very honest gameplays really showcasing all games! Liked it a lot
@v0nepАй бұрын
I played Rp luffy in my regional in Paris a few weeks ago nd went 6/4, placed 355. Overall pretty happy about the weekend. I played the deck i loved and made the meta call that I would run into a lot of by Luffy that we counter. I ended up tagging only 1 and lost by a hair. Gl
@fr3d611Ай бұрын
chaining Kid and Newgate feels so good against Doffy. Had one rage quitting on the sim after two rounds of it :D
@animecascadaАй бұрын
Took this list to my recent local and went 4-1. Ngl wish I had 2 Blocker laws. Might want try the purple 1 cost event to look for either straw hat, kid or heart pirate to have more searches. Still testing but list wasn’t bad
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
@@animecascada yeah, I keep going back and forth with Law. O nami has been quite nice though
@fr3d611Ай бұрын
I'm currently testing a list that found on discord and is working pretty well for me. Works well against meta decks and i've been running over Doffys. Here it is: 4x Nami 4x Newgate 3x Shuraya 3x Dragon 4x Bon clay 4x Zorojuro 2x Gear 5 Luffy 4x blocker sanji 2x Brulee (4 cost blocker that grants a don on ko) 4x Queen 2x blocker law 3x 7c Kid 4x Usoachi 3x Onami blocker 4x Rad beams 1x Diable Jambe
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
@@fr3d611 funny, I have a video going live in about a hour with a list that replaces mr.2 with Charlotte brulee and it played rather well. After running those games, I re added mr.2 and posted a list within a few cards of this in the VV theory’s discord. I’m going to start testing it
@fr3d611Ай бұрын
@@Gear5Productions24 I got that list from VV discord so maybe it was your post :D in that case, thanks for it! I'm bringing it to my locals this week. EDIT: just confirmed and it was exactly your post eheh
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
@ I need to organize and get a discord up and running, but for now, I spam the Vv discord and the main rP luffy discussion in the big channel
@beams098Ай бұрын
😮😮😮😮 kaine captain of the doffy pirates 😮😮😮😮 sugoi
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
I hope to have as much drip as Doffy one day
@JustZackyАй бұрын
New subscriber here! Picked up this deck for fun recently. Really enjoyed the rabbit hole through your vids. Question for you - whats the gameplan against Lucci rn? i keep finding myself stuck
@jpag92Ай бұрын
Bro, Boa should be a 4k blocker, the stats are too good for a 4c, queen is 5c and also makes me lose a Don
@NakamaTyeАй бұрын
Lucci is such a cheeseball deck
@venusguitarАй бұрын
Def need onami in there for more consistency.
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
@@venusguitar where would you cut for it?
@fredloi995Ай бұрын
I am running Onami instead of jet Gatling. Not that many bricks anymore and the 1k counter is still very effective into doffy.
@tylerbeaulne1769Ай бұрын
why no 9 mom?
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
@@tylerbeaulne1769 because she doesn’t offer enough against doffy, 1 life isn’t gonna stabilize when they have 4-6 swings every turn, I still would like her as a 1 or 2 of but 4 Newgates - 4 kids overwhelms those slots. I could see drop 1 or 2 of the above for linlin, but doffy was able to chew through that life if only 6k leader
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
Before the starter decks, the meta was a little slower so I was on a couple of her, but when Doffy and P Luffy are setting the pace, gotta hit the kid and Newgate chains
@tylerbeaulne1769Ай бұрын
@@Gear5Productions24 makes sense. What do you think about running the new purple strawhat package? if you drop Zj or BC on curv you can hit with luffy taro, into sanj goro, then next turn newgate.
@TheLAHobbyistАй бұрын
What would you do against lucci?
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
@@tylerbeaulne1769 I toy’ed with it, but it just wasn’t quite consistent enough and I think if purple luffy is losing to doffy with that package, we probably don’t fair much better. The kids and Newgates have been phenomenal
@cristianzanetti6965Ай бұрын
Is better rp luffy or pluffy🫠?
@Gear5Productions24Ай бұрын
I suppose it's personal preference and how you look at it. Fundamentally, 5 life leaders are very strong and will breed the most natural consistency. Purple Luffy will also likely see more results, but it will have a significantly higher presence. RP Luffy wins that match up though and it depends on your meta/where you are playing. Doffy and Lucci are the decks you will need to beat at the highest levels.