*0:00:10** 기다렸습니다 - "We Waited for You"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Chŏn Hyeyŏng. *0:03:46** 신고산타령 - "Singosan Ballad"* By Wangjaesan Light Music Band. Singer is Ryŏm Ch'ŏng. *0:06:37** 노들 강변 - "Nodul Riverside"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Chŏn Hyeyŏng. *0:09:45** 푸른 버드나무 - "Blue Willow"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Kim Kwangsuk. *0:14:32** 뽕타령 - "Mulberry Ballad"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. *0:19:37** 빨간댕기 팔랑 어서 가자야 - "Let's Go Quickly with Red Ribbons Fluttering"* From the children's movie《이마벗어진 앵무새》. Singer is Kim Ch'ŏlchin. *0:20:15** 풀무타령 - "Bellows Ballad"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singers are Chŏn Hyeyŏng, Ri Kyŏngsuk, and Ri Punhŭi. *0:23:26** 꽃처럼 고운 마음 - "Heart as Beautiful as Flower"* From the children's movie 《약샘을 찾아 떠난 두 소녀》. Singer is Ri Sunhŭi. *0:25:42** 명랑한 취사원 - "Cheerful Cooks"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Ri Kyŏngsuk. *0:28:20** 말하여다오 - "Tell Me"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Ri Kyŏngsuk. *0:31:41** 이 땅을 지켜가리 - "I Will Defend this Land"* From the children's movie 《소년장수》. Singer is Kim Ŭnchŏng. *0:34:27** 조선의 노래 - "Song of Korea"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singers are Chŏn Hyeyŏng and 3 others. *0:37:54** 혼쌀나는 꼬마곰 - "A Little Bear has Bitter Experience"* From the children's movie 《다시 돌아온 곰》. Singer is Kim Sunyŏng. *0:39:27** 혁명의 꽃씨앗을 뿌려간다네 - "Spreading the Seed of Revolution"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Kim Kwangsuk. *0:44:16** 혁명위업에 빛나는 한생을 바치리라 - "We Will be Single-Mindedly Loyal to the Shining Cause of the Revolution"* By Mansudae Art Troupe. *0:47:28** 황금산타령 - "Golden Mountain Ballad"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. *0:51:16** 휘파람 - "Whistle"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Chŏn Hyeyŏng. *0:54:54** 은빛날개 - "Silvery Wings"* By Wangjaesan Light Music Band. *0:58:18** 행복의 열매 - "Fruit of Happiness"* From the movie 《한생을 바쳐》. Singer is Chang Ŭnae. *1:01:19** 군밤타령 - "Roast Chestnut Ballad"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Cho Kŭmhwa. *1:03:41** 그 사랑 못잊어 - "We Can't Forget his Love"* From the children's movie 《소년장수》. Singers are Ri Sunhŭi and Kim Ch'ŏlchin. *1:05:54** 금강산 타령 - "Mount Kumgang Ballad"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. *1:11:02** 어서가요 먼저가요 - "Please Go, Ahead of Me"* Singers are Yun Ch'unshil and Kim Ch'ŏrho. *1:13:35** 은빛날개 - "Silvery Wings"* By the State Merited Chorus of the Korean People's Army. *1:16:36** 어서 오세요 - "You are Welcome"* Singer is Chang Ŭnae. *1:18:47** 어머니생각 - "I Think of my Mother"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Pak Sunhyang. *1:23:17** 어머니 - "Mother" (only the last third of the song)* By Wangjaesan Light Music Band. Singer is O Chŏngyun. *1:24:41** 도라지 - "Toraji"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Chŏn Hyeyŏng. *1:27:41** 도시처녀 시집와요 - "Urban Girl Comes to Get Married"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Ri Kyŏngsuk. *1:30:48** 동이 튼다 일터로 가세 - "Day Breaks, Let's Go to Work"* From the children's movie 《놀고먹던 꿀꿀이》. Leading singer is Ch'oe Punok. *1:33:07** 더 높이 더 빨리 - "Higher and Faster"* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Hyŏn Songwŏl. *1:36:32** 닭털넘기기 노래 - "Song of Blowing Chicken's Feathers"* From the children's movie 《두 장군이야기》. *1:38:30** 출전북을 울려라 - "Beat the Drum for Battle"* From the children's movie 《소년장수》. *1:40:40** 친근한 이름 - "The Dear Name" (only some verses)* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Ri Kyŏngsuk. *1:41:17** 아직은 말못해 - "I Can't Tell Yet" (only the end of the song)* By Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Singer is Cho Kŭmhwa. 1:42:15 끝
@alfonsosalinas3026 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@theytwatcher950 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much
@DepecheEvans Жыл бұрын
@NorthKoreaManse12 жыл бұрын
Impressive is your knowing of DPRK's music.
@Rob81k5 жыл бұрын
0:03:46 "Orang Ballad" 0:06:37 "Nodul Riverside" 0:28:20 "Tell Me" 0:39:27 "I Spread the Seed of Revolution" 0:44:16 "Faith and Duty Is Our Soul" 0:51:16 "Whistle" 1:11:02 "Please Go, Ahead of Me" 1:27:40 "Urban Girl Comes to Get Married" 1:33:06 "Higher and Faster" 1:40:40 "The Dear Name"
@ParadiseFMMalta7 жыл бұрын
thanks to you I was able to identify my log on 819 kHz AM as Radio North Korea. heard this music in Germany on mdium wave. nice collection of songs
@kazintsevdesigns65883 жыл бұрын
"Urban Girl Comes to Get Married" is from the movie with the same name! Highly recommend to watch it, because it's beautiful. Thank you for this wonderful music!
@allcitypop3 жыл бұрын
I can't stop listening 🎧 this every night before I sleep 😴 , is like I'm traveling to the past, soon i will meet you Korea
@DavidWBeck2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that was the most amazing night musical program I have ever seen! The talent on stage was incredible and the music was absolutely beautiful. The way the performers interacted with the audience and the energy they brought to the stage was electric. I was completely mesmerized by the entire performance and couldn't take my eyes off the stage. Thank you so much for sharing this incredible experience with all of us on KZbin. I can't wait to see what the next night musical program has in store for us.
@DeVolksrepubliek Жыл бұрын
What stage
@cheesemanthe2nd Жыл бұрын
@@DeVolksrepubliekit was performed on a stage presumably
@crab29343 жыл бұрын
14:05 what a transition... beautiful
@FriendsoftheDPRKNorthKoreaDPRK9 жыл бұрын
1 hour 1.45 minutes of nice music
@kimjongun1083 жыл бұрын
Vibes right
@noble98644 жыл бұрын
1:13:35 - 1:16:36 "You Silvery Wings", my favorite.
@SMGJohn8 жыл бұрын
Wow at least they are original.
@zawir_usaodpowiadausa33545 жыл бұрын
Thank you Comrade thats beautiful.
@VeliPeshev-tx9od6 ай бұрын
I love this compilation. Stunning!
@postmortemritual3 жыл бұрын
Mandatory listening before going to bed. Hope to dream with Supreme Leader and True Korea :3