Outpost - Gear Up

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National Museum of the Pacific War

National Museum of the Pacific War

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@dwaynelthompson 2 ай бұрын
Good job young man
@525Lines 2 ай бұрын
In boot camp, you'd get extra breaks if you were a smoker, so people who didn't smoke would pretend to smoke just to get the extra break and, in doing so, pick up the habit of smoking. I think a class action suit was filed at one point over this years after the war.
@servicepilot6342 Ай бұрын
When is the NMPW going to invite historian-documents expert Douglas Dietrich to host a seminar or academics roundtable? Dietrich's years of groundbreaking research while employed at The Presidio continue to overturn many long-held misconceptions about WW2, in particular the Pacific and CBI theaters. Dietrich would make an outstanding NMPW Historian-in-Residence.
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