That is a lot of books !! :) I havn't read that much non fiction but I really should get more into it. Good wrap up :)
@badbettybooks4001Ай бұрын
I’ve been in a bit of a nonfiction mood the last couple months for sure. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it!
@arenomusicАй бұрын
Sleeping Bear is absolutely beautiful, great recommendation!
@badbettybooks4001Ай бұрын
Thank you for comment, I appreciate it! And yes Sleeping Bear is beautiful!
@jluke168Ай бұрын
First comment :D I used to read that much, but I find it hard to get into books like I used to, quality has gone down I swear to god, but maybe just my attention span affected by KZbin lol
@badbettybooks4001Ай бұрын
I have noticed a steady increase in authors "spoon-feeding" morality in fiction books (when a character does something bad, the author has to make sure the audience knows it is bad!), but I'm developing a sixth sense for what books will have that. There has definitely been a decrease in quality in publishing in my opinion, especially in fantasy which is one of my favorite genres. Fortunately there are still so many good books out there to read, and I try to focus on those! I don't want to become a negative channel where I just read books I hate, and then hate on them, and then repeat. I would lose my love of reading so fast when there are still fantastic books being published. As for attention span, reading stamina is definitely a thing. I personally don't let myself watch short content as I notice it destroys my attention span! Hopefully you find some great reads soon!
@badbettybooks4001Ай бұрын
And of course - thank you for the comment! I appreciate it!