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This video consists of a few different mods on the Hori RAP N arcade stick.
The first mod is to integrate out Aviator USB Kit and replace the existing USB cable. With this kit, it allows you to use the aviator type usb cable that is removable and provides a secure connection as it is twisted on, instead of loosely plugged in. Secondly, the cable is easily replaceable should it ever get damaged. The cable that we offer in our store is a higher quality usb cable that is braided to protect the internal wires (from constant bending which eventually deteriorates and prevents a continuous connection).
The second mod showcases our Optimus Mod to work with Brook's Pi Zero board. For those who aren't yet familiar with our Optimus Mod PCB's, these were made to easily integrate Brook Fighting Boards without any soldering or custom cables. This will save you hours of modding time and for a mod like this, between 3-4 hours just from making custom cables alone.
Our Optimus board is confirmed to work with Brook's following PCB's for easy, snap-in installation: Universal Fighting Board, PS4 Fighting Board Plus, Zero Pi