菲爾普斯也有過一段黑暗期,因為酒駕被禁賽,斷送過自己在北京奧運光輝後的前程。人生就是這樣,無論你是誰,總會有遇上瓶頸,不如意的時候。有些人會愈陷愈深,無法自拔,有些人會利用跌落的機會反思自省,藉此讓自己更強大。孫楊是前者,菲爾普斯則是後者。孫楊若真視菲爾普斯為偶像,便速去買本他的書”Beneath The Surface my story“ 。不要只看到他戰績輝煌的那瞬間,便奉為偶像,他戰勝自己弱點的那一面,反而更令人動容。
@darkofan44226 ай бұрын
用禁藥是作弊缺德, 菲爾普斯 是酒駕沒有騙人
@ching-yanglin56896 ай бұрын
@@darkofan4422沒必要這樣定性。否則也可以說孫揚用興奮劑不傷害其他人,費爾普斯酒駕猶如殺人未遂。用理解的心態看從人生巔峰因犯錯跌落的人。美國人會說he’s done his time。
He did put a lot of effort to achieve the top form. Surely it wasn't enough. However, it is a little tough on your comment.
@marswang95236 ай бұрын
@@priscillalaw5889Athletes on that level all put in tremendous effort so that is a given,. On the other hand, cheating is exactly opposite to effort. His arrogance sure deserves all the criticism as well.
Thank you Ray for sharing this true story! My opinion is that Young Sun should be good and normal man if his mother wasn't involved too much in his life after he's into the team, let him growing up. 😢