A. 是一種承諾跟記憶。我結婚鑽戒就是人工鑽石,很大顆,4C也都很完美,又沒有人道(血鑽石)問題。我大概以後看到它都會想到婚禮當天的美好。當時我問我先生有多少預算買我的戒指,我聽到後帶他去當地銀樓挑了一個只有他開價的1/5的戒指,還可以跟師傅客製修改。 題外話是現在人工鑽石的技術真的很好,看到各種粉紅、粉藍色等以前做不出來的鑽石,比天然的還要漂亮
I study gemology myself. I totally agree that lab grown diamonds are much more affordable compared to natural diamonds(most natural diamonds are either brown, yellow or gray), especially in terms of clarity and color grades. And most diamonds these days are mined by machine. Extremely rarely being mined by hand and mining by hands are extremely dangerous. Btw, color stones are much more likely mined by hands. Mixing lab grown stones with natural stones are common right now. Even some jewelry manufacturers don't even know when they are buying in bulk, but for some big manufacturers, they might send it to GIA labs to identify these tiny stones in bulk by machine to see which are lab grown stones and natural stones.