超沉重!那些你不知道的辛酸!梓傑這次真的受重傷了! 😨 下集【ENG SUBS】

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怪咖 Outcasts

怪咖 Outcasts

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@doralto Күн бұрын
Yan Wei, honestly without you, there is a lack of a different flavour in Outcast. You bring in a different colour to Outcast. I was surprised by your blog to Nasdaily previously! And I truly appreciate your effort here. Please don't dismiss yourself and your presence in media. I'm a supporter from Malaysia! Will support Outcast and each of you always! ❤❤❤
@Ellusionist85 Күн бұрын
Indeed, without Yanwei, this show is boring.
@isareaofcirclepirsquared Күн бұрын
@xueying2210 Күн бұрын
@outcastssg Күн бұрын
@itsvyon Күн бұрын
@janneylam6892 Күн бұрын
@0xlmfao645 Күн бұрын
一个月前的我刚接触到你们的影片, 结果1个星期内把全部影片看完了, 1个星期前我才知道原来outcast大多数都是 西瓜marshmallow那边来,然后我又把那边的影片看完了,我只想讲的是,遗憾3年后才留意到你们,住在KL的我真的觉得新加坡的你们真的全部都很优秀,而且我想讲的的 我把全部影片看完的原因是因为我真的觉得彥維很好笑,和我非常的relatable。 通常疯疯癫癫的我们背后都有心酸的一面,没有人看得到的,我也看得出彥維是很肯为节目付出,哪怕让人讨厌他也会为节目制造更多的亮点。 最后我想讲的是好像ah henn讲的,哪怕关注你的就有那一点人也不要放弃,会看到你的人天涯海角都会看到你的光芒,大家加油,Outcast 已经在一个月内变成我的 Number 1 KZbin Channel 了 彥維很帅!😍
@VViv37 Күн бұрын
加油加油! 相信自己! 不要放弃!🤗💖💪🏼 也㊗️ Zijie 早日康复!!! 🌻 他真的似乎每一集都受伤~ 😅 “容易受伤的男人”歌曲响起~ 🎵 😆 *touch wood*! 希望接下来 平平安安!顺顺利利! 🙏🏼❤️
@petteripan2658 Күн бұрын
彦维, Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. - A.A. MILNE 💪🫰🙆‍♂️
@tanyeowchong9211 Күн бұрын
不知道彦维会不会读到,但是我非常喜欢你的真实!你的努力! 请你继续! outcast, 就是有你才会精彩!
@zhenxuan1996 Күн бұрын
OMG,我感动了,我非常喜欢你们这句的心声,真的有感动,这是你们第二次聊心事,这个比较有感动有哭,上一个(当我们怪在一起那个还可以)彦维的心声(哭了,)培永爆料,你们做到了,让人又哭又笑的,比其他人厉害👍🏻,感觉不到是节目效果,真的有打动到,喜欢很好,梓杰还是不说话,哈哈 期待你们明年和嘉宾的新年歌,加油加油 彦维哥,我相信你,你可以的,虽然你每次都弄的很多人骂你觉得你很讨厌,可是你一点也没在乎别人的看法,还是勇敢的做自己,你的一切都是用心的,只是他们不了解你,看不到你的另一面才会觉得你怪怪的,但是我相信大家会慢慢了解你的,不要去在乎别人的闲言闲语,自己开心就好,加油加油,彦维哥,我心目中的 超级巨星⭐⭐彦维哥,加油
@wanxi666 Күн бұрын
@jessielow3408 Күн бұрын
Yan Wei我否定你的说法,其实我一开始看怪咖就是看你,因为你很用心的去做每一样东西。别这样说自己,我会支持你,加油Yan Wei💪💪💪
@dopiley Күн бұрын
Honestly even though everyone is important, It won't be outcast without Yan Wei. Stay strong. Despite what everyone says, you make us laugh the most. Xixi, Zhi Jie, Byul Byul and Virus, there's not a moment I think you all lose your touch. You all are doing great, keep it up! 🥳🥳🥳
@marcusfoo5862 Күн бұрын
I loved watching the HTH session, when they all revealed their vulnerabilities and struggles that successfulness requires an enormous amount of struggles and hard work. But no matter what, Yanwei shouldn't feel so down, he may not have gotten where he wanted to be but he's found his place here in Outcats and other areas, so proud of him. So many funny moments are from him. Thanks for visiting Malaysia again, it's my family's home and I am so proud of it being featured. Jaiyou Outcast team! 🙏
@ahwp8603 Күн бұрын
在怪咖outcast裡我最欣賞彥維了。雖然偶爾真的吵,但可以看到你的認真和敬業。加油喔! Has anyone told you that you look like Mr Bean?😂 怪咖outcast有五大支柱⋯⋯茜茜、彥維、梓傑、virus和幕後剪輯,缺一不可😊😊
@itsjayceezhuang4395 Күн бұрын
沒有yanwei打擾其他人,真的看不下去 😂 真的是需要每個人的合作才可以產出一個很完美的影片! ❤ 很喜歡outcasts,新馬是朋友,我也會努力分享給朋友的!加油!❤
@Summer-mp2np Күн бұрын
Keep going, Yan Wei! We’ll always be cheering you on! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 I can see how much energy and effort you pour into each and every episode. Your dedication to your craft is something I deeply admire and look up to. What you said in this episode really moved me. Just know that you have fans who are standing by your side, supporting you every step of the way! Don’t give up!❤️❤️
@hkayleenhu3196 Күн бұрын
Can u do more of these talks it is so nice to watch it and make us understand more on all the behind the scenes
@elynnlee8250 11 сағат бұрын
好喜欢你们和kaka 小henn的互动。怪咖没有分谁是最受欢迎谁不是,我都喜欢三位包括也喜欢导演甚至工作人员,因为有你们才有怪咖,少了一位就不会有这样好看的影片❤
@gohkenny Күн бұрын
YW's self depreciating humour keeps the show interesting! Thank u!
@zhenxuan1996 Күн бұрын
@outcastssg Күн бұрын
@junhao5422 Күн бұрын
@adentyz Күн бұрын
@Sileiii Күн бұрын
不能否定彥維的確沒另外兩個主持人紅,但主持人裡如果一個白臉一個黑臉,節目的確會比較有趣和精彩。而且彥維主持Onew fanmeeting很好啊,彥維也很會帶動氣氛。每個人都有自己的優點⋯彥維,你已經很好了👍🏻👏🏻 但我最喜歡的還是Xixi!❤🤭
@jcube_pianist 22 сағат бұрын
All of the host are like a unique brand of outcast. This is like chen ren zah zhi during the 80s. The chemistry between the host are fantastic.
@gimmo24 Күн бұрын
大家加油! 我也是一个系统幕后工作者,我曾设计的一个系统过了二十年还是被采用并利用,但二十年来,我辗转于不同的工作中,并一而再再而三的被应征公司否定,但我没有放弃,应为我还有自己一份的自信。跟彦维一样,了解自己的身份并接纳,才能大放异彩!加油!茜茜也是,你是美丽动人的!
@saeyi8961 13 сағат бұрын
Yanwei 的那种热情是很多人都从心没有的,很少人是我看了就能瞬间感到很嗨。你的独特不在于你在某个方面比别人出众,而是你的好就是别人能看到的,让别人能开心的。虽然自己感觉不到自己给别人的快乐,但相信遇见你的人都觉得你是个很棒很搞笑的人。如果怪咖没有你,感觉灵魂都没了
@xyz5616 Сағат бұрын
@yewchun_0501 11 сағат бұрын
彦伟加油!!你做的很好 你和努力 我们都很爱你
@brandontayejen 14 сағат бұрын
Breaks my heart to think that YW thinks he’s least liked in Outcasts. He breathes life into every. single. episode. His energy is so infectious and embodies and exemplifies everything that outcasts stands for ❤ 加油!
@josticky 13 сағат бұрын
Yanwei 加油 🎉 your goofiness is what makes you standout from the rest, and what makes the show very different from the rest out there. Love those multifaceted expressions and the poking fun bond between the members!
@ETSNL Күн бұрын
Hello you guys I love this heart to heart talk session. This vulnerable side of you guys are so precious. Yanwei like henn said , performing for that 1000 people that likes your performance is so important. You're doing great and honestly please know that you're one of the essences to this beautiful pot of gold. Jia you you guys. ❤ Em
@joshuayip6638 13 сағат бұрын
Supporting you Yanwei! My wife and I watching outcast mainly because of you too! Jiayou. Newcastle Fans are one big family! Howay the Lads!
@maddnessfox 2 сағат бұрын
Yan Wei is always so real. Love it!!
@Yeoruem Күн бұрын
I enjoy all outcasts videos & hosts! Yanwei always rooting for you! I always laugh out loud and feel simple happiness from your effects.
@yunyunlee9542 Күн бұрын
彦维小二加油,有你在的怪咖是特别多笑声的,真❤️的 怪咖加油👏
@QuasiDonloso-xq7gr 11 сағат бұрын
彦维 你要知道 你的声音 很有辨识度 - 是你的尚方宝剑。 这个节目没有你的出现 绝对干不成 . 因为有百分之70八仙 其他人 都是以一个模式: 反复地挖你的沧疤 的方式 来参与节目的。 反观你很受伤 但你还是很专业的笑着继续主持节目 很是让人敬佩的。 加油“ 肥”超人 Our international superstar。 就喜欢你的真诚 和坦诚的表演模式。 大家都要永远记得 世界上只有一个 珍贵独一无二 的自己。 加油 媒体人们。
@AM-qp8pw 16 сағат бұрын
This channel is super underrated! ❤more subs and more loves for this channel please!yanwei pls don’t belittle yourself. You’re one of the soul of this channel. If you are not blooming in an environment, take it as environment unsuitable for you, so just leave and move on from that unloving and toxic space.
@joeyseah424 14 сағат бұрын
Yan Wei! You are my most favourite! You are knowledgeable and we appreciate your efforts! We will continue to support you! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@bamb70 Күн бұрын
@QiiYong Күн бұрын
All time favorite movie💗感恩有你们 幸苦了每一位
@zycho1523 Күн бұрын
Yan Wei always bring the atmostphere up~ JYJY
@teohszeern6973 Күн бұрын
怪咖 加油👍🏻❤️ 你们很棒! YanWei加油💪🏼
@JaniceSiow 16 сағат бұрын
有谁和我一样喜欢看outcastssg和嘉宾谈心事?(Does anyone like to watch outcastssg and the guests talk about their personal matters as much as I do?)
@sysy2685 5 сағат бұрын
I really think Yanwei is extremely funny and injects such an interesting energy to the show. 😊
@peiyikoh6736 7 сағат бұрын
Yan wei, you're like a core pillar of the show. Without your craziness and jokes, outcasts wouldn't have been the same and enjoyable. Don't doubt yourself nor sink into what naysayers say. Things may not always be smooth or the best, but if you feel like you're at your worst, it means it can only get better. 🎉💪🏼 Btw, I really enjoy the content outcasts channel provides😄
@imnee4268 16 сағат бұрын
我是最近才开始看outcast 的, 很喜欢你们的content, 很搞笑!我会看回之前的video. 老实说, 如果没有yanwei 出现的那集,我是不太想看的😂,我很喜欢yanwei 的幽默,yanwei 很棒!outcast继续加油!
@mariatachi8398 Күн бұрын
Really very good content and on par with those TV program variety show and much better cos no restriction. Please continue and will support Outcast❤
@fchee1 Күн бұрын
I look forward to outcast video every time. Best Chinese variety show. (Better than all those in MediaCorp)
@janetleang3849 Күн бұрын
这一集的yanwei感觉比较冷静耶,真的觉得yanwei,xixi,zijie, virus,很用心经营的节目,很喜欢,加油2会支持支持你们,加油↖(^ω^)↗
@Hizichuan Күн бұрын
Hi outcasts❤ I’m so like you team. I’m see you video 1 year 1 months🎉 Thank you for bringing us happiness!
@maddnessfox Сағат бұрын
This is my fav episode so far 😍🎉
@matthewtay3853 Күн бұрын
Very good episode! Get well soon Zijie. Hope you can do something similar with 3P
@maddnessfox Сағат бұрын
Actually to be very honest, I never particularly like any three of the outcasts members. But when the three of them come tgt to form outcasts and with Virus as the director, I enjoy watching Outcasts on KZbin the most among SG content creators. Idk whether 这样讲你们会不会开心哈哈哈 but this is honestly how I feel. I love outcasts and it won’t be the same without any one of you ❤
@Juzproo Күн бұрын
Naurrrrrrrrr 怪咖没有你 就不是怪咖了 我看怪咖就是因为你们三个 一个都不能少 🥹 YW we love you
@beary_mandy 23 сағат бұрын
在OUTCASTS里 我最爱的就是Yan Wei! 😊😍🫶🏻 彦维加油!!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 祝Zi Jie早日康复!!!🩵🩵
@sparklin77 17 сағат бұрын
yan wei, you are wrong leh. When me and my fam first watched outcasts, you are actually our favorite. We feel that you play hard and tho on the show, u are super competitive, we thought you are actually a sweet friend in real life. content creation 不容易。我在工作偶尔得create content too, 我都觉得很难了。加油大家。累了,就休息。有精力了,再来一次。
@KyrosKohKS 23 сағат бұрын
I like the closing credits edits! ❤
@IsadoraKokRuiEnOasisps Күн бұрын
@Buttongeens 11 сағат бұрын
Kaka and henn should totally come back again. Too damn funny esp kaka 🤣
@ChuanteckYeow Күн бұрын
@jinyewoo4703 Күн бұрын
@Memory486 16 сағат бұрын
Yan Wei, you're enough and keep being positive !
@YoutiaoVlogs 23 сағат бұрын
Yanwei work very hard humble beginnings 😊
@vansontann Күн бұрын
Dont worry Yanwei, you are great! Believe in yourself, you have made lots of us laugh :)
@T92-c7n 3 сағат бұрын
nice video great job guys
@verificationx 13 сағат бұрын
It is because of Yan Wei and Xi Xi (and the quiet one and the hidden behind an avatar one), I continued to watch since those days when you all started at SugarMelon. Jiayou all! Btw, If u all looking for insignificant extras, I want! Haha 😆
@janneylam6892 Күн бұрын
@nobitaC3 Күн бұрын
我在哆啦A梦里 最喜欢大雄 看起来窝囊 但长大后依然可以成功。 彦维,现在的你或许觉得你不够成功,但你要继续努力,总有一天是会成功的。 就如茜茜说的:你是有喜欢你的支持者的,所以你你的努力是已经有人看到的。 不要气馁!加油!
@merylyapqtps1910 Күн бұрын
@outcastssg Күн бұрын
@merylyapqtps1910 Күн бұрын
@QDPenguin 12 сағат бұрын
Byul got badminton talent 👍
@Enderson2020 Күн бұрын
Love Yan Wei and all 🥹
@VViv37 Күн бұрын
没有 Yanwei! Outcasts 就不好看了!没有你 就没有什么乐趣了~ 🥹 好像少了点!4剑客! 谁也不能少了谁!💕 Hello Yanwei, 虽然我有时 Buay Tahan (受不了你) U! 😂 可是大家都很喜欢你! Stay Positive, Happy + Healthy, Yanwei! Believe in Yourself! U are Loved!!! 🌻 WE LIKE U!!! 🤗💖💪🏼🎉
@RaphJonathanTan 10 сағат бұрын
Malaysian viewer here!!
@jacoblkh22 Күн бұрын
Yanwei 不会大红大紫 没关系! 做好自己就好了 我们个个有自己的地位! 我之前的领悟 就比如 Batman 跟 Robin 一样, 我也是以为也认为要怎样才是成功。。 可是后来领悟了 有时我们就是 Robin 不会是 Batman。 不好吗? 差吗? 我不觉得 个人有我们自各的角色。 加油哦 不要给自己太大的压力 大家一起努力做最好的自己! ☺️👏
@yoojihoon97 Күн бұрын
Any idea which artiste is yanwei referring to?
@EeveeEvan Күн бұрын
Waiting for Vairuu next year release outcast CNY MV. On!
@MeSakura1 Күн бұрын
Zi jie so 可怜. Every episode always got injuries... Yanwei, don't think so negatively about yourself, there are a lot of ppl that love you as well in outcasts. Jiayou everybody!!
@ericgoh6395 Күн бұрын
Yan Wei. 加油! 😊
@henryskr Күн бұрын
@pimski8589 Күн бұрын
byul byul is so cute 😆
@IsadoraKokRuiEnOasisps Күн бұрын
Yan wei 请您知道你在我生活中是我的偶像🤩
@dojc6526 19 сағат бұрын
get better soon zj.
@EeveeEvan Күн бұрын
Yanwei jiayouuss~!
@outcastssg Күн бұрын
@clementlow409 Күн бұрын
加油yan wei
@claudiaang1982 Күн бұрын
Pls 请3P or Steady Gang in the next malaysia collab!!
@allie_t4418 Күн бұрын
Yan Wei, you are Singapore’s Kwang Soo okay. Outcast video will be less entertaining without you. You are annoyingly entertaining. Jia you!
@misspepper07 Күн бұрын
33:01 早到是不详的预兆 43:03 For zijie’s sake, please let him to be late 😅
@aat4986 Күн бұрын
2:32 哈哈哈哈哈哈 yueyueyue~
@edwinaryanquek Күн бұрын
next collab with Phei Yong together!!!!
@SJuly-mg1xf Күн бұрын
@ahpekinsg9199 Күн бұрын
起船 鸟起船鸟,各位起船鸟
@Who._is.Yuen. Күн бұрын
@outcastssg Күн бұрын
@cwding8118 Күн бұрын
@QuasiDonloso-xq7gr 11 сағат бұрын
virus 下次用锅打球 顺便找厂商 打广告 😅
@hazaelong7383 7 сағат бұрын
怪咖,一个都不能少。yan wei lucky lucky boy... 你做效果而已,其实你是的细心nice guy。jia you... 😂😂😂
@KeruriHan Күн бұрын
Outcast Jia you!
@itsvyon Күн бұрын
@outcastssg Күн бұрын
@HuixinOon Күн бұрын
@diiiloongg7928 Күн бұрын
@yerteochannel3243 Күн бұрын
xixi can I give you a challenge first challenge:you have to make a song with zi zia second:try to do your own "ASMR" That's all for now,thanks.
@dogkingT Күн бұрын
请steady gang😂
@zhengyusteadygang5325 Күн бұрын
@Brianwongjh 8 сағат бұрын
Seems like Yan Wei is leaving the cast soon
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