Рет қаралды 3,948
Donation Wallets ( thank you very much, everything helps ):
BTC: bc1ql5kxkmm07v2z4w8kc5jpwe2lc548xnx6y0adka
Verus: RMwuKBTNxm5Ls1ziWfmy5Lj7CtPJhPnwZk
Shiba Inu: 0xbccC522427487A08EFAFFC648A6FE84C4356A834
Doge: DKYAvPwGy7rHmvQygqcfW3WCN4JBqvg3j2
Pepe: 0xbccC522427487A08EFAFFC648A6FE84C4356A834
ETC: 0xFC901bd56784858A1b7f57D5E61e5C5fC6497604
KAS: kaspa:qpd53xcecc8gqvhqeyqy3z4p9crcqa2r0452mlgdsakgkhwqqlh4udw5vzgjt
This device is available now for only 12 ( !!!! ) us$ at Aliexpress.com.
The average hashrate after fully 24h is now at 2Mh/s.
This means you get 166,66 kh/s for 1 us$. Compare to a Samsung A03 for 50 us$ you have a hash to dollar ratio from 90 kh/s for 1 us$. Even a very cheap Redmi 5 Plus for 28 us$ has only a ratio from 142,82 kh/s per 1 us$. So it is better to buy these device instead of smartphones. On top you save power and space due the really small size of this devices and you not need to think about exploding batteries in the future.
I will order a lot more and make a Orange Pi Zero 2W mining farm for sure !!!!
#verus #mining #fry
Add the Grass App app.getgrass.i... to every computer you are mining, including Fry stations, ETCMC Nodes and earn additional crypto.