Отена, браво момиче ! Ти си невероятна.. майстор, готвач, психолог, дизайнер ! Пиздрави от София? България
@ИннаБарунина8 ай бұрын
Dear Otena, I had difficult times in my life and two days before I have just fortunately found your videos in KZbin. You gave me really the inspiration to live, enjoy my life and make it better. Thank you a lot! The esthetic and precision in your videos is a great job of you! Bravissimo!
@Korneliaa718 ай бұрын
Witaj Oteno 💕 Dziękuję za kolejny vlog😘 Pozdrawiam serdecznie i cieplutko z Polski 🇵🇱😘 Życzę zdrówka 😘🥰
I have watched "perfect days" after your recommendation.I really enjoyed it.Thanks for this beautiful recommendation and videos. Ps: If anyone has more recommendations like perfect days please give me .
@angeladormer66598 ай бұрын
I don't know how you do it, but even when you're being so busy I find your vlogs calming 💗💗👵🏴🌹🌹
@allyscroggins98148 ай бұрын
try adding a bit of cinnamon to your oatmeal, it amazing
@veroniquedominguez44918 ай бұрын
Bonjour Otena, vos stores sont magnifiques 👍🏠❤️, merci pour votre vidéo apaisante. Bon dimanche 😘
@今井良比古8 ай бұрын
@악마-m2v8 ай бұрын
영상 감사합니다 😊😊
@J5423C8 ай бұрын
Dinner looked delicious. Also your oatmeal porridge. I don't have it now because of gluten intolerance and also am on low carb, but I used to love it. I used to have mine with fruits, yogurt, cream or soymilk so delicious.Thanks for sharing
@pedroettore8 ай бұрын
Hi Otena. I found the curtain you showed very interesting, I liked how it moves in two different ways, I also liked the design of the curtain. I was surprised to know that you had never seen or tasted oatmeal before studying abroad, I didn't know it wasn't very common in Japan. Here in Brazil, oatmeal is well used, including for children, who like oatmeal. . Your oatmeal recipe looks really good. Have a blessed and peaceful day and week.
@dika88557 ай бұрын
Oh, yes! I love the day without plans too! It's really relaxing
@catherinedubois87648 ай бұрын
Coucou Otena, merci pour cette vidéo, tes recettes de cuisine sont appétissantes. Amitiés de France 😍😍
@ЕленаГребнева-т2ц8 ай бұрын
Доброго дня Отена ❤Привет из России ❤️ очень понравилась идея с кашей,наверное моим внукам понравится ❤
@Angela-cp9ex8 ай бұрын
Hi Otena! We love watching your vlog and find it peaceful and relaxing. On this video you show your rice cooker - what is the name brand? Also, love the window shades!! Enjoy the porridge and thank you for all you do and your positive energy!
Ciao Otena....ho provato altre volte a commentare ma senza risposta da parte tua....non so forse non hai possibilità di tradurre o semplicemente non hai tempo...ma non importa....grazie x i tuoi video ...sono molto rilassanti....io vivo nella natura e non cambierei la mia vita x il centro città...buona giornata ❤