? Does it NOT change the context? I say it does changet he context, especailly when the verses are talking about the name of Jesus being exalted, and the name of JESUS being the one to whom ALL knees will bow and EVERY tongue confess. This is a direct quote of OT scripture showing the FATHER recieves this as God, so in the NT, Jesus ALSO receives this worship as God.
@jonhammer7109 4 ай бұрын
Whatever. Witnesses care bout Witnesses. Try to bring others . Not my thing. Will say. There congratulation not gonna be the ones breaking in your houses.
@HenriettaMRiley 4 ай бұрын
Problem is Steve you didnt noticed. NWT - Rom 9:5 Puts a full stop after Christ (they translate as Messiah also to throw off and use a seperation technique for God and the Christ). Then its Reads ....Messiah. God who is over all... Which makes a JW think the verse is talking about two different beings. You see how deceptive they are?
@normanpatterson4462 4 ай бұрын
See how deceived you JWs are? Read it in the Greek… Jesus is God
@normanpatterson4462 4 ай бұрын
I bet you didn’t know there are no punctuation marks in Greek did you. I bet they didn’t tell you that in the kingdom Hall.
@HenriettaMRiley 4 ай бұрын
@@normanpatterson4462 Norman? I was giving you some background info on the NWT, on how the society deceives them with their own translation... Im and exjw now born in Christ....I believe in the Godhead buddy....
@normanpatterson4462 4 ай бұрын
@@HenriettaMRiley Ah, I apologize for the confusion! 🙂🙏🏼
@yahuhallah1259 4 ай бұрын
@@normanpatterson4462 You couldn't even understand an argument when it slapped you in the face. The anti JW was agreeing with you and you were being combative 😆
@ExjwSmurfGirl 4 ай бұрын
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