October 1883 General Conference

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Historical General Conferences

Historical General Conferences

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Text sources: Cannon, George Q. "Introductory Remarks-Increased Faith in God-The Ideas Advanced By Joseph Smith-Lapse of Eighteen Centuries and No Voice From the Heavenly Worlds!-Joseph Smith's Testimony in Regard to the Father and the Son and Holy Angels-The Effect of His Revelations Upon the Minds of Men-Spiritualism-The One Power Through Which Godliness, the Power of God, and the Gifts of God Can Be Made Manifest With Safety, i.e., the Priesthood-Joseph Smith Did Not Attempt to Preach the Gospel Until He Was Duly Commissioned of God-John the Baptist-The Higher Priesthood-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Stands Alone-The Results Following the Restoration of the Gospel-Wonderful Faith of the Latter-Day Saints Considering Their Traditions-Progress of the Church-The Generation Growing Up in These Mountains-Conclusion." Journal of Discourses. Volume 24. October 7, 1883: pg. 339-346.
Richards, Franklin D. "Retrospective Review of the Providences of God in Relation to the Saints-The Wrath and Schemes of Men Turned to the Advantage of God's People-The Order of God's Church Perfect-The Wicked Disturbed By Judgments, While The Righteous Enjoy Peace-The Administration of the Law of God in Relation to Offenses-Should Be Resigned to The Will of God in All Things." Journal of Discourses. Volume 24. October 6, 1883: pg. 278-286.
Smith, Joseph F. "Remarks." The Deseret News, October 31, 1883: pg. 942.
Snow, Erastus. "Present Revelation-Work Required of the Priesthood-Improvement Among the People-More Improvement Necessary-Faith in the Ordinances Required-Design of God in Relation to the Children of the Saints." Journal of Discourses. Volume 25. October 5, 1883: pg. 35-39.
Taylor, John. "Privilege of Meeting Together-We Are Here to Do Our Father's Will-All Dependent Upon God for Assistance, Guidance and Direction-The Lord Revealed to Adam the Purpose of Sacrifice-Adam, Before His Death, Called His Family Together and Blessed Them and Prophesied-Many Spirits Have Been Destined to Hold Certain Positions Among Men-Why We Are Gathered-We Must Follow the Teachings of the Spirit, and Honor the Priesthood in All Its Callings-Prepare Ourselves to Enter Holy Places-The Priesthood Must not Tolerate Iniquity-The Church Must Be Purified-Concluding Exhortations." Journal of Discourses. Volume 26. October 6, 1883: pg. 128-135.
Taylor, John. "The President Feeling a Little Weak in Body Asked the Considerate Attention of the Congregation-God Interested in the Welfare of All the Human Family-The Organization of the Church, and the Responsibility Resting Upon the Priesthood-God Has Given to Everyone a Portion of His Spirit-The Promptings of that Spirit-The Wickedness of the Inhabitants of the Earth in the Days of Noah-Why the Flood Came-The Ante-Diluvians Would not Repent-The Gospel Again Preached As a Warning-Persecution-Our Relationship to this Nation in a Political Point of View-A Commonwealth Has Been Built Up in These Mountains by the “Mormons” Under the Blessing of God-Unfairly Treated as a People By the Parent Government-The Latter-day Saints Have Rights Which They Will Seek Legally to Maintain-Conclusion." Journal of Discourses. Volume 24. October 7, 1883: pg. 287-296.
Thatcher, Moses. "A Few Questions Every Latter-day Saint Can Answer for Himself-The Fruits of the Spirit-The Proper Use of Riches-No Comparison Between Earthly Wealth and Eternal Riches-Principle Must not be Sacrificed for Riches-Consecration-Satan Rebuked-We Ought to Cultivate the Fruits of the Spirit-The Work of God Onward and Upward-The Fate of Those Who Sacrifice Principle at the Shrine of Greed-Conclusion." Journal of Discourses. Volume 24. April 6, 1883: pg. 297-301.
The Deseret News. 1883. "Fifty-Third Semi-Annual Conference." October 10: 596-597, 604.
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