This its 100x50x50...and today is another acuarium (Eheim Incpiria) for 130x65×55..400 liters or 80 galons (sorry for my bad english)
@aqualife45163 жыл бұрын
@loybots46244 жыл бұрын
What filter u use?
@rubencamarasanchez88714 жыл бұрын
Two filters. Cristalprofi e1900 and e900
@rubencamarasanchez88714 жыл бұрын
Now it is in another aquarium. An Eheim Incpiria of 400 liters and I use a Fluval Fx4 of 2,650 an hour and a Cristalprofi of JBL of 900
@Kopite198776 жыл бұрын
Does your oscar and sevs get on? Always wanted that combo
@rubencamarasanchez88716 жыл бұрын
they blend very well, since the Severum never discuss the hierarchy when it comes to oscar, which is the one that dominates, but at the same time, they have enough character to avoid suffering stress
@danielleaurora98286 жыл бұрын
I have the same dynamic and my Sevrums are much younger they just hide but the Oscar seems to understand they’re not feeders he try’s every now and then to eat the smallest one but he’s too fast for the Oscar and he’s growing rapidly. They get along well and I prefer this oppose to another Oscar. I had two Oscars and they fought a lot. The Severums do come out and just stay out of the Oscars way. I’m hoping they Severums will pair off male abs female but time will tell.