Ask Abe-san's family if Japan is safe. You've allowed the American mental illness to turn you into a weak shadow of what you used to be. And for what? For them to destroy the planet with their vile lies. You know what I see most often abroad? Japanese and Chinese Christians. Mainly because of my mixed Asian background (social circle). And you know why they have those beliefs today? Because they see what these evil politicians are doing to the world - destroying it on purpose and instigating violence - and they see the people doing nothing. Japan will need a thicker skin if it is going to survive. You are better than this, better than them. We all are. It's about time the people turned their back on the lies of the political elites. Before our cultures, histories and world are nothing but a waste land. Or do you wish to see more of their Pandemics. Wars. Lies. Perhaps even Nuclear weapons? They have ZERO morals. ZERO respect. ZERO honour. And yet despite our differences (Chinese and Japanese) we know the importance of those things. Left to their current course --- none will be safe. And everything will have been for nothing. A disrespect to our ancestors and the lessons they learned on our behalf. It is not good enough. People do nothing! It is pathetic and sad.