I watched tons of reviews about camera reviews and video shoots. Yet you are the first one to speak with clear concepts and details in Cantonese. Add oil
@oceanvideotutorial7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for noticing me! :D Yes I see a gap and a need, so I started. I hope to get more Chinese people to get into filmmaking, or even create art in general. It's about time.
其實仲有啲野講得未夠詳細 sensor(感光元件)入面有好多好多pixel 一般黎講 pixel分為四種 分別係 L R G B (有興趣知既話,市面上大既有三種排列方法:傳統,Fujifilm專利Aps-C sensor,以及IQ3 100MP Achromatic既黑白色 可以Google一下) Light Red Green Blue 每四個一小組 然後4個小組組成一個大組 三原色+亮值 好大程度上,一張相上面既顏色係靠LRGB既一個小組所估出黎既 所以一般黎講 市面上大部分相機都係應該將像素除以四先得出實際像素 當然有亦有呢種情況外既相機,例如IQ3 100MP Achromatic就係好好既例子,捨去左LGB 換取實際像素) 另外,DR既大細,同Sensor既大小亦有關係