3次元でも2次元でもそうだけど、デビュー当時は元気いっぱい新人アイドル!みたいな曲歌ってた子達が、色んな経験を積んで成長した今だからこそ歌えるエモソングを立派に歌いこなせるようになるの好きすぎるんよ。 そしてこのラインナップの中で輝くEncounter Love Songがアイナナちゃんたち過ぎて心の底から大好き
わからないなりに調べた結果で間違えてるかもしれないし、たいした考察とかではなくて申し訳ないのですが、、 leading toneとは、とても雑に言うとドレミファソラシドの7音目のことをそう呼び、「導音」というらしい。大事な"7"という数字が関係している時点ですごいし最高です 日本語で「導く音」と書くので、彼らがこれからも私たちを、ひいては世界中を導いてくれる存在であることを願い、楽しみにしています
@coccococonafl.635715 күн бұрын
現役音大生マネです! 音楽のことについて調べてくださりありがとうございます♡ leading tone、おっしゃる通り、主音(ドレミファソラシドでいうドの音)を導く「導音」を指します。 この導音は、よほど音楽理論や和声進行を無視した曲でない限り、必ず主音に進行するという強い前進力と強制力を持つ音です。 アイナナも次のステップへの前進とそれに対する強い意志という意味を込めて、leading toneという言葉を選んだのかもしれないですね!!
Hello! I am an American fan of Idolish7. I was never interested in idols until I saw a poster of the seven man group during my trip to Japan. I finally got curious and watched the anime and listened to their songs. Thank you!
Congratulations on the release of the third cover and the second new song. Both are wonderful and have a different feel than all the previous songs. They are so wonderful. I got lost in the romance of My Seven Kings. I loved both songs so much and I can't wait. Until I heard them both, the melody, the lyrics, and everything was wonderful. Thank you for always making me happy. I hope that you continue to be creative and shine forever, because I will continue to encourage you. I have never regretted knowing you.And you didn't make me wait for these wonderful songs that enchanted me with their beauty, and the cover is also wonderful, and the outfit is wonderful, boyish, very smart and strange, and your beauty, your smiles and your bangs are all similar and cute Your smiles, your poses, everything about you is amazing. Thank you for being in my life. I hope you continue to shine forever. I am the luckiest girl because I know you. I will encourage you forever. Keep going. I have never regretted waiting for this creativity.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💓💓💓💓💓💓
Sigh. All these songs are so good. Like a shot of seratonin. I love how they have that same energy and playfulness of Idolish7 while showcasing their maturity overtime. There are no misses. Ahhhh. ❤