Old School Runescape is No Longer "Old School"

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Note that this is not an educational video, I'm addressing problems that the majority of players should be familiar with. Like how it's almost impossible to find a world at the lower level wildy bosses. I've also seen far too many comments about points I already addressed later in the video. If you have a complaint then I suggest you watch the rest, especially the part where I talk about how polling is broken and doesn't work. If there's one take away from the video, it should be that.
I also read every comment so say whatever is on your mind, I can take it.

Пікірлер: 59
@shikaru1730 Жыл бұрын
You just mad you have to regret max vape.
@michaelzyskowski2357 Жыл бұрын
oh so its just him? its not like the game is virtually bot-only now ? its not like everyone i knew who played quit over these nonsense updates? how about the gp/$$$ on black market? at an all time low ? game is dead kiddo, cope more retard OSOSRS when? this time not a woke management pls
@martialartsnerd3253 Жыл бұрын
I have quite a different perspective. I didn’t get into the game in 2013. I got into it in 2004. To me, sudden, massive, unexpected updates like new skills and activities are an essential part of what made my old school experience what it was back when the game was RS2. And I loved RS2. It brings me great joy to see new skills coming into the game, because it reminds me of the game I love at the point when I loved it most. To me, the game could never really be “old school” until it starts introducing skills. Sailing looks like it will have more content on release than any other skill in the history of the game, and if the extremely slow exp rates when Hunter first launched was enough to make me happy, then sailing even moreso!
@kushylife1531 Жыл бұрын
I feel this way too, started in 2001. I remember seeing the rush of players racing to do new quests and skills, cant wait to see that again
@alienhead2020 Жыл бұрын
Go play a private server ffs. You can still play the game like it was from 2007. You dont have to play the new content
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
You didn't watch the video
@alienhead2020 Жыл бұрын
@@Whyamibzsdmh i watched every second of it twice now.. There are a million ways to play this game. Play it with content only from 2007,or osrs launch... Nobody is stopping you
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
@@alienhead2020 The new changes are all encompassing. Everything from the way you interact with the game to the economy has been changed entirely. I was already avoiding content I didn't like but OSRS is past the point where that's feasible. Also private servers are garbage so that's not gonna happen.
@alienhead2020 Жыл бұрын
@@LL-tz9kh i created my account I currently play on in 2005...
@ManCheat2 Жыл бұрын
@@Whyamibzsdmh Nothing changing would kill the game. The best thing they can do is keep the flavor of OSRS in mind when making new continent, and keeping it line with oldschool.. WoW Classic was super popular, however since they did nothing to it but just kept it the same, never adding Classic style expansions to it or anything, it died.
@warg0d753 Жыл бұрын
The problem with many games just like osrs is when u think of ur own needs and how u want the game to go in ur direction instead of the other communities. If the game is to survive and thrive players should be more open to skilling, pvp,minigame updates compared to the lesser communities of the pvm and iron man community. When I saw the summit the only thing I was happy for myself was varlamore and p.o.g quest but I was happy for the lower pvm community getting updates like the new magic weapon or the cox updates even though I'm finished with cox/cms. The community is so against pvp they had to make their own system specifically for the pvp community. Now with skilling for the first new skill in osrs if you really enjoy skilling and you watched and took part in the skilling stages for sailing you should be more then excited as a skiller. As a maxed player myself who barely played until dt2 was released I along with my friends have been craving for a new skill as its the only piece of content we haven't had in 10 years of osrs. My opinion from watching this video is ur playing too much rs and need a break because if ur not having fun with the recent updates more than likely you're playing too much runescape from the way you just call everything garbage, bad, or trash. Its not sad its the best rs has been and it'll only keep getting better with sailing maybe try other games or maybe wait till the skill comes out and maybe ull realize like many others that are negative about the skill is that sailing will be great for our game. Even if sailing somehow flops on release they will fix the skill and make it great just like any other big update but with sailing it'll be the biggest update yet they won't let it be dead or boring content with the devs and community working together when it has to pass a poll
@MrRyanCock Жыл бұрын
What really blew my mind and made me lose hope were some of the new skill suggestions. Over 20% of players who responded to the questionnaire wanted a new combat skill. Yes, combat. The community at large is clueless as to what makes the game great. This ironically changed my whole stance on polling - I think at this point it’s best to remove them since the players themselves might do more harm to the health of the game than the devs ever could.
@RockinAfr0 Жыл бұрын
With all due respect, all I'm hearing in your arguments is you using words like "bad", "stupid" and "garbage" instead of "I don't like/want this update". And it's ok to dislike things like that but to call updates bad because you don't like them and because they don't have grinds that take 50 hours doesn't help your argument. Good updates that you dislike aren't automatically bad, just as much as bad updates I like aren't automatically good. Not trying to judge your opinion, just saying that equating "I don't like it" to "it's bad" is a very stiff and unhelpful mindset. I hope you keep finding enjoyment in OSRS or other games regardless of the upcoming changes! :)
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
That's a fair point but had I gone in depth about why a lot of the newer bosses are bad then I would have added another 30 minutes to the video. Then another 30 minutes for all the other problems. If you haven't tried Nex or tried to find a world at Spindel then I'm not gonna go out of my way to educate people in a video that's already too long for most people.
@taklak883 Жыл бұрын
What an awful take
@Mathia0110 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly what i have been thinking for the past 6 months. But don't worry, people will realize sooner or later, that sailing was a bad idea. But unfortunately it will probably be too late at that point, i guarantee you they will destroy this game, like rc was an iconic skill that is supposed to be grindy, in my opinion. Then they added that new rc update. But these new mods and players just dont get it. And if they say they do, they just make themselves look stupid because then why did the update come to fruition?
@stephanevuchinic4537 10 ай бұрын
I've got no idea why they have to update this game 200 times a year. Who is asking for these updates? Sailing is the new EOC.
@stephanevuchinic4537 10 ай бұрын
Great video btw, you really addressed all the main problems clearly. I also realised you're rank 528 on a standard account, insane. I can't begin to imagine how you feel towards the easyscape updates that have made everything you achieved progressively easier with time.
@Whyamibzsdmh 9 ай бұрын
@@stephanevuchinic4537 It's the people who are rank 200+ and have 20 billion banks who should be sad. I just play the game to have fun, ranks and wealth are secondary. Unfortunately most of the choices they make with the game are for the worse so now I do feel sad about what the game has turned into. Jagex has forsaken the playerbase once again.
@stephanevuchinic4537 9 ай бұрын
@Whyamibzsdmh Mate, you are definitely up there with those guys, even if you're not pushing for ranks. This video was great, and you should really make more. I love this no-nonsense style and overall cohesion.
@Whyamibzsdmh 9 ай бұрын
@@stephanevuchinic4537 I'm glad you like my style but unfortunately, the well has dried up. I don't play OSRS anymore and I don't have any other reasons to make videos
@stephanevuchinic4537 9 ай бұрын
What? But you have a really recent video? How long have you been away? You'll be back, unfortunately (for you).@@Whyamibzsdmh
@Hotmaildotcomz Жыл бұрын
When you need to move on, but cant.
@externalboss9404 8 ай бұрын
The perfect description of this video.
@michaelzyskowski2357 6 ай бұрын
L game already dead, bot-to-player ratio was about 50% , now its about 80%, they don't wanna ban bots to show just how many people quit the game cope more, jagex killed runescape again, current jmods are 'amateurs' at best lmao, so bad cope more
@BrownSugar977 Жыл бұрын
OSRS is older than RS2 was when the backup was. This game was going to die without new content to keep it fresh.
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
I already addressed that argument in the video.
@jean-sebastientellier5680 Жыл бұрын
Well you’re part of the 28.1% twitter minority
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
Never used twitter, never will.
@peepeepoopoocheck7076 Жыл бұрын
@kronbeezy Жыл бұрын
My take is simple, not that I agree or disagree with what you're saying. OSRS wasn't a product that was re-introduced to be stuck in a world of updates that only resemble content possible from 2007. OSRS was the RESET button that all of us wanted when Jagex made the decision of utter destruction that brought RS3 into existence. It was the worst thing (from 90% of the player base's perspective) they could have done (limiting free trade, EoC, etc.). Generally, what is happening with OSRS in it's current state, is what should have happened in the first place. They brought back something they killed for everyone so we could have a second chance to continue playing the game we fell in love with years ago. I'm good with that.
@MiggyMSS 2 ай бұрын
I used to play back in 2008 I remember when the construction skill came out.. man it was so lively and fun.. but I stopped at 2011 due to life.. went back on in 2022 cuz i missed the game.. man I saw RS3 and even went member for 1 month.. thought it was cool but it was not what I REMEMBER... I WENT BACK FOR NOSTALGIA... And it was... Gay! It sucked! It wasn't fun anymore.. I went to old school for a while as well but it was just not the same
@johnappleseed9290 Жыл бұрын
Late 2004- EARLY 07 was the golden years of RuneScape with its peak being Christmas of 2006 with nearly 200k plus players online everyday the week of Christmas. Truly a great time that was and I’m so fortunate I was able to experience it. Castle wars was PACKED. Varrock square always full in most of the main worlds and people actually holding a conversation. It was truly a gem playing at the time.
@woljangN 3 күн бұрын
i just wanna tob bruh
@stayontrack Жыл бұрын
Oh it hasn't been old school for a looong time now
@GenghisKhanBruseySkyz 6 ай бұрын
Subscribed. This is gospel.
@TheJosstiband Жыл бұрын
No shit....
@Zeleharian Жыл бұрын
I've got to disagree with a lot of the things you've said here, but there are a few things I agree with too. I think the devs have taken a lot of care with each update to make the game still feel "old school." Forestry as an example was really good about this. It gets a bunch of players to skill and interact in the same place as each other like we did back in 2007. Before forestry, most of the interactions while woodcutting were players getting mad at you for chopping down their tree. Now you can actually interact with players like back in the day. As for Nex, TOA, and Muspah, saying they're terrible because you don't like them yourself isn't really fair or related to the concept of this video. While I'm not a fan of Nex, I know many other players are and that is fine. I love Muspah and get why others don't. TOA is my personal favorite raid since it helped me and many other players get into PvM. I had no prior PvM experience and it helped me learn how to fight bosses which let me get my first fire cape, finish grandmaster quests, and got me into COX and TOB. Desert Treasure II was probably the best update the game has ever had, and doing it blind was the most fun I have ever had in the game. I think sailing is going to be an amazing update to the game that will still fit the "old school" feel really well. If content would be really bad, it definitely won't be added to the game, which is what just happened with the prayer book. I definitely agree with is that the economy is catered more towards pvmers now. It sucks that skillers just can't compete at all with the pvmers in terms of money. The voidwaker was also a terrible addition to the game in my opinion. I do agree that shaminsim would be a bad update but even if it did come out there might be some aspects that are enjoyable. Overall your video seems a bit like Gnomonkey's plea video that you referenced, but kind of in the opposite direction? You both state your opinions on new content by calling it things like "trash," "bad," "terrible," "garbage," "worse," and "stupid" since you don't personally like it. I really don't think that is fair to Jagex or the players that actually enjoy the new content. You guys both have over 10,000 hours in the game and for some reason expect content to be catered specifically to you and get upset when it is catered to more casual players instead. Jagex is a company that needs money after all, so of course they won't just release content for you, me, or Gnomonkey who play the game for many hours every day. They need the casual players to keep the game running. I'm fine with Jagex adding content I don't enjoy because they have added plenty that I do, and I want other players to enjoy aspects of the game that I don't. I'm not a huge fan of your video because it is mostly opinion based and doesn't seem to offer much constructive criticism about how the game can be improved to feel more like Old School. I'll still drop you a like since it was enjoyable to watch. Have a great day man!
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
My main issue is the lack of quality and the increase in powercreep, also the fact that polls are effectively not functioning like they should. Also I did offer criticism, there is no getting around how hard it is to find a world at Spindel. That is horrible. I'm glad you liked the video and all that but I feel like if you had a couple more years in the game you'd notice the stark contrast in quality from the older updates to the newer ones. Cerberus being my favorite example, it's almost more complex than all of ToA. The game is already catered to me, I just wish Jagex would stop trying to undermine every facet of it in exchange for an increase in player count.
@Zeleharian Жыл бұрын
@@Whyamibzsdmh I really don't understand the lack of quality argument, All of the content released over the past couple years has had excellent quality. Nex, GOTR, Giant's Foundry, TOA, Secrets of the North, and Desert Treasure II are all quality content. Even if you don't enjoy the gameplay much, the character/scenery/item designs are great, the soundtracks generally fit well, the game lore is well written, and thousands of other players enjoy the content, so what do you mean by lack of quality? Powercreep is inevitable in any game so idk how that is an issue. You can't only make sidegrades for items with less than an 80 lvl requirement. Higher levels need to be useful too. As for the wildy bosses like Spindel: It is the wilderness... If you want to fight spindel you can crash the player to take the kill or kill the player to fight the boss. The wildy is a lawless place, so make use of that if you want to kill the boss. I've played the game off and on for several years with over 200 days playtime. While it isn't as close to yours, I can still recognize the contrast in quality and can say for certain it has gotten better, not worse. Cerb is not at all more complex than TOA. You know why it seems that way? It is all based on player experience going in. I had no PvM experience when starting TOA so it seemed like the hardest thing in the game. After learning that raid, everything else became far easier to learn. COX, TOB, cerb, vorkath, zulrah, etc. All this content seemed easy to learn simply because I gained experience from another piece of content in the game. It will always be this way. I don't see how Jagex is undermining anything. Without new content to increase player count, Jagex will lose money and the game will die. That's how it is with any game. Nothing can be perfect. You don't have to enjoy every part of the game. Just stick to the content you enjoy and have fun doing it.
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
@@Zeleharian I already said there is a lot of quality content in the video, but then you have things like ToA altering the fundamentals of PVM and ruining the prices of a lot of items. That's lack of quality. I don't like to belittle commenters but it's very obvious to me that you lack experience. Like have you tried killing Nex? I have. It's one of the worst bosses in the game and there's a reason you can barely find teams for it despite how good money it is. If you didn't already know that then I don't think you should be telling me that Nex is "quality content."
@croeser8044 Жыл бұрын
Bro I gotta say there is a lot of truth in here, Skilling has been basically forgotten apart from tempeross and guardians of the rift. All other Skilling methods are basically dogshit. Sick of new best in slot shit coming out when really you need the previous best in slot to even have a chance of getting any of the new items. Very top heavy and is becoming very elitist. That being said though I am hopeful for Sailing and Varlamore
@bleepleglorp Жыл бұрын
Boo hoo
@bleepleglorp Жыл бұрын
It’s people like you that kill live service games, “I’m happy cutting my redwoods, I don’t have time for new content”
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
@@bleepleglorp I prefer quality content over content quantity, but with 50+ developers on the game you're getting neither, and the worst part is you're too stupid to realize it
@sippolate Жыл бұрын
i think seasonal content would be good, op items would be realy are and wanted and not mass botted. (I think biggest problem in osrs has bots.) I think somebody has made polling bot when shit content comes to game.
@NightSerebi Жыл бұрын
Sailing is perfect in nature with oldschool RuneScape its not like evolution of combat or something. Without great updates the game gets boring and dies so sailing passing was a blessing!
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
You didn't watch the video.
@dannysha6458 Жыл бұрын
I do agree that a lot of the updates have made the game go too far from being old school but I’m honestly convinced that if done right sailing will bring back that sense of exploration and adventure that RuneScape needs and used to be.
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
I used to believe they could turn the ship around, figuratively and literally. I even votes yes to the first ever sailing poll. But it took 26 million ToA completions before they decided to add minor quality of life features that should have been there after the first week. What chance does a new skill have of being good if that's the standard they've set for themselves.
@dannysha6458 Жыл бұрын
@@Whyamibzsdmh that’s definitely a fair point, jagex like blizzard normally fixes things too late. I’m hoping the skill is well fleshed out upon release and any bugs/fixes will hopefully be done sooner rather than later. The release of sailing will definitely make or break the game depending on how well it’s done
@Whyamibzsdmh Жыл бұрын
@@dannysha6458 Back when OSRS had 5 to 15 developers we got some of the best content the game had ever seen, and whatever problems it had would get taken care off in a week or two. Now a team of 50+ people can't deliver basic QoL features or adjustments to a piece of content until months after. Jagex never learned from RS3 it seems.
@dannysha6458 Жыл бұрын
@@Whyamibzsdmh I agree. I’m hoping for the sake of the game that sailing is delayed until it’s actually ready and fully thought out. Hopefully Jagex doesn’t mess it up like they have with some other updates, but I guess we’ll see in the future.
@octopusgoat2502 Жыл бұрын
I'm not 100% certain, but I don't think the new prayers ever passed the poll. Iirc they had a poll that basically said "do you want us to explore a new prayerbook" with no details, and that passed. Then the polls after that were just asking whether we wanted the suggested prayers to go to beta, not be added to the game. That passed, and they did go to beta, but nothing had been voted to go into the actual game yet. The poll to actually bring them in was supposed to happen, but Jagex saw that everyone hated the prayers in the beta and decided to not even bother.
@RockinAfr0 Жыл бұрын
True, the poll just asked "wanna see them in beta?" And people lost their minds because they didn't read :P
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