Our Reaction to Will Poland's Economic Miracle Ever End?

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Max & Sujy POL

Max & Sujy POL

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@MaxSujyPOL 18 күн бұрын
Dzień dobry!
@BASSOSOVIETICO1987 18 күн бұрын
Dzień dobry! I like watching your channel from time to time. You struggle with our view sometimes and sometimes someone gives you some inaccurate clips but it's not your fault - you do your best and I appreciate it. Just to clear some things - our current govrment is in coalition with few deputates form socialdemocratic party (which is a very weak ONLY LEFTIST PARTY in polish parliament) but general core of government is liberal-conservative Civic Platform which is leader Donald Tusk is a current prime minister. Party that was before - Law and Justice were more known as a "social-conservative" party. Anyway it is both parties conservative background that blocks the migration quota. Generally both of these parties were always a right wing. It was when in 2005 election our socialdemocratic party - Democratic Left Alliance, failed MISERABLY that was a real end of polish left parties. We still do have them but their programm are written mainly for younger generation with identity issues, which is not generally bad, but won't win them any particular success in a future I believe.
@Oscarevich 17 күн бұрын
The city at the beginning is Wrocław.
@supreme3376 17 күн бұрын
Actually we did not got Reaparation from Germany
@leno_o17 16 күн бұрын
That's not actually totally true. The Soviet-dependent government during the communist era 'renounced' reparations, so Germany gladly accepted this decision, as did England, which for example did not pay some Polish pilots fighting in the Battle of Britain their wages. Of course, there was no 'Poland' then, and it was just the Soviet Union safeguarding its interests. They also took our money from the Marshall Plan. Nevertheless(let me put a citation here): 'In 1992, the Foundation for Polish-German Reconciliation was founded by the Polish and German governments, and as a result, Germany paid Polish sufferers approximately 4.7 billion zł (equivalent to 37.8 billion zł or US$7.97 billion in 2022).'
@jakubpomorski4485 5 күн бұрын
There is no miracle here. Poles simply work hard in a multi-sector economy. Poland currently has large amounts of foreign exchange reserves in gold and attracts foreign investments. This is happening despite Polish political quarrels. We focus on military defense and medium business. In addition, Poland is supported by approximately 60 million Poles living outside Poland...
@korneliuszlewandowski9886 18 күн бұрын
Dzień dobry. Miłej niedzieli 😊
@korneliuszlewandowski9886 18 күн бұрын
Belive me, we are able to protect our border/ increase military power and on same time take care about economic developing of state. We have phrase in Poland " for motivated people there's no border or wall".
@rozgniatacz_mend 16 күн бұрын
mózg ci zapleśniał od propagandy dla idiotów.
@Kris-TofferP 18 күн бұрын
Greece went completely bankrupt in 2008, the entire debt was covered by EU Poland, at that time it had 2.5% economic growth
@MIMI-qw1vs 15 күн бұрын
I am Polish and in my opinion, Poland's success is the result of the fact that in Poland everyone has property - apartments, houses, cars... The point is that people build their capital throughout their lives in order to leave something for their children... Renting an apartment - only before starting a family - then a loan which, when repaid, builds private ownership, an older used car is better than a new rented one... and so on... when Covid occurred, people in Western Europe had nothing to pay for an apartment and Poles lived in their homes for which they did not pay... Only private property - no rental...
@tomaszadamczyk6118 8 күн бұрын
I am really think you should visit Poland, I hope you would not be disappointed
@Kris-TofferP 18 күн бұрын
@GdzieJestNemo 18 күн бұрын
Rising wages is not exactly an option since our market relies mostly on cheap labour. Once those cost go up we lose our advantage. Some of the factories already left Poland in recent years as it became to expensive to operate. We are hitting the middle-income ceiling at the moment and we still go to few own companies and innovative products to break it.
@rozgniatacz_mend 16 күн бұрын
produkcja droga głównie ze względu na irracjonalne podwyżki energii ( którą to za darmo wysyła się do krainy U), ośle.
@Kris-TofferP 18 күн бұрын
Poland never received anything from Germany no money for war reparations
@leno_o17 16 күн бұрын
That's not actually totally true. The Soviet-dependent government during the communist era 'renounced' reparations, so Germany gladly accepted this decision, as did England, which for example did not pay some Polish pilots fighting in the Battle of Britain their wages. Of course, there was no 'Poland' then, and it was just the Soviet Union safeguarding its interests. They also took our money from the Marshall Plan. Nevertheless(let me put a citation here): 'In 1992, the Foundation for Polish-German Reconciliation was founded by the Polish and German governments, and as a result, Germany paid Polish sufferers approximately 4.7 billion zł (equivalent to 37.8 billion zł or US$7.97 billion in 2022).'
@Cyryl-bx2pz 17 күн бұрын
To chyba Wroclaw
@dyniek2580 16 күн бұрын
Hi. We, as Poles have no problem with legal migrants, we have a problem with those storming our borders. We have almost 2 milion Ukrainians living and working in Poland, also Indian, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. We have no problems with those who contribute to the growth, but we want to avoid mistakes of Sweden, Germany or France.
@chanell59 18 күн бұрын
The first frame from the film is Wrocław
@Cyryl-bx2pz 17 күн бұрын
Dzień dobry👌
@ulahuminiak2718 9 күн бұрын
Niestety od roku mamy nowy rząd przez rok Polska idzie w kierunku odwrotnym 💔💔💔💔
@izabela5097 17 күн бұрын
What is the lack of people to work? Those who stay do twice as much for the same money, otherwise the "company" will go bankrupt ;-) I work in such a place, there should be about twice as many of us and what? And it works, because we work for two people ;-) And that's a miracle. Poles are resistant (unfortunately) Ps. Do you know how to force people to work 2 jobs? Give them small salaries ;-)
@MaxSujyPOL 17 күн бұрын
What you are advocating for is modern slave labor.
18 күн бұрын
You mentioned war reparations after the war with Germany; unfortunately, Poland never received compensation for its losses. Recently, the previous government prepared a report on the destruction caused by Germany and started raising the issue on the political stage. Unfortunately, the current government, which is pro-German, has let the matter fade away. Initially, the focus was on how many works of art were stolen, how much was destroyed, how many people were killed, how many were used as slaves, and how many children meeting Aryan/Nordic racial criteria were irreversibly abducted and forcibly Germanized.
@jakubosiejewski9859 18 күн бұрын
"the current government, which is pro-German, has let the matter fade away" That's not true, KO voted for the reparations and still raises the matter, you don't have to lie about it.
@GdzieJestNemo 18 күн бұрын
let me correct what you said: Poland has declined compensation in the 50s and legally the matter is closed (which is agreed by all political parties). Previous party uses that made up issue to heat up their electorate whenever their situation goes sideways.
18 күн бұрын
@GdzieJestNemo In the 1950s, there was no independent Polish government, only Soviet puppets. This was one of the reasons why both the Marshall Plan was rejected and no efforts were made to secure war reparations for the losses incurred.
@GdzieJestNemo 18 күн бұрын
fact that we don't like communism doesn't mean we can ignore what happened. 3rd RP is a legal successor to PRL and your humor doesn't have any impact on that. So lets go with your logic - suppose we went for the compensation and managed to get it. In lets say 50 years Germany comes back saying they want their money back cause they consider gov that paid the compensation to have been illegitimate or polish gov that took the money as illegitimate couse some made up shit like being US puppets. Would we have to pay that back?
@Oscarevich 17 күн бұрын
@@GdzieJestNemo odmówiła to twoja żydowsko-komunistyczna rodzinka, która usługiwała kacapom. Konkretnie to PRL na polecenie CCCP zrzekło się odszkodowania od DDR. Jeśli tego nie rozumiesz to jesteś albo debilem albo wrogiem Polski.
@waldemarkaleta9456 11 күн бұрын
Cud gospodarczy? Chyba propagandy słuchacie! W Polsce jest wręcz odwrotnie. Mamy chyba najroższą energię elektryczną w Europie. Ceny wszystkiego niesamowicie rosną a zarobki są na tym samym poziomie. Państwo podwyższa zarobki urzędnikom i politykom. Polska jest bliska upadku.
@tu3167 8 күн бұрын
Europa zrezygnowala z tanich sorowcow Rosyjskich takie sa skutki kupywania przez posrednikow zza oceanu
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