0:11 Moonlight, a barren void to horizon, [月光は荒れ果てた地を呑み込んで] Days blur into nights of dreadful silence, oh. [昼は恐ろしいほど静かな夜に溶けていく] You let me see thy heart, [私の目に映るあなたの心は] Lost beacon in the dark, [暗闇を照らす灯台のよう] Our lonely souls that spark, [高潔に輝く私達の魂は] We break apart. [離れ離れになる運命だった] 0:51 We find, [探し求めて] We strive, [力を尽くして] Our journey of eternity. [終わりなき旅を続けている] Desire, in mind, [心に刻まれた渇望だけが] Toset our sprits free, [私たちの魂を自由にする] Echoes fade to oblivion, [反響する声が忘れられても] Freedom to make our own. [私たちは自由を手にできる] We trod our destinies on [運命の足跡を辿って] A path unknown. [未知の旅に出発しましょう] In hope, [希望の中] in vain, [徒労の中] To whom, who waits? [誰が待っている?]
英語版の歌詞です 歌:幾田りら Moonlight a barren void to horizon Days blur into nights of dreadful silence (oh) You let me see thy heart Lost beacon in the dark Our lonely souls that spark We break apart We find We strive Our journey of eternity Desire in mind To set our spirits free Echoes fade to oblivion Freedom to make our own We trod our destinies on A path unknown In hope In vain To whom who waits?