我是一个初入理发行业的新手,自从11月头开始看诺曼老师的视频后,我就越来越喜欢理发这个行业了。还是就是诺曼老师为人亲和,讲解详细,有耐心。看了几个视频就比我在理发店学了一个月懂的还多,诺曼老师真的是毫无保留的教学。非常感谢你的视频,也很幸运当初在推荐看到你的视频点进来看后,你的每个视频我都不会,都要观看学习和点赞。 As a beginner, I have just started to do hairdressing for a month. I'm quite interested in this profession, I have learned a lot of things since I started to watch your videos!!! I can't wait to practice those skills that I have learned from you. You are the best and most professional stylist that I have ever seen!!!🥇 Thank you for a ton, my best wishes for you... ✨✨✨