A big Thank You to everyone who watched our performances on KZbin Music Weekend!! 【LIVE DVD & Blu-ray】 2020年10月11日に行われたZOZOマリンスタジアムでのライブを収録した "ONE OK ROCK 2020 Field of Wonder at Stadium"が発売中! OOR.lnk.to/FieldofWonderAW 【Music】 Download / Streaming Wonder -Japanese Version-: OOR.lnk.to/WonderAW Wonder -International Version-: oor.lnk.to/wonder-intl
ONE OK ROCKに出会わなければ、 今を生きていたか?と考えるほど。 僕にとってのBe the lightはONE OK ROCK。
@ふぺ-g4t2 жыл бұрын
俺が10歳の頃に親父が聞いていた完全感覚Dreamerでワンオクを知り。 じぶんrockが中学の頃俺の支えになってくれ、高校でも尊敬し続けて、少し浮気してたけどその間にもワンオクは躍進を続けて。今俺は大学生になり帰ってきた。 コメント欄の他言語に驚く。 俺の音楽の原点で頂点。 ONE OK ROCKありがとうございます。
@karaimono3 жыл бұрын
日本が誇る世界にも認められた熱い男達。 その名も ONE OK ROCK。 まだ伝説は始まったばかり。。。
@user-dx6tz5jw5y3 жыл бұрын
@無限大-m3r3 жыл бұрын
@@user-dx6tz5jw5y 気にしない気にしない。
@agatazdanowicz39067 ай бұрын
You are absolutely right. I will, travel to London to see them live in October:). I wish l could see them in Japan one day.
@TrickerAnisong3 жыл бұрын
Words can't describe how I feel about this band. They're just amazing
@rr83163 жыл бұрын
@minnie-h8o3 жыл бұрын
i love you 😭😭🤘💗
@jennysilvachoez74353 жыл бұрын
Concuerdo, es un sentimiento inexplicable ☆×☆ Posdata: me gustan tus covers ♡
今時国内ではONE OK ROCKのTAKAさん以外は私60歳代の人間がこんなにも鳥肌が立つくらいに魂、揺さぶられるほどの歌唱力を持ったアーティストはそんなにいないと思います❗️ほんとに凄い歌唱力の持ち主ですね👌国内ではランク付けの歌番組があって流行ってても、一部を除いてはどの歌も残念ながら私にはあんまり感動がなく心に響かないですね…。
@leslieshand45092 жыл бұрын
I’m also an “old” lady, on the other side of the planet from you, and these gifted young men are so special. They all play multiple instruments, watching the drummer Tomoya Kanki play the piano is like magic. Taka has an unparalleled voice, and is a gifted storyteller. English is a brutal language to learn, I have such respect for them all. 15 years they have been learning, stretching their gifts, playing with your national orchestra, exploring playing with other artists (one such collaboration led to Ryota Kohama marrying a fellow Canadian. Watching them perform acoustically is just magic. If I have find the positives of the COVID-19 pandemic, which from a nurse’s standpoint can be a challenge, I discovered some amazing bands from other countries. Seeing this band in Japan is now in my top 10 of things to do before I die. Thank you for sharing with the rest of the world the gift that is One Ok Rock
@yabu-milky2 жыл бұрын
私は既に60歳を過ぎたタカさんのお母様、森昌子世代です。この年でONE OK ROCKファンスタートです👌どの曲聴いても今までに聴いたことない魂を揺さぶられる心に響くタカさんの声とギター、ドラムの音は最高です👌現在デイサービスで介護士で働いてますがお年寄りにもワクワクした気持ちになってほしいからどんどん聴かせてあげたいです👌今年8/20に息子と一緒にサマーソニック2022に行くの楽しみにしてます❗️
最近仕事に行く前に必ずKZbinでONE OK ROCKの映像、曲を聴いてから出勤します。とても元気が出て笑顔でいられます👌舞洲でのSUMMER SONIC最高でした。オーケストラジャパンツアー2018のDVDは最高に素晴らしい。もちろん新しいLUXURY DISEASEも私ら60代のお母さんの魂にも響きます。今、アメリカツアー中だけど頑張ってますね👌是非日本でのツアーチケット取れたら行きたいわ~🎶
I’m so happy to see different languages in the comment section. ONE OK ROCK might not be always trending on Twitter but I know they have a lot of silent fans all over the world 🤘🏻
@doriantheelf82423 жыл бұрын
Yes)) Greetings from Ukraine
@felicitybennett353 жыл бұрын
hello from all the way over here in South Australia :))
@chubieodrie3 жыл бұрын
@@doriantheelf8242 Hello there! I'm from the Philippines 🤗
@chubieodrie3 жыл бұрын
@@felicitybennett35 Hello there. I'm a Filipino OORer. Nice to meet you 🤗
@joeypoh11693 жыл бұрын
A shout out from singapore! let's have an awesome time this evening!!
Dear ONE OK ROCK, You have been an inspiration to a lot of people for more than a decade now. I am very thankful that you have been known internationally, that's why a non-Japanese listener like me has discovered your music. Your songs are my mood setter. I can't even start a day right without listening to your songs. I listen to your songs as soon as I wake up, while riding a bus going to work, while finishing my tasks at work, while I am sad and happy, and even before I sleep. You have been part of my life for 9 years now and I can't thank you enough for it. Thank you for giving us high quality music. Thank you for not giving up on your dreams despite of many challenges. Please don't ever disband. We would like to see you continuously making good songs even if you already have your own families. We will always be here as long as you are in the industry. I LOVE YOU ONE OK ROCK! Please continue to rock the world!
@aviewer95162 жыл бұрын
What a lovely note you wrote to the band!
@annesusanti26142 жыл бұрын
So beautiful words 👏...and I feel it to🥰
@blackrose38692 жыл бұрын
exactly!!! I couldn't have said a better myself.
@Boogiedogg-o7r Жыл бұрын
I'm sure they're watching.
@pattimanning9104 Жыл бұрын
Yes you don't need to know the language to know the music.
中学の時ONE OK ROCKに支えられて高校受験乗り越えられました。今高校3年生で、中学の時の頑張りを忘れかけていました。けど今日この動画をみてあの頑張りを思い返して大学受験、全力で頑張ろうと思えました。ありがとうONE OK ROCK!!!! やっぱりONE OK ROCKが1番だ
@好子松村2 жыл бұрын
@Edelvais873 жыл бұрын
After losing Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) I never thought of listening to rock again, and suddenly you came into my life to cover that void in my chest with wonderful lyrics and music that day after day fills my soul and makes me feel alive again. You may never read this but more than once you have been with me when no one else did, you were a great help in several of my darkest moments in recent years. Therefore I can only say thank you for being a great support in my life and that of many people. Thank you !!!!!! with love from Argentina
@ああ-h4r4n3 жыл бұрын
@chubieodrie3 жыл бұрын
Oh my. The best comment that I have read so far. This is so me. I was also devastated with what happened to Chester. ONE OK ROCK is truly a blessing in my life.
@Edelvais873 жыл бұрын
@@chubieodrie Hello. Thank you for your words. I agree with you, ONE OK ROCK is really a great comfort for our lives.
@chubieodrie3 жыл бұрын
@@Edelvais87 Some might say that I am exaggerating but for 9 years of being a ONE OK ROCKer, their music has been helping me to fight anxiety and melancholy. They are my comfort zone, my second home, and my better place.
we areのtakaが1番声や煽りがギラギラしててカッコいいな。Ambitions2017の時か。
@tsu27502 жыл бұрын
We areのメッセージは本当に痺れる。自分が人生のドン底を味わった時に丁度We areがリリースして幾度となくこの曲に救われてきました。
@ヒロト-n4y3 жыл бұрын
@えだげん3 жыл бұрын
@BAN-gr2ov2 жыл бұрын
たくさんのライブのDVD持ってるけど、やっぱりたくさんの感動を得られる、というか、自分のためになるものを得ることができたのはワンオクのおかげです(語彙)。 いつも支えになってます。ONE OK ROCK 2021 “Day to Night Acoustic Sessions”、配信組でしたが、TakaさんがMCで言ってたこと、「辛くなったらワンオクの曲とか聴いて、ライブとか見に来てください。」なんとまあ、美しい言葉。配信でもその思いはとても伝わりました。泣いた。 今後も、生ライブを楽しむという前に....。当たるかどうかがかかってくるけどさ。またいつかはしゃいだり叫んだりすることのできる時が来てほしい。 誰に何を言われようと言われまいと、僕自身の中で日本で一番上手くて最高のバンドだと、最強のバンドだと思っております!命の恩人、感謝に永遠。
いまの受験勉強の支えとなっているこのONE OK ROCK 入試まであと3ヶ月きっているなか、志望校まであと最低でも6必要、なかなか点が上がらず不安で張り裂けそうな自分の心がこの動画によって『やってやる』に変わっていました。マジでやってやります マジでワンオクと出会えてよかったです! いつも勇気をくれるワンオクには感謝しかないです 入試が終わり志望校に受かり最高の状態でワンオクとまた会えるようにがんばります!
@Taka-zq3op3 жыл бұрын
@bigmouse10983 жыл бұрын
@@Taka-zq3op ありがとうございます😭 マジでOORerいい人しかいないっすww
@ケロケロ星3 жыл бұрын
@bigmouse10983 жыл бұрын
@@ケロケロ星 あざす‼️
@mica.u55543 жыл бұрын
@bangtan_ranger81Ай бұрын
Came here after Taka was featured on Jin's song. It's nice how I got introduced to other artists because of BTS collabs. I am into rock music and I'm glad to know One Ok Rock. Amazing performers 😊