Platy getting town traitor after having never seen it and it being explained in 5 seconds is the universe giving him a hard life lesson
@yourpsychicfriendfredbear8 ай бұрын
Game: Oh he doesn’t know about this, I’ll help him learn! :)
@redwarrior8648 ай бұрын
And making his name "CovenTown" too haha
@emirulin53237 ай бұрын
The stars aligned specifically to punch Platy in the jaw
@cloverwizard03alt378 ай бұрын
Admire Chilled and Ze’s friendship where Chilled somehow knew Ze was SK on the death note alone
@Demonologist0138 ай бұрын
They have known each other for like 14ish years now I think
@thes4very58 ай бұрын
They are the biggest power duo over, when they work together the games go so quick, either ToS or Amoogus
@silverthrall57288 ай бұрын
There's no one else in the lobby who would take the time to write a sentence and also write a sentence like that. Most people just write memes, few actually articulate whole sentences. Chilled actually slips punctuation to avoid detection when writing anonymously.
@pancho51598 ай бұрын
@@thes4very5 "FLASH" "THUNDER"
@vereflores12408 ай бұрын
@@Demonologist013 i think they meant in like 2006 or something on a halo forum but yeah those two are a power duo.
@ChildNightmare8 ай бұрын
Just cheesy going "ah... ok" followed by the gavel slamming down was hilarious
@SPOOKiE_GRND8 ай бұрын
Larry's reveals in his serious voice are great. "I am dead." and from yesterdays Among Us video "Apple, you know I'm bad."
@spooked_glitch8 ай бұрын
"I got a sleeper build, as in I take a lot of naps" - omg Cheesy lmao
@irecordwithaphone18568 ай бұрын
So true, he's a man of the people
@crodog1008 ай бұрын
"that reads like Ze" and here we see a decade of friendship being the reason Chilled can murder Ze so easily from a line up and vice versa lmao
@lostddp26498 ай бұрын
Chilled can pick ze out in a heartbeat Ze can accurately sift through chilleds lies if he has the patience that day
@skeome7 ай бұрын
Almost two decades 😮 They've been friends since 2008
@akumuryuu8 ай бұрын
Okay, that "I am dead" by Larry was brilliant.
@IngridNeko8 ай бұрын
I actually laughed out loud hahaha
@uberlord9838 ай бұрын
That 100% felt like a Weeping Angel moment from Doctor Who. I say that, having never watched any of the actual show, just random amounts of YT Shorts that clip the show.
@josephschultz33018 ай бұрын
Chibi having a desk covered in bullshit noisemakers is the most Chibi thing ever. She's such a menace
@irecordwithaphone18568 ай бұрын
I feel like Chibi would be a great xylophone player
@chubmouse8 ай бұрын
Cheesy dropping the "Cause I tell you hwat, you got plenty o' time now!" on Court was savage comedy gold.
@WhySolSirius8 ай бұрын
I died when that "I am dead" happened during the stream. it was so funny.
@korg472378 ай бұрын
44:14 Poor Apple, literally proved she was investigator which is info that only Chilled know, which is why she whispered so it wouldn't be counter claimed, and he didn't believe her for some reason.
@irecordwithaphone18568 ай бұрын
It's because he forgot about that previous will and thought she was lying
@Sybato8 ай бұрын
I'm so glad Platy is back in the videos, I've missed his cackle and his PLA so much.
@FeyPhantom8 ай бұрын
In hopes of helping to clear up some game mechanics: For Vampires: - The youngest is always the one who goes to bite. If they die, then the second youngest will be the biter. - There can be up to 4 vampires alive. Before that number, they can convert townies and jesters (provided they don't have defense). After 4, they deal a basic attack. If the target is something else, they will always deal a basic attack. For Amnesiacs: If a Town Power is one of the first townies to die, they will always prioritize remembering town power, but like you said, there can only be one specific town power at once causing the other Amnesiac to wait for a different role. So if multiple townies die together and an Amnesiac picks up the non-town power role, it means there's a different Amnesiac in the game. (For example, if a Psychic and a Mayor dies N1 and you're an Amnesiac who gets Psychic, it means there's a confirmed other Amnesiac in the game who got Mayor.) Anyways, always loving these games :D
@IsThatAShortJoke8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the info. I didn't know the second half.
@bitterestlem0n8 ай бұрын
I don't think vamps can bite jesters in this version 😭 unless it was updated recently, cause there was a game where Chilled was jester and a vamp tried to bite him in the 1st round and he died for it
@Sybato8 ай бұрын
Yeah... Jerm whispered that investigator visited, then told everyone he whispered Chilled a role that visited him in case he didn't read the whisper (which he didn't, since he was reading Court's whispers about WoW) and then he also put it in his will that investigator visited Chilled and they STILL hung Apple before Vikram when he claimed no role.
@Dallows658 ай бұрын
Chibi is so traumatized by daylight executes that she panics IMMEDIATELY- it’s hilarious!
@browncoatkevin8 ай бұрын
Chilled waited for the perfect moment when all the attention was on her, then "Nukes out for Mr. Viking!". That might be what Larry was thinking about when he prosecuted Jester Chilled later.
@IRanOutOfPhrases8 ай бұрын
45:05 If Chilled ever expressed frustration again at others for not reading pivotal info in his will, he should remember this moment after Apple was pleading with him to read Jorm's will, ignored it, then killed her. .....Then read the will and realized how pivotal the info was.
@demikid30138 ай бұрын
As someone who has been watching chilled chaos for what feels like almost a decade back in the derp squad halo vids I’m glad to see you still making content brought so many smiles to me growing up and ik your here still working the chilly willie magic keep up the great work chilled!
@aaronmclean32368 ай бұрын
The CCC is back. Cheesy being deputy in that whole conversation, couldnt have been better
@theoozemen36468 ай бұрын
No one will ever say chilled doesn't know his friends
@austinfox26638 ай бұрын
Definitely not the only one. I read it and immediately knew it was Ze too.
@ggrace678 ай бұрын
Larry was a bro with the pirate music unmuted. Larry is always a Bro though
@josephschultz33018 ай бұрын
Aside for his massive peen, Larry's unrivaled bro-ness is his entire appeal
@OprationMintyHippo8 ай бұрын
8:44 that whole interaction was golden lol.
@PersonOfRandomnesss8 ай бұрын
33:13 Flashbacks to a TTT conversation with Dorks and Shampoo
@seanfitzgerald89178 ай бұрын
Haven't gotten there yet but I'm looking forward to finding out in about 20 minutes
@seanfitzgerald89178 ай бұрын
Okay lol yep!!
@Sybato8 ай бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one that was thinking about that conversation with Sark
@ajayjackson70898 ай бұрын
The Sea of Thieves music was very appreciated.... even if Chilled not recognizing it made me sad.
@DonaldKraus-v2y20 күн бұрын
Larry's "I am dead" moment following the pirate duel is wonderful ❤
@ClawlessnessScizor8 ай бұрын
Heck is always chaotic neutral even when she's town, I swear.
@papeccavi8 ай бұрын
The meme should be, "There's no way they hang me, right?" "...there's no way they hang me, right?"
@themighteefox8 ай бұрын
Platy casually dropping some Smosh quotes xD
@irecordwithaphone18567 ай бұрын
8:22 This is why I watch chilled
@sloreetjekleintje80048 ай бұрын
I need a clip of chilled just saying "i love peeing in my pasta" i could watch that 1000x minimum
@R526D5 ай бұрын
19:43 in the 20 seconds chilled deafened we come back to platy hysterics and chibi honking a clown horn
@werefox858 ай бұрын
@53:36 LMAO! Chilled's Twitch chat are Royalty for that!
@jackpabich7638 ай бұрын
The fact that Chilled swapped the order of the games to make it look like he doesn't N1 kill Apple after the "throw" interesting for sure
@irecordwithaphone18568 ай бұрын
To be fair he's swapped rounds in videos many times before, usually just because it flows better for a full video. I don't think it was done with any ulterior motive here
@teba21508 ай бұрын
So happy Platy has returned to TOS2!
@chloecarpenter36358 ай бұрын
The rules of nuking someone.. they all die.
@RazzAlerio8 ай бұрын
Did Vikram get a new mic? He sounds a bit more crisp and somehow less unhinged xD
@silentmayan54278 ай бұрын
16:17 Pirate Chilled gained a letter of Marque and became a Privateer.
@sassy72508 ай бұрын
I relate to the chibi being too young but giving old vibe lmaoo
@dragex65828 ай бұрын
50:00 How do they still not understand how the vampires work? Lol It's the same as in the first ToS, after all. Vampires can bite every other night unless they fail, in which case they can bite the next night instead. The youngest (most recently converted) vampire does the biting. This includes killing AND converting.
@walkingtaco128 ай бұрын
Not many of them played the first ToS so the majority wouldn’t know
@dragex65828 ай бұрын
@@walkingtaco12 Sure, but *Chilled and Ze* played it a ton. Like, hundreds of episodes of it.
@Darkfyyre8 ай бұрын
@@dragex6582 but how often did they play with the vampire roles on? there are a number of roles they don't play with on a regular basis, then and now. not to mention, they're playing modded ToS2, which has not only added new roles, but altered how many vanilla roles function as well. so, even assuming they played some vampire games in the old ToS, it's very understandable how they might misremember how the role worked before, or simply be uncertain how the role functions in the context of not only ToS2, but a modded version of this newer game. some people also just have dogshit memory. i've lived in this house for a decade, and in the same city for even longer, and i still don't always remember my address, and usually have to google my zip code. i just have really, really, really bad memory, which likes to commit every embarrassing or shameful thing i've ever done to long term memory, but refuses to retain basic info like my own phone number, or the numbers of anyone else i might need to call in an emergency. my brain will memorize the exact locations of every collectible in a game, but god forbid i remember where i left my phone 5 minutes ago. brains aren't reliable witnesses, is what i'm saying, so information recall can be a confusing mess. it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that even the veteran players of ToS aren't 100% sure how any given role works.
@famousflyingpickle73968 ай бұрын
Wait did chilled leave on the night vic said his parents left
@josephschultz33018 ай бұрын
Great, now it's _even more fucked-up._
@werefox858 ай бұрын
Platy meets Chibi, the world will never be the same!
@Gondaldin8 ай бұрын
Preeetty sure they've played together in a ToS lobby before...
@punkrockllama8 ай бұрын
Chibi, platy, and Larry the Triforce of choas
@werefox858 ай бұрын
@@Gondaldin You may be right, I'm basing my comment on Ze's video from a couple days ago. Ze shares a game that Chilled that doesn't, where Chibi and Platy have a back and forth and Chibi tells Platy "It's okay, you just met me." That's the basis for my comment, Ze didn't share the game with Chibi going full chaos with the clown horn and Platy loving it.
@werefox858 ай бұрын
@@punkrockllama Larry is Zelda, Platty is Link, Chibi is Gannon/Gannondorf?
@punkrockllama8 ай бұрын
@@werefox85 I might switch Larry and Patty but that works
@eddmario8 ай бұрын
"My hair's falling out" "That's too young" Dude, I've had a receding hairline since freshman year of high school...
@tesseracttitan64458 ай бұрын
Chilled no one is going to judge u for p in ur pasta because if there is no p in ur pasta it’s just asta
@flazzorb8 ай бұрын
I've been away a bit, when did chilled grow such a marvelous mustache?
@EmoCowboy.8 ай бұрын
the longer you've known someone the harder it is to shake the tells lol
@FleshMelter8 ай бұрын
Vic got a new mic it sounds like, so clear!
@dillonn39187 ай бұрын
Glad to see platty back miseed his antics
@ramulus6948 ай бұрын
So nice to hear Platy!
@VesicalShrimp8 ай бұрын
the platy chibi combo is unrivaled
@ThatCanadianGuy248 ай бұрын
The Sea of Thieves music made me so happy to hear, great game (most of the time)
@thegreatblakesby8 ай бұрын
God i love this video, it had me in tears from beginning to end
@nillanapier11613 ай бұрын
29:32 Chilled turns into a crab
@Sivet5558 ай бұрын
I have missed platy from these, he is too good!
@GeoRune8 ай бұрын
The slander to RunesScape. Can't have this line of thinking Chilled
@chancemeyers85028 ай бұрын
Always awesome seeing Platy Back in Town lol
@Sybato8 ай бұрын
LOL Chibi just took Town Traitor Mayor from Ze and played the role honorable and threw for Town.
@moonyfruit8 ай бұрын
I knew it was Ze with that death note! 😂
@drayreign03918 ай бұрын
Chilled unlocked the secret privateer role
@robertfrank168 ай бұрын
Imagine a mod where it's basically a random prosecution every round. Kinda like the Joker mod in Among Us.
@Turtle_Inc8 ай бұрын
45:20 yeah, was a pretty low iq play considering jerm also messaged you saying an investigator looked at you, and you even went back and looked at it
@fairyqueen2817248 ай бұрын
26:17 yee haw no yar har 😂😂😂
@donaldroy47178 ай бұрын
I did Ze stream first but chilled has the complimentary Intel and the educational real life information. So good. Icing on the cake. Fun and informative, thanks chilled.
@Leo-nc3yx8 ай бұрын
Tbh, I knew the jailor was going to be one of the Vtubers with that line in the first one🤣 I feel like anyone else in Chilled's lobby will be too embarrassed to write that...
@ramendragon36288 ай бұрын
This was hilarious!
@kazumafellblood94585 ай бұрын
In the first game, Ze also had his Psychic info reversed if I'm not mistaken. Shouldn't it be 1-2-3 One or more are evil on night 1? And then 1-2 one or more are good on night 2?
@HyperShadow9918 ай бұрын
i love to see platy in these now
@irecordwithaphone18568 ай бұрын
Your honor at no point did my client say "thunder"
@johnytest57717 ай бұрын
The fricking pirate music
@GodComplxdotexe8 ай бұрын
Chilled I will accept no disrespect on we shall sail together
@vereflores12408 ай бұрын
Those first two games were GOLDEN. Surprising that Cheesy was one of the more sane people those rounds.
@RedNZBlue8 ай бұрын
I too did not know that's how you're supposed to pronounce Kruzadah
@LyuSapphire26 күн бұрын
Looking back at most of these vods and all, I feel like Vikram never acting helpful or never having a will that isn't complete bs might be why the mods keep banning him, maybe they keep thinking he's just a troll and sabotaging lol
@Farreach8 ай бұрын
Heck was cool with the runescape comment.. Runescape is 10000000x times better than WOW
@KarmaTube58 ай бұрын
What happened to that girl w the electronic voice thing going on? Sounded like Siri?
@interstate84368 ай бұрын
@AidanS998 ай бұрын
55:01 Can someone clip this out of context pls. 😂
@fairyqueen2817248 ай бұрын
@chancemeyers85028 ай бұрын
You also gotta just love how close Ze and Chilled are. They've played together so lkng the man need one sentence, ons damn joke from one death note, to know Ze was the SK. 😂 thats a longtime brother right there
@doubledork59628 ай бұрын
That was beautiful lmao
@EleanoRa998 ай бұрын
1 view published 54 seconds ago you fell off Chilled! Lmao love the content can’t wait to see you eat dog treats 😭
@madderslu12648 ай бұрын
This was a funny session 😂
@dramaticmes8 ай бұрын
Here 11secs in, 1st like on my screen
@YhwachTheAlmighty.8 ай бұрын
A little too late
@iswearimcoolguys8 ай бұрын
ヽ(^。^)ノ new vid !!
@Sornasaur8 ай бұрын
@BlueAsterismSolstice8 ай бұрын
Wtf? Who uses "glomp" anymore? That is OLD SCHOOL. (Catches Runescape background) Ooooooooh.