Oppenheimer SUCKED! My angry review

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Random Advice and My Opinions on

Random Advice and My Opinions on

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Here is my review with minor spoilers, Thanks for watching. 4/10 is my review for the movie overall, so a failing grade in my opinion.

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@TarasTarot Жыл бұрын
I hated it! Was actually angry leaving the theater 😅
@fabpern Жыл бұрын
I let myself be influenced by all those unanimous positive critics and so I had high expectations of it. Now, this scam indeed has to stop and the general dick-sucking chain about it must be broken. All this acclaim is incomprehensible to me. That was sincerely the most awful and painful cinematographic experience of my life and I've seen tons of films! I lost 3 hours of my existence on this overly long, boring, convoluted, chaotic and confusing crap, with its complicated dialogues spit out at lightning speed, thousands of characters whose names and roles you can't remember (and quite frankly don't have the time to give a shit about), way too loud sound effects (I had to cover my ear multiple times), crazy misleading editing and constant jumps around time to the point where you don't know what is when. Furthermore, some scientific principles that were per se not so difficult to understand were explained in an unnecesarily overcomplex way. I thought I was going to die of a brain seizure. And those stupid sex scenes... Moreover, the script in itself is nonsense with stakes you have a hard time relating to, other than the one with the bomb - I mean, who the hell gives a flying f*** about that f***ing guy's security clearance or whether he was a communist or not? Was that worth an hour of runtime? First time in my life that I had to take acetaminophen during a screening (I'm not kidding) and I'd rather have sit on a plank full on nails than watch this 3 hour-long piece of turd. I was checking my watch all the time and I didn't walk just because I don't like to leave a cinema before the end of a movie and because I was hoping it got better but it didn't. The people with me also hated it and from the comments and sighs of relief I overheard from the audience in the theater after it was finally over, it seems the majority disliked it. It's a terribly bloated and overrated flick with an absolutely outrageous propaganda around it. Besides, the actors were not that great either, with for instance Cillian Murphy showing only one facial expression for the entire movie. Emily Blunt was good though. Plus that whole "it's not for everybody"-BS statement that I keep seeing everywhere upsets me even more - it's just a way of saying that this movie is for intelligent people only. There's a near 100% positive consensus about this atrocious film and there are not 100% of intelligent people among movie-goers. It's just that it's trendy to say how great it is and that it makes people "feel" smart. And there's also this other retarded recurring statement which says that if you don't like it, that's because you like Marvel movies. How ignorant must one be to say that? There are other options that these 2. I'm 49, my wife is 39 and my son nearly 19. We're all full grown intelligent adults not caring for Marvel and we didn't go there hoping to see a cartoon. We knew it was supposed to be a serious film and those insane dithyrambic ratings made us expect a real masterpiece and we got something that I wouldn't even call decent. Like another honest reviewer said, it's a good 2-hour movie buried in a 3-hour mediocre one. Lost time can't be given back and feeling physically sick for the wrong reasons plus risking hearing damage because of a movie is not normal. I am never seeing this thing again.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
You said it perfectly when you said "who cares if this guy had his secret clearance taken or his relation to potential communism" I agree 100%, literally no one went to this movie to learn anything about that aspect of the situation, and you're 100% right that there is a large crowd of dumb people who think this movie makes them feel smart if they act like they could keep track of all 37 characters, it was bloated and overhyped to say the least and your point about Cillian Murphy's one facial expression is hilariously accurate, that dead eyed stare lol, he really leaned into that.
@ato-blakussam-acquah1557 Жыл бұрын
Took me 3 hrs to read your comment😂
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@ato-blakussam-acquah1557 comment was longer than the movie (comment was more interesting than the movie too) 😂
@hittingthewall Жыл бұрын
Agree 1000%
@akshayneha Жыл бұрын
It's just the Nolan fanboy phenomenon unfortunately. They praise his movies to the point that they claim them to be perfection, devoid of any fault and undeserving of any criticism, no matter how valid. Same thing happened with Interstellar, the movie was a spectacle for sure, and overall very enjoyable (much more so than Oppen), BUT, it had numerous faults, both on the science side, and on the plot, character building, and dialogue side. But try to point that out to a Nolan fan, and they will start fuming, coz for them it's the Bible and the Koran.
@Kliffy77 Жыл бұрын
Long boring well acted movie
@RodT87 Жыл бұрын
Yep. Short statement and to the point.
@cjgooding4512 Жыл бұрын
@illuminis Жыл бұрын
Shouldnt have wasted so much time with the politics and security issue, focus more on the science, the construction of the bomb, life in the town, the more personal stories.
@kneedol Жыл бұрын
I do actually like this movie but I have to agree with this
@knifetothebass1642 Жыл бұрын
It sucked. 3 hours of Yap yap yap yap yap. They botched the bomb scene also.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yup it was a dud
@emmagrove6491 Жыл бұрын
I REALLY wanted to walk out at hour 2 also. I was on the edge of my seat, purse in my lap, ready to go. I stayed out of respect for Nolan, but I honestly should have left. I would have missed nothing.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
I held out from checking my phone for the time until after the bomb dropped, when I realized there was still another hour left I knew it was going to be painful to get through.
@Cesare996 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to walk out the 1st hour.
@jeffk1722 Жыл бұрын
The climax of the test happens. And then they actually think their talks of commies, spies, Robert Downey Jr.’s uninteresting ramblings, is what we wanted. The very last scene was kinda quote worthy but doesn’t compensate. I don’t mind non-science dialogue, but make it more emotional and thematic. I think Nolan is way too into Oliver Stone’s “JFK” and the Clooney’s “Good Night and Good Luck”
@emmagrove6491 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffk1722 Totally! I've never liked Oliver Stone as a filmmaker. His m.o. for JFK and Natural Born Killers seemed to be, "I'm not sure what shot or point of view to go with, so I'll just throw EVERYTHING on the screen and see what sticks." The choppy, jumping-around=everywhere editing gets really tiring. As a director/writer/storyteller, you have to make decisions, and choose what to focus on. Oppenheimer is an unfocused mess.
@jeffk1722 Жыл бұрын
@@emmagrove6491 There are some Stone films I like, but to your point: it’s the ones that have focus and themes throughout that I like. Platoon and Snowden are good examples.
@Onechance_ngl Жыл бұрын
It’s overhyped. The courtroom trial thing seemed like an afterthought. Movie should’ve ended after the meeting with Truman and that would’ve helped a lot.
@JackLWalsh Жыл бұрын
Absolutely incorrect. There was nothing overhyped about Oppenheimer. It’s a modern cinematic masterpiece that will stand with the other cinematic masterpieces of history. Just because you have the attention span of a spoon doesn’t mean anyone else does. I bet you feel very silly that it’s closing in on a billion dollars at the box office and retains extraordinary high ratings on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. The courtroom trial was absolutely necessary you dunce. What are you talking about. It’s a biopic about the crucial moments in Oppenheimer’s life and his demonisation during the McCarthy era because of his stance on nuclear weapons. Only a dunce wouldn’t realise just how significantly important the events in the courtroom were, especially with Strauss. Jesus do none of you pay attention in films anymore? Based on how pathetic all of you are, you’d call godfather and Shawshank boring films. Do you not see how utterly ridiculous you all sound? No, I’ll keep cinematic masterpieces like Oppenheimer, while you can keep kids movies like Barbie or some other pointless marvel movie.
@leikfroakies Жыл бұрын
The movies was heavy on the tell dont show. It was 3 hours of 'this happened and then this happened and then he did this and then he did that'. There was no exploration of how or why something happened or any real deep dive into Oppenheimer's psychology. It really was just a sequence of things that happened
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
This movie should have taken a "don't ask, don't tell" policy if you ask me (meaning it should have been shelved)
@vivaquitocarajo Жыл бұрын
Man same ! I went in on a Thursday 2:30 pm . And God what a boring movie, slow pacing , i could tell people where drowsy. I couldn't leave the theater because our way jammed packed. Yet everybody praising the movie. I can't be a hypocrite saying this is a masterpiece just because it is packed with a mega cast of actors in a Bio pic. Movies are supposed to entertaining, not flat. They missed shooting the Hiroshima bomb.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Seems like we had the exact same experience, I think it's one of those movies where people feel "artsy and smart" if they pretend they could keep track of the 37 characters and were enthralled throughout the whole movie.
@vivaquitocarajo Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 it has been weeks since I saw the movie and I still have a bad after taste of this movie!
@loudorchen9897 Жыл бұрын
@@vivaquitocarajo I agree, it was shockingly boring,
@marklewen9384 Жыл бұрын
Oppenheimer, like Dunkirk, covered important subject matter, looked beautiful, AND WERE BOTH INSTANTLY FORGETTABLE....
@Nico-Cruz Жыл бұрын
I recently say Dunkirk as well. I wanted to see if the director was, in fact, overrated or he only made a bunch of bad choices in Oppenheimer. Veredict: Overrated director. Both movies were completely forgetable. I find myself watching older movies over and over and enjoying them more. I could watch Alien or Gladiator by Ridley Scott and have a blast! Or The Matrix. Or hell....even memeable movies like Spiderman with Toby MacGuire.
@marklewen9384 Жыл бұрын
@@Nico-Cruz as far as war movies go I could watch THE LONGEST DAY, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, MIDWAY etc over and over again. I saw Dunkirk, and honestly dont remember ANYTHING about it...
@i_love_rescue_animals Жыл бұрын
I like Dunkirk a lot more than Oppenheimer, but I can think of many other war films that I would watch again over Dunkirk. Also, love Cillian Murphy and it was a shame he had such a small role and his character was extremely flawed, but understandably so.
@JackLWalsh Жыл бұрын
Oh please. People like you have absolutely zero clue what you’re talking about. There’s nothing forgettable about Dunkirk nor Oppenheimer. These were fundamentally important stories to put on screen and will be rated some of the greatest films of all time. I bet you all feel very silly now with Oppenheimer closing in on a billion dollars. It’s a modern cinematic masterpiece, alongside some of the greatest films of all time. None of you people would watch classics like the Shawshank redemption, or Godfather, or Gone With the Wind because none of you value real subject matter or have the capacity to pay attention to a story for more then a minute, or you’re fantastically ignorant of history. Grow up kids. You certainly need too.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@JackLWalsh There was nothing else in the theatres to see, the movie has a huge amount of "1 star" reviews on Google reviews so apparently there were millions of people like us who did not like this bloated turd of a movie. I know you think you're really smart for liking it, you can mention that with your co-workers at Wendy's tonight on your shift.
@lisaj4441 7 ай бұрын
Super boring. I generally like artsy, historical films, but I fell asleep on this at home 3 times. Okay that's enough. LOL. I agree with your take on the female characters - super one dimensional and why naked? Lame movie.
@Kamamura2 Жыл бұрын
It was overly hypocritical, ringing with many false notes. For example, nowhere in the movie was the information that US govt lied to the public that the explosion was "accidental ammunition explosion", and that the first victims were native Americans living in the area killed by the radioactivity of the fallout. Also, Einstein was reduced to a stupid meme. What a drivel.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that's true they made Einstein somehow look like a random old man by the water, good point.
@BryanRoman11 Жыл бұрын
Appreciated this honest review
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Thanks man, if I'm one thing I'm certainly honest, have a great day Ty for checking out the review.
@igg3937 Жыл бұрын
Overhyped films bring out the worst in human social behaviour and that's what really irritates me about them. It reminds me of that Stansford experiment where students felt pressurised into saying that one line was shorter than the other even though they knew it wasn't true, simply because everyone else was saying that it was shorter.
@hablemosde1950 Жыл бұрын
ITS funny found haters looking for a place where They can make friends. ,
@igg3937 Жыл бұрын
@@hablemosde1950 What? Can you translate your comment into English please?
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@hablemosde1950 The move was boring, long and bland, don't call us "haters" for not liking it.
@JackLWalsh Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Don’t worry, I call you ignorant and childlike for failing to under that significance of the story of Oppenheimer. Obviously paying attention and thinking aren’t your strongest abilities.
@hittingthewall Жыл бұрын
The music score was unrelenting, overbearing, ill-timed and incredibly annoying. That alone was enough to turn me off completely after one hour. Too many names, too many characters... UGH!!! Four out of ten? You're being generous.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, sadly I think you're right, 4/10 is actually high for how little enjoyment I actually got out of this movie, If I was really honest with myself I think it would be closer to 2/10.
@richardlew3667 Жыл бұрын
I admit I kept falling asleep in the theater only to be reawakened by the random explosions.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
They say this movie is helping many people quit Ambien, it puts them to sleep faster than the drug apparently with zero side effects also.
@spaceanarchist1107 4 ай бұрын
Did you sleep through the silent part of the mushroom cloud scene?
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Also one thing I forgot to mention, how did we all forget about that insane opening scene about him nearly poisoning his professor 😂, what a dumb way to start a movie
@stevenp2309 Жыл бұрын
Why dumb? . He did that
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@stevenp2309 You were there? His relatives were offended by this scene saying it never happened and was ridiculous.
@harryhughes6124 Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 he did do it. He had sadistic thoughts according to his doctor and recounted when he did try and poison his tutor.
@loudorchen9897 Жыл бұрын
@@harryhughes6124 oh that's a fun way to get the audience to relate to a character 2 minutes into a movie, did he also rush into the room and save his tutor with seconds to spare? 😂
@JackLWalsh Жыл бұрын
⁠@@loudorchen9897 The point isn’t for you to relate to Oppenheimer, it’s for you understand that he was psychologically unstable during his time at Cambridge. The poisoning did happen, but he didn’t poison it with cyanide, and Bohr didn’t nearly eat it nor did Patrick. He did get in trouble for it and required psychiatric help and intervention from his parents. Also this isn’t a narrative, it’s a biopic about one of the most important people to have ever lived. If you kindly would learn some history before writing such a ridiculously stupid comment, it would be greatly appreciated. It’s obviously how ignorant you are regarding Oppenheimer and don’t posses the intellectual capacity to understand the significance of the film. Honestly, movies like barbie or marvel superhero movies are more for people like you. Leave the adults to enjoy real cinematic masterpieces like Oppenheimer. Honestly how can you all be so ignorant? I bet you feel very stupid since Oppenheimer’s retains all its critical and commercial success, already coming up to crossing the billion dollar mark. Go read a book for goodness sake. Such an ignorant generation.
@justintharp5652 Жыл бұрын
I saw this movie last night- & I'm of the sound opinion that they should rename it awful-enheimer!! 3 hrs of my life I'll never get back..... I gave it a 3 out of 10- & that's me being generous - 😅🐿️👎
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100% overhyped and bloated shyte
@badinfluence3814 7 ай бұрын
JFK is a great film for the atmosphere it creates. Part of that is that almost everyone smokes and there is smoke filling every other scene. It adds to the authenticity, and Oppenheimer was totally lacking in this.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 7 ай бұрын
Yes I totally agree, It seemed very "fake theatre" ish with the smoking not looking real.
@roquefortfiles 7 ай бұрын
Absurdly boring. It was like watching a 3 hour Senate hearing in Imax
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 7 ай бұрын
That's exactly how I felt watching it, why did they even bother making this one in IMAX? for the three minute bomb scene that had no sound and wasn't even cool to watch? lol, this movie stunk, I was thinking about renting it to rewatch it to give it another chance but I can't even be bothered to be put through that bore fest again.
@roquefortfiles 7 ай бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Sometimes I seriously think that Chris Nolan's "Virtuosity and Purity, obsession kind of the cinematic version of the upper class twit" winds up shooting him in the foot. Trying to pass off a dump truck full of gasoline shot with a rotating prism camera for an Atomic Bomb? uh yeah.. No!!!. I wasn't wowed in the least by it. To be honest he completely lost me there. I just sat there saying........"ok!! fail". if anything this was an opportunity to let a talented CGI dept (Like they did on Twister) REALLY go to town on creating the terrifying fireball. The terrifying shock front. The terrifying "Mach stem" that just obliterates everything. The detonation had none of this. He could have shown how the bomb was put together. It was completely glossed over. I was seriously unimpressed by this film. I don't know why it is getting so much Oscar buzz.
@wavetime3651 Жыл бұрын
I watched this movie the first week and I honestly couldn't find myself invested in it half the time. The only portion of the movie I genuinely enjoyed was the Los Alamos section but other than that, I couldn't care much for the characters and the music drowned out the actor's dialogue.
@donragnar8430 10 ай бұрын
Paul Thomas Anderson would have made a better Oppenheimer biopic than Christopher No-clue
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
Notice how they waited to release the DVD so close to Christmas also, This movie stinks of fake reviews and boosted ratings, it was horrible, I have no urge at all to rewatch it
@saygoodbyetoprivacy 7 ай бұрын
This movie was a star-studded suckfest. It's the type of movie that makes dumb people feel smart for watching, just like Inception. It's the the type of movie that totally fails to capture a critical moment in history, just like Dunkirk. It's the type of movie that the director just throws every hollywood star he can think of at, hoping one of them will do a good enough job of acting so that it'll win an award.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 7 ай бұрын
It's the type of movie I have no interest in watching again, and yes it was overhyped due to the lack of movies from the writers strike, so they had to hype it up with that barbie Oppenheimer challenge to keep the industry afloat, but yeah absolutely it was really hard to watch all three hours of this.
@twisterwiper Жыл бұрын
The film was infinitely boring. The marketing mislead you to believe it was primarily about the development of the bomb in the political context of WW2. I don't get the high praise of this film by critics. But I'm probably just an ignorant for not getting it ;-)
@bobcobb3654 10 ай бұрын
For all the hype, the Downey character seemed like a pale imitation of Salieri from Amadeus. Like the only reason the character is there is to illicit undeserved sympathy for Oppenheimer. In an earlier scene, O’s wife tells him “you don’t get to commit the sin and expect others to feel bad for you,” but the entire last hour of the movie is Nolan yelling at the audience to feel bad for him.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
I didn't even think RDJ was that great in this role, there was nothing special about his performance, this movie sucked, and they have the nerve on the dvd to say "one of the best movies of the century", everything about this movie is propaganda and gaslighting.
@bobcobb3654 10 ай бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 I think it is 2/3 a good movie. I agree with some opinions that the end of the meeting with Truman is where the film should have ended. The result of the clearance hearings could have been summed up in 2 minutes of title cards instead of an hour reminding the audience that the Red Scare happened in the 50s. Also, ignoring the human impact the bombs had in Japan felt like a mistake. I get Nolan’s oft-repeated claim that the film was supposed to be from O’s point of view, but you can’t tell me O never saw newsreel footage or pictures of the aftermath in newspapers or magazines. Within weeks of the bombing, newsreel footage was playing in thousands of theaters.
@badinfluence3814 7 ай бұрын
​@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Agree about Downey Jnr's performance. It was unremarkable. As to Nolan, his whole reputation has always been based on marketing and gaslighting.
@loudorchen9897 7 ай бұрын
@@badinfluence3814 I agree RDJ's performance was nothing special and he really looked kinda gross too, he really is looking older in this movie with the turkey neck and so on, yeah that whole RDJ part of the movie was trash
@tinaleighison Жыл бұрын
4 out of 10 is generous. I wanted to walk out too.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Sadly I agree, maybe it is closer to 2/10 for trying to tell a hard story, but yeah I agree this movie was a dud.
@6Churches Жыл бұрын
I was hugely disappointed with it - the dual layered hearings and non-linear storyline meant that we lose touch with Oppie rather than gain insight into him through ACTION. Strauss was hugely and unjustly over-invested in the narrative and it makes the payoff of the three hours hinge on a character that isn't Oppie himself. The cast was so huge that anytime anyone does something is feels like a functional part of pushing a story through, rather than seeing people motivated to act
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I have been thinking about this lately also, the Strauss part should have been maybe 15 minutes of the movie yet they somehow made it about 90 minutes lol, like who even cares about that? literally no one, and it was so bland hearing Cillian Murphy answer these questions in the military tribunal part, What an epic fail of a movie.
@6Churches Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 His performance was great ... I just felt it detracted from connection to Oppie
@particlewaveduality1 9 ай бұрын
the whole sex scene and that backdrop associated with it was too much they should have focused more on the combative political relation between oppenheimer and tatlock and more about the stops starts and complexities of making the atomic implosion device. This film could have been a good opportunity to make some strong CGI visuals of exactly what happens to a human being when they are close to the hypocenter of an atomic explosion that would have generated more deep thought and dialogue. We did not get to see the damage and carnage of atomic bombs that is what was driving all the polarization and debate between the U.S. officials and oppenheimer and the need to move to more powerful nuclear hydrogen bombs. All of this seemed removed and sterile and out of the way and weakened the film in the last hour.
@TellySavalas-or5hf 8 ай бұрын
In short: It's BORING!
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 8 ай бұрын
Well said...and true
@badinfluence3814 7 ай бұрын
I agree that the movie was lacklustre. Poorly directed, second-draft of script type stuff. It ripped off ideas from other, vastly superior films, such as Amadeus, JFK, Nixon, Citizen Kane, The Right Stuff and A Beautiful Mind, amongst others, but portrayed them badly. It was very obviously the work of a talentless, plagiarising, pretentious hack.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 7 ай бұрын
Sadly I have to agree, I respect his work on the Batman movies but many of his other hyped up movies have been overhyped and dull in my opinion
@seanguzy9601 6 ай бұрын
Yeah this will bring more division in us people lol bc now the fact that so many people in this movie won awards will now make people think " omg this movie must be amazing how can you say you didnt like it "
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 6 ай бұрын
Yeah people will do and agree with whatever the TV basically tells them to think, but in real life everyone I know agrees this sucked
@johnsonaxel8784 10 ай бұрын
Nolan ruined a potential masterpiece. His last decent work was Interstellar, in 2014. Past that, failures: Dunkirk, Tenet, Oppenheimer. He has a good amount of decent or good movies before 2014. I guess he has mental issues or drug issues, otherwise he would not do such bad directing. Or he is going with the Hollywood trend that started in 2015, to release expensive but bad movies, with social justice propaganda but zero quality.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
I thought Interstellar was pretty "meh", I remember watching it when it came out and wasn't too impressed, like yeah it was semi interesting and watchable but nothing about it made me wanna go and watch it again, I tried actually about 3-4 months ago and got bored about 30 mins in and turned it off, and yes you're right about the social justice propaganda that started around 2017-2018 to go into high gear with movies like "the black klansman" and "Greenbook" and many others that were offering "white guilt" and so on, the Whale is a clear example of a horrible movie that was praised by critics because it checked all the propaganda boxes (white Christian oppressing a gay man and other points) Goebbels did say that the best propaganda is when it is disguised as entertainment and we see that on full display sadly.
@Nico-Cruz Жыл бұрын
I'd rather watch Memento, from the same director, 3 times in a row instead of watching this ever again. I got my ticket for free on a regular screen and it still felt like a scam, I feel sorry for the people that paid the full price for an IMAX experience...cause there's nothing worthy of IMAX in this. The movie was a 3 hour slog, I sincerely hope Christopher Nolan goes to a regular movie theatre and notices how the audience wants to leave by the final hour of the movie...I just wanted to do anything else other than keep watching the boring political arc about how many women Oppenheimer was banging or how many communists he was shaking hands with...It was completely unnecesary and not the reason why we all went to see the movie...I was fascinated about the moral connundrums and the mental consequences a man would face from creating such a destructive weapon...and yes, THIS WAS the opportunity to show Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and bring some conscience about nuclear war and it's results. I didn't feel entertained, I didn't learn anything relevant about Oppenheimer, I didn't left the cinema with my heart aching or my mind puzzled, I left bored and relieved the movie was over. 0/10. I'd rather watch any other movie a second time to be honest.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I feel the same way, I actually think why they didn't show the attacks on Japan was because it is "white violence being done to non whites" and as our "hero" in this movie is a white male it simply is not allowed in movies today for this to happen, if he was the white villain then they would allow it to further show how "evil" and oppressive white people are to minorities, and you see that in movies like Avatar where literally every villain is white and this is becoming more and more common.
@mohsenmohammadi2819 10 ай бұрын
Oppenheimer was a absolute disaster.
@loudorchen9897 10 ай бұрын
I've taken more entertaining dumps than Oppenheimer, in fact most dumps I take are more entertaining than Oppenheimer and they're more visually appealing than this bland turd of a movie.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
@@loudorchen9897 preach brotha, what u been eating though?
@rik2243 10 ай бұрын
I thought it was dull, boring, incoherent and pretentious. 0/10.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
It certainly was to say the least
@roquefortfiles 7 ай бұрын
I know the Oppenheimer story quite well. I find all of that WW2 stuff quite interesting. I've done my reading on Oppie and Groves and how the bomb was made. I used to love watching the British show "The World at War" way back with my Dad in 74. I went in to Oppenheimer with a very open heart ready for a great story. OMG what a colossally boring film. Mind numbingly boring. Nolan had such an opportunity to tell a great story. Instead what we got were "Trailer moments" of Cillian looking the part walking down hallways. (Oh wow he looks just like Oppie) The intricate construction of the bomb completely glossed over. Detached, abstract rather meaningless visuals of rotating nuclear particles (I think?) Then finally the detonation of our "Atomic Bomb" which resembled a dump truck full of gasoline shot high speed with a rotating prism. The same used on actual Nuclear Bombs only it wasn't a nuclear bomb. It was a dump truck full of gasoline. And then there was another hour of dry dull boring conversations with Oppie at a desk with more Government officials. Then the "haunting conclusion" but they don't show any of the effects of the Hiroshima or Nagasaki destruction. So there is next to no emotional impact of what the bomb actually does to human beings. It is all about what the government did to Oppenheimer's security clearance. But it has no emotional punch. You just don't care. This film was so over hyped and over sold. There was absolutely no reason for it to be shot in Imax. Chris Nolan has taken a nose dive in credibility for me. He's the Emperor who has no pants.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 7 ай бұрын
3 hours of a bunch of suits talking about something no one was interested in
@badinfluence3814 7 ай бұрын
​@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Perfect summing up of the film.
@livia5158 Жыл бұрын
I'm right there with ya buddy
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Right on sista
@Colt8722 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant (& deceitful) marketing campaign and idiot mainstream critics made this movie the huge success that it is.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Something is not adding up for sure with the reviews of this movie.
@Colt8722 Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 makes you wonder what kind of incentives they may have received perhaps? I am stumped.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@Colt8722 There is a heap of absolutely horrible movies coming out and also with the writers strike going on that doesn't look to be ending any time soon we can expect a really long time before any good movies are coming out so maybe they knew it was a good idea to hype this movie up and pay for positive reviews to keep the industry alive during a really slow stretch, I also think people feel obligated to like this or be slandered as "too stupid to understand the 37 characters" lol, I see many dumb people trying to act smart by acting like this was an amazing movie or something which it certainly was not in my opinion.
@Colt8722 Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 I believe you are exactly right. And yes I’ve dealt with those some types of people, attempting to defend it. And I heard them out. And their defense of the movie didn’t win me over. I know what I suffered through! I don’t ever want to watch it again.
@emanuelefavero Жыл бұрын
I felt the same way about not wanting to be the first to leave the theater. The main problem with me was that after knowing that hiroshima and nagasaki already happened and were not shown there was not much to look forward to and the thought of another hour of dialog and zero explosions after already having gone through 2 hours was too much.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it was a painful one to get through, there's no doubt about it.
@OC3707 Жыл бұрын
It almost seems like a conspiracy to overhype this move. I wanted to love it, but it was so bad it literally makes me angry.
@Colt8722 Жыл бұрын
@3brenm Жыл бұрын
So boring. No character development, terrible writing, dialogue and structure. Nothing really about science or ethics or making the bomb except in a few tiny quick cut scenes with bad dialogue soaked in tense music. Left nauseous and depressed and confused as to why this was supposed to be so good. 3 hours of "there's a communist in your closet" (next scene) "He's in you coffee pot isn't he?"
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, why wouldn't they spend more time on explaining the scientific break-throughs with making this groundbreaking technology?, instead all they did was put a bunch of marbles in a bowl and instead tell us some strange side story that no one cared about involving his potential connections to communists.
@greentea2670 Жыл бұрын
I am autistic, and this movie made me feel so overwhelmed to the point where I was about to cry from sensory overload. Additionally, I was forced to sit for 3 hours (with my parents who didn't want to leave), and it made things so much worse.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yeah the crying babies and screaming women didn't help to ease the situation either.
@watch-Dominion-2018 10 ай бұрын
3/10, one of Nolan's worst yet
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
Starting to think Nolan is overhyped
@milenailic1437 4 ай бұрын
It was so boring to me and bad in the whole.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 4 ай бұрын
Understatement of the year, yeah it was beyond boring I agree 😞
@joannebeglin8541 Жыл бұрын
If you have seen Peaky blinders you you would look at the smoking thing differently I walked out after an hour and a half tough film!!!
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Funny you mention that, I literally just scrolled past it on Netflix tonight and thought that guy looked like Cillian Murphy, guess it was him?
@SA-gf3th Ай бұрын
Kt looked great that's for sure and soundtrack was amazing but tbh the story was very slow and jittery, it felt like I was watching 10 episodes of a show in one sitting. It felt crammed in last few minutes and the ending was anti climactic.
@Daneiladams555 Жыл бұрын
Did you notice how loud the music was ? I was fighting to hear the dialogue and then I gave up
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
I personally didn't notice that because most of what was being talked about by the 147 different characters was so uninteresting and dull that I really didn't mind if I couldn't hear them talk😄
@Daneiladams555 Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 that’s a great idea, I should of done that
@XYZ-ol6pc Жыл бұрын
A gimmick to create fake tension... or to make the audience miss some details and watch the movie again. More $$$.
@virginiacharlotte7007 Жыл бұрын
I have found my people in this comments section! The first movie I have seen at a cinema in at least 8 years and I am still seething about how bad it was. I know F all about Christopher Nolan’s supposed greatness as a film maker but he can seriously just F right off if this is what he thinks crafting a good story looks like . 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
He did "Batman the dark knight rises" which I actually quite liked, his other movies haven't really interested my like interstellar which I found to be pretty "meh", but yeah I agree this was so disappointing 😕, I wasn't asking for much either, just to not be bored out of my skull was all I was asking for.
@randomaccount6146 Жыл бұрын
​@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475a little off topic but the Oppenhimer defenders are so abnouxious. They are condescending and act smug if you did not enjoy the movie and just tell you that you are not intelligent enough or have low attention span or some other cope like that. Ignoring the fact that a movie cannot really be objectively good or bad it it subjective. And for interstellar I personally think this is one of the best movies ever and you think it's average and I have 0 problems with that. But I won't start coping that you are dumb or something to justify that you didnt like the movie.
@YasharJavan 8 ай бұрын
This film was not only a waste of three hours, but also wasting of all those moments i was looking forward to watch sooner and i just wanted to get reconciled with the director after the later disappointing experience: Tenet! What a big failure to follow the marketing which tries to emphasize on showing big things but at the end: nothing! And then they blame you for not understanding the movie! At least i know I'm honest with me and i dont wanna fool myself. I prefer to stay with my better memories with his filmography, so, Christopher Nolan's next film!? So youbwanna keep disrespecting your audiance again? Thanks, but no thanks!
@norm-bb3bb 6 ай бұрын
I can't believe Nolan won the Oscar for his worst movie, I'm gonna say this again, Memento and Dunkirk are the only good movies from this Director
@billlo9835 Жыл бұрын
I bet if you throw Kardashian drama in vlog format not fancy cinematic iMax would be more exciting
@larryfried7742 9 ай бұрын
I hated it too! Uneven, too long, and boring. The other scientists were like cardboard cut outs. No character development at all. A movie about a Master Scientific Administrator that showed him as weak. Totally wrong. I want my money back! A movie bout a scientist without the science Total CRAP! Do yourself a favor try to locate PBS's Version starring Sam Waterson somewhere. It was told in episodes like on Masterpiece Theater or American Masers or something of that Nature. That's got all the elements including the science without going too technical and the scrip and acting superb. Put's Nolans junk in the trashcan where it belongs.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 9 ай бұрын
I agree, way overhyped traah
@ricomajestic 2 ай бұрын
Nolan is a horrible director and even worse script writer! Most of his movies are like this.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 2 ай бұрын
I'm starting to agree with this more and more actually
@davesuiter 7 ай бұрын
FLOP FLOP; fizz fizz
@jeffrenman4146 10 ай бұрын
it is my third day trying to watch it and I have no interest… The movie is about mass murder on a scale not a single one of us can even imagine… When this becomes entertainment doesn't anyone else see there's a problem? When movies stop being entertaining and push themes of the most horrifying is it good for you? The movie is horror and will hurt your soul it just will whether you think so or not. You cannot look upon this kind of thing without being desensitized to it. Anyway I don't think I'll make it through this movie it's too freaking depressing considering nuclear weapons are being threatened right now in real life… Oh yeah don't you think the timing is a little weird for this movie if there ever was a Satan this would be the perfect time to put the movie out… There is war in Europe there's more in the Middle East so let's just watch movies about mass death on a scale inconceivable.people we have to watch what we watch get it?
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
It's a historically based movie, I think you're looking too deeply into it,
@jeffrenman4146 10 ай бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 it was a boring movie to start with and I didn't need any education. There may be a few that do but you don't need the movie to get it… With world events bordering on real nuclear war I think the timing is still just horrible. Movies about a crazy physicist and instruments of mass death should not be on the top of people's lists in my opinion… But if you liked it good for you
@glensettle Жыл бұрын
So gd boring
@jeffluo9591 Жыл бұрын
I love Nolan but Dunkirk, Tenet and Oppenheimer are just bad movies.
@loudorchen9897 Жыл бұрын
I was watching insomnia last night with al Pacino I think Nolan did that one also and I just admit the story line is so far fetched and odd, long story short, al Pacino is a cop and accidentally shoots his partner while chasing a perp, then he goes on this elaborate effort to pretend it was the bad guy who shot his partner instead of him instead of just admitting an obvious mistake he goes on this long impossible and hilariously dumb stretch of events to make it look like it wasn't him, I'm starting to think Nolan is just basically M. Knight shamalon
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
I think that's an American thing to watch movies based on the director and judge all their movies together, I've really never done that, I hear others do that also, the only movie I can say I liked by Nolan was the dark knight rises, other than that nothing really was too great and even the dark knight rises was pretty long and convoluted looking back.
@badinfluence3814 7 ай бұрын
​@@loudorchen9897 Insomnia was a more or less copy and paste remake of a much better Swedish film starring Stellan Skarsgard.
@murillonovaes6120 Жыл бұрын
the raw shooting material must be amazing! the bad editing spoiled everything... and Zimmer's score was deeply missed... the Straus's thing sucked a lot, c'mon...
@chessx6847 11 ай бұрын
Brutally honest burning spill of truth spit out in the face of the hypocrites who outcry to like it.
@64kernel Жыл бұрын
Overrated, overhyped, confusing. Nolan is just a Spielberg wannabe and can't even hide it, showing black and white scenes adds even more confusion. Sound and music non-stop and noisy building nonexistent tension. Weird camera angles and depth of field for a simple conversation. I was tempted to leave the theater with my wife, but I'm not that kind of person.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to leave, If i was at home wacthing it on demand I would have turned it off
@3brenm Жыл бұрын
My god Spielberg is 1000 times better at making movies. Oppenheimer is one of the worst films I've seen at the cinema.
@christopherm6725 Жыл бұрын
It was a masterpiece. Nolan is a better filmmaker than Spielberg 🤷‍♂️
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@christopherm6725 Why do you think so many people didn't like the movie and found it extremely boring? Are we just not as smart as you as you said earlier "we should stick to Marvel movies"?
@woodyjud7149 Жыл бұрын
It's the biggest case of the emperor's New clothes since Naruhito bought that new bright pink komodo
@i_love_rescue_animals Жыл бұрын
I love *most of Christopher Nolan's films. This is one of them that I didn't. At the hour mark, I was like christ, how long have I been watching this - only an HOUR?! I was bored and I also found the jumping around the timeline making it very hard to get into the movie. Once I figured out where we were, then we were onto a different scene, at a different time. I found it phenomenally boring for being about the atomic bomb. I mean, I didn't expect an action movie, but I DID expect a lot of tension and drama that pulled me in. I also feel like it's one of those critic's darlings movies where all the smart people are like, "oh yeah, it's soooo amazing." It was toooo long. Very disappointing. Barbie and Mission Impossible were a lot more fun and I actually feel like Barbie had a way better message than Oppenheimer did.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Yes it was tremendously boring, one thing someone mentioned that I agree with 100% is they should have gone further into the science of the bomb and the breakthrough that made them able to create the bomb and so on, I thought that was going to happen when they started the marbles in the jar scene, but instead they decided to go into some strange side-plot for two hours about a man who felt slighted by Oppenheimer, and yeah all those side characters were just too much, every six seconds there was a new character with a bad accent.
@i_love_rescue_animals Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Same! I was thinking the movie was going to go more into the development of the bomb and also more into WHY the US made the decision to use it. I feel like those two topics would have been far more interesting. I felt that whole hearing was soooo f'ing boring and then we find out at the end the only stakes in it were that Oppenheimer lost his security clearance! It's like, there was NO tension or drama because the stakes were so low (IMO) - it's not like he could have gone to jail or something. Friends of mine were fascinated by the movie and said it FLEW by - and I was thinking, "did we watch the same movie?".
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@i_love_rescue_animals All those same people who "loved it" will not be rewatching it when it comes out on home streaming release, mark my words.
@JackLWalsh Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 I’d so hold you to that .
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@JackLWalsh 4 angry comments on one video? lol, must be a fun life you have there.
@Cesare996 Жыл бұрын
This movie was trash.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Couldn't have said it better myself, over hyped trash for sure
@colinshaw4592 Жыл бұрын
Nailed it.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
appreciate bud, ty for watching
@amy_yoshikawa Жыл бұрын
Meg 2 The Trench even top Oppenheimer in just last opening weekend at the box office 😂😂😂so happy lol.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
hahaha that's crazy, I did'nt know that.
@juliabp6057 Жыл бұрын
And Meg 2 was also a really boring movie. Only the last 30 minutes were good.
@rorygilmorelove6 Жыл бұрын
It sucked i agree.
@christopherm6725 Жыл бұрын
😬 you went to a film about Robert Oppenheimer’s life and expected something totally different. The movie was not purely about the explosion. It was more about the psychological effects of what it did to Oppenheimer and the far reaching implications of what the invention of the atom bomb set in motion. If you’re looking for a fluffy action movie, there’s plenty of marvel movies to choose from. Nolan is known for thinky psychological thrillers. This one was no different.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Guess you're just way too smart for all of us here bud, Do you think more people went for their interest in the bomb or Oppenheimer's potential slight relation to communism? Which aspect do you think brought people to the theatre more?
@stevenp2309 Жыл бұрын
​@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475to be fair it was called Oppenheimer, not "The Bomb"
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
@@stevenp2309 I have heard numerous people use this "it is called" excuse and no offense it's so dumb, So by your statement Jurassic Park should only be about the park and not the characters, Or Barbie should be only about the doll? Like what does this even mean? and they're so smug when they say it too lol, like they are so smart, So what about "Jaws"? Should it have been about SHARK TEETH ONLY? HAHAHAHAHAHAH
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
And no it wasn't about his life at all, the whole movie started with his relation to "the bomb", if the movie was about "his life" it would have shown his life before and after the bomb, childhood and old age and so on, it absolutely did not, nice try there though genius.
@stevenp2309 Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 JFC "should Jaws have been about sharks teeth" Can't argue with that logic 🤦 Very in depth analysis mate. Hopefully u get more Booms in the next movie u watch👍
@kneedol Жыл бұрын
Can you guys just not handle dialogue? You know this movie is REAL right? There isn’t a fucking gunfight every five minutes😂 Ps: it wasn’t a court (they also said it wasn’t multiple times)
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Do you think most people go to a summer blockbuster film about a nuclear bomb to see dialogue? Why wasn't there more time spent on the actual science? All they did was put marbles in a jar lol, they didn't explain the actual interesting details of completing the bomb, instead they spent an extra hour about someone who felt snubbed and had a vendetta, it's dumb. Oh and thanks for correcting all of us stupid peasants "military tribunal", not a court, gotchya, if there's one thing everyone loves it's the grammar/fact correcting genius in the KZbin comment section.
@kneedol Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 do you label people “genius” but then expect to see genius level science? Also the movie is called OPPENHEIMER not trinity test, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, it’s OPPENHEIMER. It’s about OPPENHEIMER.
@loudorchen9897 Жыл бұрын
@@kneedol you are one of the dumb people who think it makes you smart to pretend this movie was great lol, I bet you make sandwiches for a living (not that there's anything wrong with that it's just funny the dumb people who love to act smart, Dunning Kruger in full effect, the last guy who told me I wasn't smart enough to understand this movie told me I didn't understand the "psi-cology" of the movie in his words 😂
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Ok genius, tell your co-workers at Burger King how smart you are for liking this movie lol
@kneedol Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 dude you have a green “badass wolf profile picture”
@georged8644 Жыл бұрын
Did you even watch the movie? I've give it an 11 out of 10! I only wish it was longer! I have walked out of movies so I understand, but it was always something dreadful like Mad Max - Fury Road. I wouldn't even consider it for a movie like this one.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
Well look at the comments man, apparently I'm not the only one and also this movie had a large amount of 1 star reviews on Google reviews so I am certainly not alone in not liking this movie, You wish a 3 hour movie was longer yet you didn't even mention in your comment what you loved so much about the movie? hmmmmmm
@JackLWalsh Жыл бұрын
Oh please. People like you have absolutely zero clue what you’re talking about. There’s nothing forgettable about Dunkirk nor Oppenheimer. These were fundamentally important stories to put on screen and will be rated some of the greatest films of all time. I bet you all feel very silly now with Oppenheimer closing in on a billion dollars. It’s a modern cinematic masterpiece, alongside some of the greatest films of all time. None of you people would watch classics like the Shawshank redemption, or Godfather, or Gone With the Wind because none of you value real subject matter or have the capacity to pay attention to a story for more then a minute, or you’re fantastically ignorant of history. Grow up kids. You certainly need too.
@XYZ-ol6pc Жыл бұрын
- fundamentally important stories presented badly - won't be remembered for long - Shawshank Redemption, Godfather, Gone with the Wind >>> Dunkirk & Oppenheimer
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 10 ай бұрын
Did you ever consider that there was nothing else to see other than Barbie which is for a select crowd, this movie stinks of paid and false reviews to help Hollywood and the movie theatres during a long writers strike, the movie was horrible and I stand by that 100%.
@cjgooding4512 Жыл бұрын
Was it just me or was it hard to understand the dialogue? Also the IMAX theater we were in was extremely loud people next to me were plugging their ears. I would give the movie a 5 out of 10, but since I couldn't understand the dialogue almost needed subtitles I would give the viewing experience a 2 out of 10. The acting was very good otherwise the movie would be getting a one 1 out of 10. Agree almost 100% with this movie review except for the communism part.
@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Жыл бұрын
They made a couple references to communism being good and capitalism being bad, it was very subtle but I caught it, I notice things like that, movies this big are sometimes given rewrites if they want to use specific military equipment and so on.
@cjgooding4512 Жыл бұрын
@@randomadviceandmyopinionso2475 Fair enough. I got the impression that Robert Oppenheimer disagreed mostly with communistic views and was never really part of the party, but like any good person these days can be friends with people that are Democrat or Republican or anywhere in between. He certainly was not a threat to national security and should not have lost any type of security clearance. They f'd him over and that pissed me off. Typical government bureaucratic backstabbing bullshit.. Regardless of any of that though the movie was subpar and my biggest beef was that the dialogue was not clear. It was hard to understand what the characters were actually saying at times and in my opinion that is just plaim stupid. Christopher Nolan went down a notch in my books that's for sure. This movie was way way over hyped mediocre at best rotten tomatoes 91% audience score and 93% critics what a joke.
@zackthebongripper7274 Жыл бұрын
Good scenes that stuck out were the general's meeting picking Japanese targets. That left a greater impression on me than most of the legal cross examination scenes. A good 30 minutes could have been lopped off. The sex scenes were "artsy" and over the top. Nolan was being a fanboy when it came to all the "cool and hip geniuses" that were introduced throughout the film. Tarantino level of Cringe. Definitely a good deal of propaganda as well. I give oppy a "B-" grade.
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