重拾初心,回歸音樂 離開亞洲多年,對王力宏本來認識不多,偶然看到電影《無問西東》才真正見識到這位偶像的超凡顔值。這陣子鋪天篕地的消息反而讓我想知道他一路是怎麽走來的;看了一個又一個訪問,聽了一首又一首作品,讓我驚嘆他的音樂才華。 剛剛看了比較近期的,他為高中同學Dave制作的公益歌曲Forever Your Dad (為ALS漸凍人症籌款之用),更感到他以音樂為世界帯來正能量的無限可能。 無意對近期事件及人物作任何批評,只是感到非常的可惜。 期望這場風雨帶來的洗禮,讓王力宏上了一課,也因此可以找到最適合自己的康莊大道;在傷痛過後再站起来,重回屬於他的舞台,再次带來打動人心的作品! 送上祝福!
I'm here because I heard Zhehan sang two days ago from their word of honor concert. I cannot understand Chinese and I don't know the title so I literally used Google and hum the tune of the song and let Google search it for me. I love this song 😭😭😭😭
Greatness cannot be hidden or beaten. People with the right set of minds will understand who you are and not judge you by misleading information on the news or social media. 一個願打一個願挨, 家事關門講就好,hope you get to see your kids. Good luck and make more beautiful music!
Do not idolise anyone, least of all artistes bec their public persona may not be in sync with who they really are. Just focus on their artistic creativity/talents and u won't be disappointed. And Wang does not fail us musically.