you made a fine choice on that A2300 Kukje engine. mine is over 100 hours with no regen. the most simple modern tractor engine on the planet.
@MartyHenderson-ie9sp5 ай бұрын
Thank you sir. I 100% agree with you. It has been a great engine and I am at 150 hours now with not even close to a regen. Thanks for the comments.
@MartyHenderson-ie9sp4 ай бұрын
I have partnered with Nova Tractor and if you us my code MHAR7 when you purchase something, they will send you free extra parts for whatever you buy and use my code. Thanks.
@stevenjacques62084 ай бұрын
What is the maximum offset to the right with the hydraulic offset? Are still pleased with your purchase? Any reason why you didn’t purchase a larger/wider model? Thank you, I’m looking to purchase a flail mower.
@MartyHenderson-ie9sp4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your questions. The offset is right at 2 feet past the rear tire. I chose the MFZ-175 for rear width coverage with my TYM T474. I thought about the next size up but they were out of stock last year when I bought. I’m absolutely happy with it after 50 plus hours of hard use. If you choose to buy one from Nova Tractor, you can enter code MHAR7 and get yourself some free stuff added in on your order. Thanks for watching.
@stevenjacques62084 ай бұрын
Does your MFZ175 have shear pins or do you have a slip clutch for your PTO?
@MartyHenderson-ie9sp4 ай бұрын
@@stevenjacques6208 Good morning. The PTO is direct drive and is protected by a belt drive system on the mower. It has 4 heavy duty belts that run from the top pully down to the the drive rotor. If anything ever binds up or hits something really hard, the belts will slip instead of harming the mower or the tractor. I have not had any issues at all with either slippage or anything. As a matter of fact, the mower is being used on my tractor this week. It has been a flawless 60 plus hours since last year and the belt tension is just as tight as it was when I checked it when new. To me that is amazing, just knowing how hard I have worked this thing out in the woods clearing underbrush limbs and trails. Thanks for the questions.
@user-vd4bk1ll9m2 ай бұрын
So I purchased the exact same flail mower after shoot six months of thinking. I have a 3038E John Deere and boy have I put that flail mower and some thick trees. I don’t have a third function so I had to put both hydraulic ins into some fluid and then I used a ratchet strap to set it or I want, but I figured whenever I add function it’ll be a great thing to have. I’ve been meaning to make a video, but I haven’t. I thought well over 50 hours on it and like I said, I lifted it full up reversed onto a 4 inch tree and just pushed it down slowly as it ate it and it shredded that tree the 3.3 pounders hammers.
@MartyHenderson-ie9sp2 ай бұрын
@@user-vd4bk1ll9m It is definitely heavy duty as Nova Describes it. I have also done some things with it that aren't really supposed to do and it never backs down. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@karibasappamgmgksolartrap4 ай бұрын
How much
@MartyHenderson-ie9sp4 ай бұрын
It was $3,000 to my driveway. Thanks for watching.