Shenmue is not an open world sandbox game. It is actually more like an interactive diary instead. Basically it transport you back to 1986 and made you live and go through the specific events it wanted to tell you in that town. Olaying it is like living out someone memories.
一直很感謝老孫的視頻讓我回味當年的那些經典遊戲。當年雖然莎木玩起來一言難盡,不過前期也是有開放世界的新鮮感,初接觸時蠻有趣的。二代可能經費不足,省略了很多東西,不過反而玩起來沒那麼繁瑣,更順暢一些,所以還是希望老孫也可以講講二代。另外要是有機會的話,希望老孫能聊一些懷舊saturn 或DC的遊戲,像是聖龍戰記(龍之力量)、Jet set radio之類的。