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इस विडियो के माध्यम से हम NABH, NQAS, Laqshya, Muskaan तथा kayakalp के अससेस्समेंट के समय पूछे जाने वाले सवाल तथा उसके जवाब के बारे मे पड़ेंगे। तथा हम देखेंगे की Hospitals के अलग अलग विभागो के लिए असेसर क्या क्या सवाल पूछते है उनके जवाब क्या होना चाहिए तथा हमे कैसे उनके जवाब देना है ।#BMW के बारे मे विस्तार से बताइये ? तथा उसमे किए गए संसोधन के बारे मे बताए ?
#Bio-medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules कब बना तथा उसमे कब - कब आमेंटमेंट किए गए ?#यदि किसी वार्ड मे आग लग गई तो आप क्या करेंगे ?
#आग बुझाने वाला यंत्र / fire extinguisher कितने प्रकार के होते है ?#ETP STP क्या होता है ? अथवा लिकुइड वेस्ट को कैसे डिसिन्फ़ेक्त करते है ?#5 मूवमेंट ऑफ हैंड वॉशिंग बताइये ? अथवा हाथ कब कब धुलना चाहिउए ?#6 मूवमेंट ऑफ हैंड वॉशिंग/हैंड रब बताइये ?
इन सभी सवालो का जवाब इस विडियो मे मिलेगा। आप सभी के सुझाव एवं शिकायत सादर अम्नत्रित है। जिसके लिए मेरा contact डीटेल इस प्रकार है ।
Dr Vinod Parmar
facebook id - DrVinod Parmar@facebook.com
Inatagram id - DrVinodParmar@Inatagram.com
twitter id - DrVinod2666@twitter.com
Through this video, we will read about the questions asked during the assessment of NABH, NQAS, Laqshya, Muskaan and kayakalp and their answers. And we will see what questions the assessors ask for different departments of the hospitals, what should be their answers and how should we answer them. Please tell us in detail about #BMW? And tell about the amendments made in it?
#When were the Bio-medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules made and when were amendments made in it? #What will you do if there is a fire in a ward?
#How many types of fire extinguishers are there?#What is ETP STP? Or how to disinfect liquid waste? #5 Explain the movement of hand washing? Or when should hands be washed? #6 Tell the movement of hand washing/hand rub?Answers to all these questions will be found in this video. All your suggestions and complaints are respectfully invited. For which my contact details are as follows.Dr Vinod Parmar
facebook id - DrVinod Parmar@facebook.com
Inatagram id - DrVinodParmar@Inatagram.com
twitter id - DrVinod2666@twitter.com
#swachhta guidelines #swachhta action plan guidelines #lux meter #लक्स मीटर का उपयोग #light in lux of operation table #examination lighting #good water requirement in hospital per bed #how to calculate water consumption in hospitals #National quality assurance standards #NQAS #NABH #kayakalp #laqshya #musqan #NQAS training #nqas questions and answers #kayakalp training #5s #short #set in order #shain #stenderd #sustain #unidiractional method of moping in hospital's #unidiractional method of moping in operation theater #hypochloraid #hypochlorite solution #how to make hypochlorite solution #how to make chlorin solution #how to make 1% chlorin solution ##how to make 0.5% chlorin solution #how to make 2 % chlorin solution #how to make chlorin solution from bleaching powder #how to make 1% hypochlorite solution from 5 % hypochlorite #how to make 0.5% hypochlorite solution from 5 % hypochlorite #how to make 1% hypochlorite solution from 10 % hypochlorite #infectioncontrol #fireextinguisher #handwashing #6steps of handwashing #5movment of handwashing #howtoweargloves #howtowearglovesforsurgery #biomedical waste management #BMW #generalwaste management #BMW bin #hindi