Yeah, I didn’t like the breadcrumbs and his efforts were low. I showed him unconditional love, and he showed low vibrational behavior with deception, anger issues. He was egotistical, arrogant and self-absorbed and he thought he was a player and he played himself right out of my life. I shut the door on eight months ago I tried to deal with him for years and he made things too difficult. He was too controlling. You have to be honest and mature, and have integrity to be in my life no foolishness. exactly when he runs he runs from himself. I figured that out too and he did it multiple times very immature, emotionally immature. yeah I’ll definitely went silent on him. I’m Pisces high priest and I did. I waited for months to see if people was gonna actually come and tell me the truth and show me that he love me. He kept telling me he love me, but he showed something different so I left him alone right out there where he wanted to be at