Occult Germany

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Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

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@marcaureljost 4 ай бұрын
Listening to this while sitting in the black forest Germany, having seen the Extern-Stones just yesterday and remembering the magical forests of the baltic sea coast, where I was the last two weeks. I'm living at a magical place for sure, its just so easy to forget.
@ShamanicSavant 4 ай бұрын
I'll trade places with you for a week, guaranteed to restore your appreciation. I'd love to live in an enchanted forest, but I can only visit one in my imagination. Living in crappy places did teach me how to imagine tho :)
@Pelendralaar94 4 ай бұрын
I'm from Germany and I really wish I would live somewhere else. The fellow Germans are often extremely strict and rational. Most of them refuse everything that is paramormal or mystical and they will always point with their finger on people who they think do something wrong or not as good as they would do it.. I would describe their behavior as very archontic - always following cold and harsh rules while enforcing them on everyone else and not listening to their heart. Because I can not stand such characteristics I chose to remain solitary for the last years. My only conversation partners are people from abroad online and family members. I always find people from other countries a lot more easy-going, it's a pity they live so far away so meeting up is difficult. All in all living here is very disillusioning. Buildings and art are getting more lifeless and archontic too. And I can not watch a single German movie without falling into a deep depression. My mom says it wasn't always as bad as it is now. I wonder what happened.
@prince-solomon 4 ай бұрын
You seem to deal with the wrong people and watch the wrong movies. Forget the materialist atheist mainstream & media (in every country), but there are plenty of nice and open minded people who embrace german traditions, culture, myths and spiritualism. Greetings from Germany.
@thoorwulfn9z383 4 ай бұрын
thats what happens when the allies win.
@sirrobinofloxley7156 4 ай бұрын
UK is a shoitehole these days too, zero spiritual uplifting inspiration from our leaders, quite the opposite actually.
@aWomanFreed 4 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling. I live in USA and it’s not really much better. Only thing I can say is you will find what you expect to find. Best.
@michaelkami6866 4 ай бұрын
my heart bleeds for you. the enemy controls the abrahamic religions. the sheep refuse to use reason(sophia). i have taught several people i know in person, how to find lost possessions by asking the subconscious and dreaming. even after they have success with the 'magick'(which is just frequency science we don't understand yet, or our academic institutions desire to keep hidden) they still refuse to admit they performed 'magick'.
@dusanbalic8123 4 ай бұрын
Excellent guest, discussion and topic
@paul1887 4 ай бұрын
Caesar, "My legions, my legions, give me back my legions!" like the biggest cry bully in history. A show on the Tartarian Empire would be interesting but that history has been obliterated and we're left with pure speculation thanks to the name stealers. I think the Khazarian mafia, I'm not sure.
@Jasen-M74 4 ай бұрын
So true. And yeah, a thorough show or shows on the Tartarian Empire would be grand. Bits and pieces is all we seem to have thanks to the archonic resets and the a mentioned mafia.
@paul1887 4 ай бұрын
@@Jasen-M74 Yeah, right? I mean it's redonculous how buffaloed we are. Interesting expression in itself, isn't it? buffaloed.
@hillbillyrules 4 ай бұрын
Awesome topic >>> love that introduction!
@AeonByteGnosticRadio 4 ай бұрын
Thanks so much!
@emmetcraig828 4 ай бұрын
Hello again from Ireland...Danka!🎉🎉❤
@melissasmind2846 4 ай бұрын
Great questions. I forget if it's Graham.
@keithsweet8840 4 ай бұрын
@ The Occult Rejects .is a great channel..
@ArminiusReturn 4 ай бұрын
Not the Christian God .that's the god that broke you. You are perfect just the way you were before the Christians told you you had a sin. That they claim to have the prescription for.
@samrowbotham8914 4 ай бұрын
The Christian god is the Devil it tells us all that in their Jewish bible.
@prince-solomon 4 ай бұрын
If anyone is interested in rich German traditions, myths, et cetera i also recommend the books & presentations by anthropologist (and the closest thing to a real life german shaman you could imagine, even though he doesn't call himself that) Dr. Wolf-Dieter Storl. He also has a youtube channel and some videos in english (he lived in the US for quite some time after WW2 & his wife is from there).
@seanjobst1985 4 ай бұрын
Great interview and I received this book a few weeks ago (also having his Beyond the North Wind). Its a great reference work. My father was originally from Germany, with deep roots in Schwaben. My own spiritual journey took me to many places, looking to other lands and foreign gods, but it was only a visit to Swabia in 2016 where something truly awakened in me as only one's ancestral land could, and since then I've awakened to the natural state of my being (as with all others) which is Pagan, Heathen, Animist (just general terms for the same reality before the Archontic religions forcibly converted our tribes). Yet my Gnosis is ongoing and life-long as indeed it should be. The ancient ways have survived within the folklore across Deutschland, and its easy to look beyond the outer "Christian" veneer to identify a living transmission of our ancient Heathen traditions. Yes, much was destroyed - and indeed the process of Christianization was bloody - my Suebi-Alemanni folk were subjected to this Frankish onslaught two hundred years before the Saxons. Clovis had a “vision” in 496 much like that mysterious one of Constantine, exactly during his war against the Suebi-Alemanni. It was then that he took on Christianity and used it as the conquering ideology. That “vision” I would identify as Archontic mind-intrusion, to be repeated in Charlemagne’s atrocities against the Saxons, and successive So I most certainly would not identify what became Germany - or at least the timeless Geheimes Deutschland, the embodiment of the German Spirit and traditions, not the political entity - as the “Holy Roman Empire” which was the battering ram that converted our tribes via the dual authority of Christianity and a centralized Imperium (as indeed the religious and political has always worked hand-in-glove). I learned from my late father that Bismarck and that legacy of Prussian state dominance was not traditionally viewed favorably in our South Germany. In any case, so much survived within folklore, folk medicine, etc. using many of the same figures and philosophies McIntosh identifies in the book. Even those who only conceived of their mysticism as Christian or other, still speaks to a restlessness within the German Spirit which has been trying to fill the void of what happened to our pre-Christian ancestors. This is why Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, Jakob Bohme, etc. could relate to and conceive of their Christianity in ways that seem to be “heretical”. Likewise the instinctual animism that runs throughout the great philosophers from Schelling and Goethe onward. Indeed, the symbolic role of Arminius cannot be underestimated. Our various tribes were decentralized and confederations, united such as times like this by a unifying threat. However, as Tacitus mentioned we were all Teutons named, as mentioned by McIntosh, after the Sky Father Ziu (Proto-Germanic *Tiwaz). Mannus (also related to the Mannaz Rune) carries many secrets based on the language - the words for “man” (human), “mind”, “moon” (reflecting the mind or the “light” of the Sun or Soul), and “month” are all related in Germanic etymology. He was venerated alongside Mutter Erde, as Father Sky has always been across cultures. Her various aspects can be seen through Frija (not to be confused with Freyja, an entirely Norse Goddess), Ostara (Dawn/Spring Goddess), Frau Holle/Perchta, Zisa etc.. Finally are the other Deities we know most commonly such as Wuodan (or Wotan as German later evolved) and Donar, but Ziu should not be forgotten. Despite the efforts of political authorities and Christian missionaries, destroying our sacred oaks and groves, sanctuaries, etc. knowing the powers of the Earth but wanting it for themselves they built their own sanctuaries (symbols of their own authority, not to be confused for true power which is individual Gnosis) atop our own. I have old family pictures for example of “Catholic” springs and wells that were common for them and others in their villages to visit but which I’ve been able to see in their original Heathen purpose (also harmonizing the pioneering work of others about Earth energies and ley lines). As for the sources for a German awakening to our Heathen heritage, rather than just relying on Norse sources I would recommend we look into our own which, may have many things in common with the Norse but also some differences. We can deconstruct much from surviving folklore and traditions. We have the Merseburg Charms, various findings from archeology which shed much light upon our pre-Christian past, what we can decode from etymology, the Grail Mythos, what can be gleaned from etymology and folk medicine etc..
@markc1234golf 4 ай бұрын
It's the Language it allows for certain thought's to occur !
@melissasmind2846 4 ай бұрын
Thank you already. 5 min in love!
@AeonByteGnosticRadio 4 ай бұрын
So glad!
@arthurmcgonnell1179 7 күн бұрын
Beautiful inspiration & Germany has been targeted for centuries..
@melissasmind2846 4 ай бұрын
Perfect even. Sitting on my porch with garlic plantain chips, mango juice, smoking a joint listening to this.
@melissasmind2846 4 ай бұрын
@melissasmind2846 4 ай бұрын
Rose incense.
@melissasmind2846 4 ай бұрын
I love your show!
@keithsweet8840 4 ай бұрын
God will put us back together in front of those who broke us ❤ 🙏 ❤
@TheKlecker1 4 ай бұрын
seems as though passing the buck of responsibility is the trend across all groups of peoples. no one wants to do the work but they want the rewards and benefits of the work needed to change things. Only you can be the hero to your story. no one is coming to save you but you. I know its easier to take that hopium, i know. They put it on ai or "god" to save them. And they wonder why they suffer more than need be.
@timtim8468 4 ай бұрын
Good luck changing the world. The overwhelming majority of people are zombies. People feed off each other, like animals do. That's the state of the world at this point. The kingdom is within.
@michaelkami6866 4 ай бұрын
@@TheKlecker1 influencing the universal consiousness by hoping how positive outcomes (prayer) is literally the strongerst magick i know. it works. "the master key system" by the master key society.
@TheKlecker1 4 ай бұрын
@@michaelkami6866 Thats a mighty big ego to think you or any one else has any pull on how the universe plays out other than how it will and has already played out. you have no choices here. And for that matter from your limited human perspective what makes you think it needs fixing in the first place you must have quite the all seeing crystal ball if you know what should be done and not be done with this reality. pretty high and mighty to assume such grandiose things. Not very logical really. People running around going its out of control and needs to be put right which is very subjective. Who's control is it out of anyway? why would you want to control it in the first place. As if you know better lol Which is my point. The need for control of what happens on the outside of you is a reflection of the insecurity from inside. Your need to make things "better" with your "magick" is funny because at its core it's illogical mental gymnastics. Illogical because from your limited perspective you claim it needs to be put "right"(subjective). Ride the wave its all here. The peaks and troughs are the same but polar opposites. same with good and evil, hot and cold. Both are the same but opposites. And besides, how well do you learn lessons in life when you feel the pain/anguish that comes with it? the lesson's impact is always correspondent with the amount of pain and loss felt by it. The lily grows in the mud...
@ShamanicSavant 4 ай бұрын
@@TheKlecker1 It is up to the God within you to save you from the death you've been led to believe is Life. You can't unbrainwash yourself when you don't even realize you've been brainwashed. "Know thy Self" :)
@manfreddevries8454 3 ай бұрын
The German Culture was alive in an area, that reached from the Baltic Sea to the Mediteranean Sea for around a thousand years. What most people call Germany today is an occupied country which has still to get its Freedom back and become a sovereign country. Today it is still governed by the allied forces that won WWII. The german language was a leading language spoken nearly all over central europe, because everyone got to know german, while traveling for example from Russia to France or italy to Denmark by horse or cart. Sometimes it took weeks to cross Germany and its language became a leading and necessary language in trade a.s.o. Being a German myself I live at the austro-german border and enjoy both cultures with their slide differences. Mozart was considering himself to be a German, because he spoke german, as every austian does. Language and mothertongue bind the different german "Nations" and tribes together, and more and more Folks in that region are realizing that. So, do not be sad, because the richness of the germanic culture is also having a rebirth, just like indian nations and others. Great show, thank you.
@mysticmanization 4 ай бұрын
When i teleported 25 yrs ago i saw a mandala in my eyes that was painted by ste hildegard von bingen, it was the choir of angels, im germnan btw
@triple999fruitful 4 ай бұрын
@martinwilliams9866 4 ай бұрын
Starts at 15:28
@MarshOakDojoTimPruitt 4 ай бұрын
@AeonByteGnosticRadio 4 ай бұрын
You're welcome!
@TheKlecker1 4 ай бұрын
great video thank you
@dariaverse 4 ай бұрын
Interesting little journey I went on researching my last name, as a third generation Iowan with seven great-grandparents from Germany the 8th immigrated while Zeeland was orange and somehow part of Spain. I at 8 years old in 1970 was tired of being referred to as heel. we of course pronounced it just as in the Nazi salute but I was always told the high German was from healer. Then looking a little deeper I was somewhat confused to find out it was actually hail and came from the runic s being Sal(those little lighting bolts) as in salutation or maybe just salute. when Herr Heidegger out walking for his morning constitutional comes upon another person he raises his arm, palm out of course, and says how are you? the answer as you walk by is "I fare well" ...this welfare is always about heal th And somehow it always comes back in a oro boric loop to Colonel Klink barely bending his wrist with an unenthusiastic Heil.
@lightzzzz 4 ай бұрын
NICE begining...
@keithsweet8840 4 ай бұрын
The guest sounds uncannl / exactly like Ramsey Dukes whom also has a number of occult books in print...
@michaelkami6866 4 ай бұрын
amazing video. i know my irl peers wouldn't get 20 mins into it, but this has connected even more dots for me. I am fairly certain monotheism is not only extremely flawed but also a product of mankind. Because saying the group's name gets comments removed, even though they aren't an ethnicity, most of them do not have hebrew DNA, but you still can't mention them, it's so weird- this group decided to create an extravagant religion filled with elaborate rules and lore that they stole from the lands they genocided. then they use the ideology/religion to infiltrate foreign societies and cause divisions to make war with one another. i am 100% convinced christianity was created to be at odds with them to perpetuate war, and that islam was a 're-boot' of sorts for the 'holy war'. The reason for the abrahamic god's creation(by hebrew genociders) was to eventually conquer the world. if you don't believe me, there is a book that is their manifesto, "the talmud". It states how they want to rule the world and enslave humanity. If it was about 'salvation' or 'enlightenment' they would realize, no matter what 'god' you worship or how many 'gods' you worship, there is a singular source the 'gods' come from, meaning the worship of the lesser 'gods' is just the same as worshipping the original source 'god'. There was never ever a reason to force people to convert or die, unless they were killing other divine sparks- ironically is what the christians and muslims did- was betray their divine spark by murder..
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