La fin m'a tuer 😂sinon il sont plutôt mignon et drôle ❤
@Aryae-o2 ай бұрын
The other cat is very impressive! Loved the fish catching scene
@YogeshKaswan-ny4ycАй бұрын
The Last second got me🤣
@VirginieRouraАй бұрын
Il est trop kawaii et drôle ton chat il a l'air trop mimi et heureux dans la vie :)
@MomazosBFDIАй бұрын
You noticed that the "my cat" means a lame comparison? Everyone thinks all those cats are from the same owner, same cat.
@EmmanuelLubinda-o1nАй бұрын
I love the way your cat changes colour after comparing them
@KaderBesinci2 ай бұрын
Just love your cat😂😂
@AgataRaduszewska2 ай бұрын
@chuchuutrain2 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry but I seriously don't get those people who say "My cat is so stupid", "I hate my cat", "My cat is evil" or wtv stuff like that bc bro? If you really didn't love them or thought they were mean you wouldn't be cuddling them all the time sorry but it's not even funny appreciate that you have them next to you you never know when you're gonna have to say goodbye
@narcissecvnmАй бұрын
كم احب القطط الصغيره الطيفة انها كيوت
@MohamedDarainhussaniАй бұрын
I love the cat was eating in two hands❤❤❤
@ganeshsinghkadecha5800Ай бұрын
Yes really this time is so cute😅😊
@madanbanduni3482Ай бұрын
This made my day. ❤
@Nethraa182 ай бұрын
I like My cat cuz this is the reality of a cat❤
@AbhishekAPanickerАй бұрын
This song hits different 😊
@RinaldsLocāns2 ай бұрын
Its ok just love animals as god made them😊
@Asian_flower2 ай бұрын
The video is for fun
@francescapaladini8219Ай бұрын
Che carini ❤
@MoneSkmonera2 ай бұрын
Your cat is so ceut😊😊
@darlynfaithgamera4329Ай бұрын
The cat that eats witn his hand being herself😂❤
@stMdRiajulHaqueАй бұрын
Same with my cats 😂😂😂😂
@minjiah-b7oАй бұрын
"you fell into the pond??!! broo! that's embarrassing! LOL"
@tanyagupta930Ай бұрын
Cat raised by yoongi😂
@EbenezerIsuorАй бұрын
Yes it's his cat😂😂😂😂
@thesaiyanuchiha9821Ай бұрын
That mouse be like: "You can't see me"🙈👋💀🤣
@SyedgullzadaKhan2 ай бұрын
*i love it ❤❤❤❤ from Pakistan*
@YousefYounis-u9zАй бұрын
your cat is very cure😊
@HumairaAfrin-p2uАй бұрын
But your cat is cuter than others ❤❤❤ 😂
@Legend-zh5uqАй бұрын
Your cat is so cuteee
@Даша-дараАй бұрын
Главное чтобы ты любил(а) его!!!💗 И наоборот надо говорить что твой котик самый лучший!!!!!!💗💗💗💗
@parisbryan624315 күн бұрын
You are a good person for the amazing things ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
@noreenhussain2837Ай бұрын
I have cat 🐈😺 But all cats are smart and nice 🙂👍❤
@AheditzNotАй бұрын
The car fight with dog😂😂😂
@monaleejoplin60742 ай бұрын
Gatos sao incriveis ❤😊
@azizkucun16092 ай бұрын
@Chelsea_X06Ай бұрын
1st scene got me dying 😅😂
@adhyaprasad1754Ай бұрын
But I love your cat❤️
@kanchanaweerasinghe216Ай бұрын
Cat has the squirrel powers 🔋
@AizhanToigonbaevaАй бұрын
Пожалуйста творите добро и не надо осуждать своих питомцев, животных, а так же людей. Да простит нас Всевышний Аллах 🤲🤲🤲❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@madhuvanteru1120Ай бұрын
The kitty on the wheel, other cats so cute
@ShazaAhmed-tv5whАй бұрын
Your cat looks like my cat 😂😂
@AlamgirHossain-e8xАй бұрын
Other cat: 😎 My cat: nalle cat ✅
@fire-breezyy2 ай бұрын
just like you, Like father, Like son ~
@DemirHusic-pr1urАй бұрын
The part with the fat cat exercising is hilarius 😂
@Helari-j4i2 ай бұрын
I like your cat
@SamaNader-zq9obАй бұрын
😂😂😂cat😹😹😹😹😹 oh my god❤
@SamaNader-zq9obАй бұрын
@nikolox60062 ай бұрын
Part 2 plis😂
@andreavelasco71652 ай бұрын
Yes 🤣
@Soha-n2t2 ай бұрын
Other cat vs my cat❌ Street cat vs house cat✔️
@えな-z2oАй бұрын
@mattya5232Ай бұрын
最初何言ってるかわからなかったw "どの猫も"素敵な"猫たち"ってことね😂
@えな-z2oАй бұрын
@@mattya5232 うん
@rupadan1332Ай бұрын
Bro how many cats do you have
@sahilmhalsekarАй бұрын
@HassanYt-zj5utАй бұрын
Ur cat is innocent 😂😂
@PreciousEnekwizuАй бұрын
The cat walking through those pipes in the beginning was just😲😲
@stellaangel7604Ай бұрын
Like your cat changing colour😅😂
@LovroTomsic-r4nАй бұрын
How many cats do you have
@AsilbekAxmatov-i5eАй бұрын
@AsilbekAxmatov-i5eАй бұрын
He have all cats in this video right?😅
@ShaneFurtadoАй бұрын
Your cat so nice
@Noodle_Chan-m3r2 ай бұрын
True it’s so true 😂😂I❤your cat 🐈
@SangeetaKanaujia-d8zАй бұрын
Cat standing on two lags your cat is very cute🐱🐈🦁🦁🦁
@Korean747Ай бұрын
Y is my cat similar to yours 😂😂
@kalenasegi4704Ай бұрын
Ahahah. The. Cat. It. So. Funny 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤😊😅
@furkangoekirnak40182 ай бұрын
Bro that cat i feel sorry for bc he jumped and he bleeding now 😢
@user-xs9dg1zf5hАй бұрын
Your cat keep change colors😂
@Jungledragon-v1qАй бұрын
Unrelated but where did you buy a chameleon cat and how much it costs? I've always wanted a cat that changes colors and breeds 😢😢😢😢
@vidhyarajl4363Ай бұрын
I need 1000% relatable button 🤣
@hamidoesmekaya6461Ай бұрын
My cat does the same thing at the door😂😊
@GideonIdemudia-d8bАй бұрын
I loved it when the dog was liking the cat
@HostJayanth-ek4vzАй бұрын
My cat likes to sleep morning to evening after that Night dance starts till 4am 😂
@SS-UnrankedАй бұрын
that is one unique cat brother
@長尾貧乏長尾貧乏Ай бұрын
Our cats are the same😹
@BrunoHermosilla-i3zАй бұрын
Qué gracioso, lo mejor fue cuando el michi arañó la puerta
@SatishYadav.py7cuАй бұрын
Other cat ,My cat ❌ Other sister,My sister ✅
@YoussefEDIT0RАй бұрын
My Cat is almost the same thing as Your Cat😂
@GayatriSanjayManeАй бұрын
other cat:☺🥰😇🤗😺 My cat:😎😈👻😸
@KylieVermeulenАй бұрын
Such a cutie whyyyyyy❤
@Gilang-satoruАй бұрын
yg kucing terakhir mirip kucing gua
@Ayaan-t9tАй бұрын
Bros cat casually changing colours💀👍
@Demonic7852Ай бұрын
that time when your cat eats that was really cute😮❤