I'm so glad outlaw is making a comeback! Been playing all the way back to the days it was known as combat!!! I miss my days 98% armor pen combat rogue from LK, I actually ended up getting the 100% after the Ruby sanctum trinket finally dropped! Too bad it was the end of the expansion and only got to enjoy it for a brief moment! Proudest no life moment right there, raiding die Delirium and being one of the first rogues on the server to hit the armor pen cap!
@BioLogical-A-i13 күн бұрын
Clicked the video, it started playing at the 5 second mark. Had to rewind so I could here the legendary welcoming message. "Hello guys, this is Dal!"
@paulo83019 күн бұрын
I've been waiting for this video for so long xDDDD
@josha210419 күн бұрын
A graphic for the priority for spenders and what the best buffs on roll the bones are would be cool! Great video!
@broadside__803019 күн бұрын
Broadside and true bearing are your two favourite RTB buffs, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. As for priority spenders, BtE in subterfuge windows, and then whenever it’s off CD (ie, don’t play around the tier set buff). If BtE is on cooldown, then dispatch. Not much to it really.
@shonanmiiles942513 күн бұрын
Hey man, thank you for this very useful guide! I've seen many outlaw rogues running with the pvp dague as off hand weapon, isn't it a dps decrease ?
@michaelhemmingsen35514 күн бұрын
I have such big problems against mages and fury warriors. I have several times noticed, that even though I use Evasion, I can still be hit by a warrior ? Have other experienced something similar. Against mages, even though I have dropped smoke bomb and the mage is further away than the 8 yard, they can still target me with direct dmg spells that freezez me. How can that be possible, when they shouldnt even be possible for them to target me.
@reaperzero97945 күн бұрын
Do we still throw a dagger in offhand or does it matter ?
@TeronGore19 күн бұрын
Wasn't the haste cap was 9% for ambush build?
@chrish247610 күн бұрын
Are you using a dagger and a sword?
@gehicob20 күн бұрын
Hello! New rogue here, does this build work for pve players? Delves etc ?
@broadside__803019 күн бұрын
Works perfectly fine (gear dependent) up to t8/9/10. There are talents you can take to improve cleave dps, and general survivability. Keep it rolling still does more dps once you get high enough haste, but since delves are more about positioning than min-maxing dps I’d not recommend KiR until you’re more comfortable with outlaw’s rng and proc-heavy playstyle
@Teddyist13 күн бұрын
Any weakauras you could reccomend to help see what rolls you have active
@Fox250R7 күн бұрын
How much better is honor gear to conquest really?
@droogeydroogey895018 күн бұрын
What mog is that? Particularly the chest piece??
@MrJeden20 күн бұрын
Is vigor talent more noob friendly? Top players dont seem to use it
@audinionkundesu19 күн бұрын
It 100% is
@audinionkundesu19 күн бұрын
Especially if you stack crit to 20% to get 40% with between the eyes and move that talent point to more crit chance and crit damage of combo spenders
@Wes-xk6hl20 күн бұрын
Best rouge spec is shaman
@josenievesrodriguez407720 күн бұрын
Well, that made me laugh.
@TheNightmareItachi9 күн бұрын
I hate how killing spree is outlawed specific. Because I fucking hate outlaw
@TheInterceptus19 күн бұрын
can we get the WA ? :D:D
@CentredeformationALPAJE9 күн бұрын
wtf is wrong with ur camera bro xDD it's not a FPS cmon de-zoom that thing for the people