On Dealing With Larry Norman (Sandi Stonehill Pt. 1)

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Jester Media

Jester Media

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@Surfer51 11 жыл бұрын
Greg Laurie, Cowboy and I listened to Larry's music when we first got saved. It was the only Christian music out there at the time. Other then the bands at our local Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa who had not recorded their music for sale yet. There was not much out there at that time. But Larry stood out from all of the secular music we had been listening to prior to our salvation. Our favorite song of Larry's was "I wish we all were ready." Essentially from our young perspective, Larry was ministering to our walks with Christ. We knew nothing other then the fact that his record album ministered to us. I think Greg got the evangelistic influence early on by hearing some of Larry's songs that were in his "On This Rock" album. He was a vessel of clay that poured out the water of life as far as we were concerned. Now that David Di Sabbatino has revealed the clay vessel does not change the fact that Larry ministered water of life to our young lives. He was the pioneer of Christian Rock, no doubt about it. Larry Norman - I Wish We'd All Been Ready
@TheDivayenta 11 жыл бұрын
I used to be in a folk rock group with Randy in high school in San Jose. Ray Weir was my neighbor in Los Gatos! Randy was a musical genius even then, I felt privileged to play with him.
@GarySellars 10 жыл бұрын
*+Karen Nyere* I saw Randy only one time in concert. It was really outstanding. Randy was a real showman and presented a great concert.
@AndySalinger33 7 жыл бұрын
That's so awesome!
@joshsimpson79 11 жыл бұрын
Dayna, with all due respect, I wouldn't be quite to quick to judge about Larry being a "waste of a human being." Though he had serious flaws, he did encourage many people in their walk with the Lord...myself included. You can say Larry was a scam or whatever, but if he did encourage some to walk with Christ, it's hard to bluntly think of him as a "waste." I don't think God would see his children that way.
@Neptuneman07 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting the documentary. It's sad how Larry Norman was living a double life. Met him twice and he seem nice but you can tell there's something that is just not right sometimes.
@daynahasson9316 11 жыл бұрын
Hi Josh...the Bible states that it is better for a man to have a millstone around his neck and to be thrown in to the river than he harms one of God's little ones. How can someone turn their back on their own flesh and blood and still be considered worthy? I agree with you, that many were influenced. That makes the message worthy, not the messenger. Waste!
@daynahasson9316 11 жыл бұрын
Good Lord...what a complete waste of a human being this guy was...
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