Overcoming Perfectionism

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The Art of Imperfection
🎨Perfectionism is tied of loneliness, wanting to reach perfection is a seek of approval, either self approval or from others, to see what we can do, how "good" we can do it, and we stick with that feeling wanting to focus on each small thing to make our art "perfect" when in reality, we are damaging not only the art, but the artist 🎨
║Thank you so much for watching this video, thank you so much for hearing me out
Please let me know your thoughts about this topics, I really want to talk about things outside of only thinking about them ║
More Art videos:
(Not playlist created yet)
About the artwork showcased on this video:
This is a piece I decided to do after recording the narration of the video (don't ask how I make the videos I know is an odd way of doing it)
The piece took me 1 Hour and 57 minutes to make (or that's how long the process footage is)
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@viperguru2547 9 ай бұрын
Perfectionism has made me too depressed to even draw. I really hope I can break out of it one day. Thank you for the video💕
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
I think when it comes to depression, of the barrier is crossed and is not about art anymore but about the bad things you are going through, I highly recommend seeking help and others to rely on, family and friends, or professional help if you know is getting that bad... I did find love and passion for art when I started back when I did it to distress and was going through bad things too... It'll get better I really hope the best for you and you can find the right things to do that adjust better to you, stay strong
@viperguru2547 9 ай бұрын
@@Gebs-Art thank you so much. Much appreciated!💜
@comicxreleif Ай бұрын
I definitely needed the reminder. Perfectionism often keeps me from ever even starting, because I get too anxious about whether the end result is going to be good enough. Then I see artists around me improve so much because they're doing so much and I get frustrated with myself, and I end up even more discouraged to try. I'm still trying to work past it, but it's nice to see stuff like this and know I'm not alone in the struggle. Let's keep failing together!
@Gebs-Art Ай бұрын
Is easy to fall in the spiral of comparison so I completely understand the frustrations, but hope you know that you are not alone, we see hundreds of artists that improve so much and so fast, but we don't get to see the hundreds of thousands if no millions of artist struggling and trying their best without results, social media does portrait a positive light into improvement but is also important to realize that majority of people don't fit that line and their roads will be slower than others, many give up because they are not like the big artists improving at fast rates, and Is very unfortunate that we have to silence our creative voices like that, I really wish you all the best and that you can keep pushing forward, you are definitely not alone and you will do great as long as you don't stop
@lingyeomhi4193 10 ай бұрын
Okay I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY loved this video! I really liked the metaphor of the bricks/walls and how you made a clear separation in between perfection as an ideal + the habits of perfectionism itself. You were quite playful with the topic at the start and I liked that you not only made the topic seem all the more casual but you also shared your own experiences and some of the darker things that come along with it. I’ve struggled with perfectionism a lot and it’s something I’m still struggling with here and there but like you said, having the awareness and the strength to ask for help finally starts to get you unstuck. I honestly could have so MUCH to say about this video as a whole(but that means you will get a mini novel) but overall as someone who fell down a dark pit of perfectionism(so I know it very well) I really love how you showcased it as a topic here and it hits so many of the bases that I’ve realized about “perfection” myself. Great video gebbu, so damn well done I can’t wait to see what else you decide to talk about!!
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
THANK YOU LING! Im glad you enjoyed the video, it really is a topic that hits for pretty much everyone, no matter the level, I think at some point everyone does it without noticing it, but only a portion brings that perfectionism to that bad level where is hard to get rid of Definitely love talking in metaphors, it makes it easier to understand what I'm saying, due to my English not being the best, im happy to be in a level were i can somewhat explain my thoughts better than a few years ago I do agree and feel is more important than people think, to be transparent early on before we get into that sinkhole of bad mind, stopping perfectionism will cut the roots of darker things that will come with it Thank you so much again for sharing your experience, and don't worry about sharing a ton, Im all open for discussion, specially about topics like these
@hnoodh368 9 ай бұрын
i agree so muchh!! the bricks metaphor really made it easier to picture in my mind
@swirly8993 10 ай бұрын
I just started a 30 day activity for myself where I draw a figure, hands, feet, and faces on a page of a notebook each day and focus on improving. I really like the building analogy, because I have a mindset where I have to do something over and over until I get it right before I move on, but I need to just finish it and move on, because it will be better next time and I won’t accomplish anything if I keep repeating. I do the same thing with the book I’m writing. I should move on and fix things later instead of focusing too hard on the rough bits. Thanks for the video Gebs! I hope you’re doing well!
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
Starting over can be so rewarding, because is not "starting over" since you have all the knowledge from the wisdom you gained, ALSO I used to draw every single day when I first started, my goal was to draw at least one thing a day no matter how small it is, even if is a random eye, drawing daily builds a good habit which is consistency, you are not in place with one drawing but constantly moving forward, and in a single year, the change was insane, my 1st 2 years on art were the years I improved the most (I could've improve much more if i was not stubborn and used references, for some reason I didn't wanted to, but that was also when i didn't know i had aphantasia)
@SilentTrip 5 ай бұрын
my heart goes out to perfectionists, they probably asked for help in their adolescence and got met with hurtful responses or actions... no person becomes a perfectionist without a sad reason behind it
@Gebs-Art 4 ай бұрын
Is sweet that you empathize with the people who went through a bad experience but also perfectionism can also come in many levels in many stages of life too, is always bad of course but some people have it way late on life, never asked for help and just came out of simply bad habits that piled up, and in the other side of the scale, is exactly how you describe it, I agree with you, I just wanted to add this part to the comment since is a wide thing Thank you for your nice comment I'm sure people who scroll through comments feel less alone seeing comments like yours!
@derpkipper 5 ай бұрын
Out of all the videos I watched about art perfectionism, this one and Duchess Celestias videos got through to me the most. Thank you for your words. I needed to hear this and since watching it I have been more mindful of what i spend my energy on so that I can spend energy on improving on the things I dont like about my art
@Gebs-Art 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm very happy you found meaning in what I had to say, it is important to be mindful to not overwhelm or burn ourselves I hope you can find the balance that works best for you!
@SarzStars 10 ай бұрын
This one hit close to home a bit, I always thought I didn't have a perfectionist issue, but after this video now I'm sure I do, I've experienced perfectionism to a degree where I'm paralyzed, not in the present or past but in the future, "Why draw? you're not gonna do it right" "It's too ambitious" I stay daydreaming of my projects and never go through with it, cuz I just decided that I can't full stop, I remember years ago I decided that I wasn't good enough at coloring my art so I just stopped, for years, it stunted my growth completely, I'd always sketch but not feel confident enough for a bigger piece, now I've been trying to improve but that stupid brick of a bad habit lingers in my mind a lot, which leads to a lot of comparisons to other artist, jealous I can't just sit down and draw. This is something I'm going to think about a lot, since i don't know still how to combat this wall of mine, but thank you for talking about this topic, it's pushed me forward a little more to get stronger. I look forward to your other topics of discussion. 🧡
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
Sara thank you so much for sharing this personal experience, it means a lot you are comfortable enough to let it be known, as I mentioned, we can chose to not be alone, we can all encourage each other and teach each other from experiences we had and thoughts we have, that's one of my main goals of this channel, exchange what we know and feel to lift each other to be better, im happy that my video had a positive impact in your mindset, i always love to see you work on what you enjoy and I love now knowing this, to see that you do chose to paint Again, we are all in the same boat, and there are many ways to go around it, maybe is a topic that I can touch again in the future with more ideas on what to try, but I did wanted to emphasize the fact that we don't have to be alone in this, fighting alongside the ones you trust will make wonders in any negative exchange you are having Thank you again for sharing and supporting, you know I support you back
@SarzStars 10 ай бұрын
@Gebs-Art It means a lot Gebbu, I'll try not to be as alone with it. It's quite the wall but with friends like you I'm sure there's a way around it 🧡
@hnoodh368 9 ай бұрын
this video is so well made my man, i actually thought it had 100K views when i first saw it! your channel is gonna grow so fast if you keep at it good luck!!!
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much! that really means a lot, I will do my best!
@hi_im_galli2614 10 ай бұрын
I really liked that you can apply some of these points to other parts in life aside from art (and very easy to apply to content creation) The analogies are also very easy to keep up with and understand like the cooking one, you cant keep cooking the meal to fix it. your persception on these topics shine a light into it that i wouldnt really think of, excited to see more in the future~💚💜
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely! The focus is on art, but these are real problems that exist outside that category, this is focused on how it affect artists, but it 100% can be applied to any form of creation form, since the same norms will apply to any situation if the person is going through perfectionism Also I didnt noticed I speak on metaphors a lot when I explain things, i started noticing it while editing videos like these one Im glad you can relate to the situation as well, and thank you for watching and sharing your thoughts!
@wolvec2384 7 ай бұрын
I have the worst perfectionism when it comes to smooth and perfect lines, it bothers me when a line looks slightly off even though the average viewer won’t see it. Trying to leave that one line “imperfect” is an Icky feeling I can’t describe. Describing how those extra hours on that one line can be used on new artworks really hit home with me and opened my eyes. This vid was different than other perfectionism videos and I really appreciate it.
@Gebs-Art 5 ай бұрын
Im glad to hear you found the video useful, and I know is hard to describe the exact feeling but i completely understand what you mean, because technically speaking, why does a line bother us when we always draw hands wrong, to give an example, and that hand doesn't bother us as much as the "perfect" line we can make because we feel like we are in control of that line rather than spending the time to properly learn hands in this example, I don't think perfectionism is a choice, but the habits are so is good to be able to be aware of them to not let them develop into something worse that will be hard to change Thank you so much for sharing and I hope all the best for your art journey
@iamunbornbutterfly 9 ай бұрын
I remember spending almost 10 minutes on a single line of stroke, if its just slightly off than the sketch, i'd redo. What a time. I cant seem to find the root cause of my perfectionism though
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
It can be for many reasons, as I mentioned on the vid, it can be either very obvious why or very hard to tell, some people dont notice the bad habits till is too late, but you are aware that you do it so theres a lot of potential of improvement i believe you will get out of the loop if you keep reminding yourself to stick with the good habits, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for sharing!
@piecanl Ай бұрын
I think a good mindset to put yourself into is "I'll do my best on this drawing and If I don't like it, I'll just try again tomorrow", you can always make more art and you'll improve with every piece (especially if you try to look for what you didn't like in your old piece), but if you fear creating then you'll cement yourself and wont create at all Goving yourself the opportunity to fail is key, so be kind to yourself because that's the only way to get better :-) I've had small whumps, times where I stopped drawing for a week or two because I "didn't have the perfect idea" or "my composition wasn't planned at all" or "didn't know what colours to use" And yet when I sat down to draw, forgetting all those things and letting loose, it all just came naturally. Hell most of the pieces where I've just sat down and figured it out on the go are the ones I like the most to this day! Don't overcomplicate it, be kind to yoursel, it'll all come to you eventually
@Gebs-Art Ай бұрын
I agree 100% is the right mentality to have, to not worry about the end product because thats a reflection of what we are capable of doing right now, and the more we work on things and the more we produce, the better we will get and that will always reflect on thhe end product, sso focusing on learning and improving is the best focus i agree Embracing Failure is very important and i did talked about it in the past i think so the same as you Overall thinking why we started art, and why we still do it, theres a reason we enjoy doing what we do, so focusing on that might make it easier to be ok with the "failures" of the process Thank you for sharing!
@flowerinantarctica 9 ай бұрын
applying this to my writing. i have this god awful habit of writing a few paragraphs over and over and over again to tweak sentence structure, try to make it more profound, more vivid, only to subsequently derive it of it's natural emotion. and in the end i'm *still* displeased because it'd taken me 5 hours to finish not even a full page of words. it's gotten to the point where it doesn't even make me feel better to sit down and tweak it because my hobby has now become a stressful session of never living up to unachievable expectations, but now that it's drilled into my head i just can't help myself. i am so so glad i found a video that put this feeling into perspective. this was beyond helpful!
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Aw thank you so much for sharing the struggles, I really hope the best for your writing path to go to the best way possible, i believe that if we are self aware of what we are doing wrong and actively try to change it for the better, is just a matter of time and perseverance, thank you so much again for sharing
@raptorguy6464 6 ай бұрын
A few months ago I commneted on your video on how to improve really fast, but quickly gave up on it out of boredom. Now I realize this was the exact thing that was keeping me back from commiting to it. My gesture sketches and other art just wasn't good enough in my eyes, so I would spent literal hours "sketching" the same thing over and over again and than do it all over again when I get to the lineart part. Art takes forever for me to finish and seeing others within my communities or even friends post amazing stuff on the daily makes me feel incredibly left out. I've asked for help many times, but every time that perfectionism creeps in and I just choose to ignore it to the point that my friends get physically upset by the amount of tantrums I throw while not doing anything with their advice. So that's a big reason why I to change. I want to stop being a burden to my friends and overall I just want to join in on the fun whenever there's little art events I previously never could partake in because I could never finish on time. I don't think my current art (not those god awful videos you can find on my channel haha) is bad per se, but I could make so much more. So I'm going to try to clilmb these walls I build again. But this time I'm commited to actually break them down now that I realize the issue more clearly.
@Gebs-Art 5 ай бұрын
Im happy to hear you have a positive mindset about what you will do from now on I truly wish you can change those habits, and I know is not the same but it reminds me of professional e sports where they supposedly love the game they are playing but they rage to the point of breaking things, I think there's a balance to find between love and commitment where you dont push yourself pass the enjoyment point, the reason why you started art in the 1st place should never die and we should always try to focus on how working on art makes us feel while working in the process rather than thinking if the final result will be good or not, I know is easier said than done but is worth saying to always try to have it in mind while doing art since it should be purely out of love Wishing you all the best of luck on your journey
@costelinha1867 9 ай бұрын
"Lower your expectations" That's very hard to do when my expectations are already as low as I can conceivably get them and yet I still fail to meet them.
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment, i do understand, and if your expectations are already low then you have to focus on different parts of the process, mainly the having fun part , but overall doing copy studies might be very beneficial for you, maybe look for an artists stlye that is very simple that you like, and try to copy it (only for study and practice) there's so many styles that I'm sure you will find something you can set foot to start seeing improvement untill you can take off by your own, there's other things to say about this topic, things to try but my message would be too long, if anything don't give up and keep going, i believe you can find a way that suits you!
@costelinha1867 9 ай бұрын
@@Gebs-Art I'm trying to find simple art styles to try and copy, but I'm having trouble finding one. Look, I get it ok, I only started drawing for like a week, and it's silly to expect my drawings to look SUPER GOOD, but, I just can't help it, I mean yes techincally I can, I just need to learn to let go of these expectations and all, but I'm having a lot of difficulty doing so. It also doesn't help that part of the reason I started drawing is so I could express myself, mainly trough short comics, but I feel my current art skills make it impossible. Now granted, I do have experience with other mediums before, mainly pixel art, and it's pretty good, my pixel art, but it's just not good for what I want to do right now. (Which has more to do with the limitations of the pixel art medium.) I keep bothering people with my problems and all, but it's getting so bad to the point where I actually DREAD picking up my tablet, everytime I draw, I get so angry, so sad, that it takes me days to recover, so much self-loathing, even when I desperately try to see the good things about my drawings, or not care about the end result. We both know it's not as simple as it sounds, and you didn't try to make it sound that simple, but I'm really desperate. PS: I tried your suggestion, and some other people's suggestion of using stabilizer and it worked, I just managed to make a pretty decent drawing.... now granted I was doing it studying a reference and copying it in a few different ways, but still. Progress. Thank you.
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
for a week of drawing you are a bit in a rush, i think you are doing great so far by committing to it and you will see crazy improvement overtime, that's why i said having a streak is very important at first, getting used to draw and getting the hang of it will make you feel much better the more you do it Im glad to hear you found things to try and as i mentioned, experimenting can help you find things that can change a lot, either the art or how you feel doing it, keep it up, stay strong and im sure you will surprise yourself for how much you will be able to do
@costelinha1867 9 ай бұрын
@@Gebs-Art True, also stabilizer.... stabilizer helps so much....
@derpkipper 5 ай бұрын
Fellow perfectionist here Idk if u do this too but often times my idea of "low" expectations is me deluding myself into thinking my astronomically high expectations are perfectly reasonable. And I don't realize when I'm doing it. Stay strong
@CrafterPrime203 10 ай бұрын
This video is the greatest advice any crafter like me could recieve.
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
Thank you! Im glad you enjoyed the video Crafter!
@CrafterPrime203 10 ай бұрын
You’re absolutely welcome, Gebs.
@lumine9595 10 ай бұрын
Ooh good video 😊 always fun to listen to these type of videos while doing stuff
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I hear that this types of videos are good for background, glad you enjoyed it!
@CHA0ZCTRL 9 ай бұрын
unrelated but i am super impressed by the art you made, can you make a video on perspective in the future?
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I would love to, I love working on backgrounds , I was thinking on making one in the future!
@mo6ujlhoe4y4ejlo3 9 ай бұрын
Man... this video resonates with me so much! Hornestly, i was impressed by the "wall and foundation" metaphor and by the accuaracy of it. Thank you *SO MUCH* for your last two videos (haven't watched other yet😅) it felt like a psych appointment and it really helped me realise a lot of important things i wouldn't able to get to on my own cuz... you know, *artist stuff)))*
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
That's very sweet of you thank you, I'm happy you can find some value on my videos Also I started these videos recently so my 1st 2 videos are more... Raw footage, still didn't know how I wanted to present my content so they are different I really wish you all the best of luck on your art journey, we are here to learn from each other so thank you for your support!
@thomasalfred9029 9 ай бұрын
Great Video! I really enjoyed listening to you, and you make a lot of great points. Plus, the extra effort for the mini animations didn't go unnoticed. Subscribed!
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Aw thank you so much! I do my best, I'm glad you enjoyed the video
@madetosuck9198 9 ай бұрын
Sometimes I'll compare my first try to someone who has like 20+ years of experience and be all like "why doesn't mine look like that" and then beat myself up about it.
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
I think getting inspirations by looking at others art is great but when it comes to compare it might be better to only compare your art to your own art, old vs new, I understand the frustration but those artist went through a lot to get that good, im improving and working on it too, so lets keep it up and just have a good time, we should do this for ourselves!
@JaysJinxed 10 ай бұрын
I feel enlightened
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
Im happy you enjoyed the video!!!
@PilferpupCartoons 10 ай бұрын
Yessss! You're doing it Geb! This video is so goooooooooooood!!!!
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Pilf!!!! Im doing my best, im glad you enjoyed!
@onyxium7102 3 ай бұрын
My art is better when im high because i stop being such a perfectionist
@thislopop2700 9 ай бұрын
Hey, a new, growing channel! Have a like, subscribe and comment for a quick start! Personally, I struggle a lot not only from the walls that I have put in place, but also from the fact that I will have to face the thing on the other side once the walls are broken down. The one, that caused the walls to be erected in the first place. There are times I get bold, take a sledgehammer and smash through the wall. But then? I have to confront that thing, get hurt the same way it has hurt the first time - and all the times after, which in turn will cause me to retreat and build the wall thicker and higher than ever before. And at one point in time, the thought of going through it one more time gets drowned by something like “You IDIOT! Have all the prior times not taught you A THING? What's the big plan? Let me guess: You'll break down the wall, again. You'll exhaust yourself. Again. You will be in over your head. Again. And, finally, you will retreat once more, because CERTAIN THINGS ARE JUST NOT MEANT TO BE. Again. But hey, maybe it is one of those times it ends up in a month-long self-deprecating tug of war. Low chance of success, guaranteed stress, 100% certainty to act like an ass. What are you waiting for?” Yes, this sucks a lot. But it would quite suck if it just ended like this, right? This gets reinforced by me being absolutely unable to celebrate success. If a task is finished, it is immediately replaced by another task - and I just never run out of tasks. It also is very easy to disappoint myself - tasks that I have to do for others are much easier to do, as it feels harder to disappoint them (if this makes a lick of sense). This way, I've actually got some “commissions” out. (and by commissions I mean inspired designs, as I am still dreadful even at understanding basic shapes) I have tried joining a community, multiple times. Saying, that it was a double-edged sword would mean undermining, that it was a triple-edged one. If somebody would like my drawings, I would think, that they are just doing it to act kind. If somebody criticized them, it poked a very painful spot. And if there was a drawing, that I felt genuinely proud of, it gave me a feeling, that the next drawing I post ABSOLUTELY HAS TO surpass this one in every way, which was just feeding back into perfectionism. It might all sound stupid, but it really is the way it felt. Anyway, life is usually unfair, everything that is worth pursuing is very hard to do, monkey likes immediate rewards, there is no magic wand and no gold at the end of the rainbow. Dang it. But ignorance is bliss - and using this power, I just might make it one day :D
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Hi, Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and struggles, I do have a lot to say about it, maybe one day I would love to make a livestream going in depth of some of the comments people decided to share, it really is mind blowing to me taht this many people found my channel, being so new I do relate to many things you said, I even until recently though and partially i might still do think that people pity what I do or what I say, even my friends, I always thought they befriended me because they felt bad I had no friends, but that is a huge thing called insecurity, and we all deal with it in different levels, it seems like your side got a bit out of hand and make you feel the way it does, thats how it was for me at least You mentioned you had to retreat, but once you break a wall, you are advancing, you are making progress, life teaches and bad experiences do teach too, as i mentioned on the video, perfectionism is a pause button, so when you decide to unpause, even if is for a moment, you are moving forward, dont lose hope, it will get better, is a huge topic and i could talk about it a lot, but i think the main theme here is loneliness, or, at least i can relate that way if i make that link, being unable to build true ties to people and truly trust what they say without thinking is pity, or being able to have people to talk about these things in depth I really really hope you can keep moving forward and I hope you know that rebuilding walls can be normal, the only thing that will keep you from keep going will be your self, every time you break a wall you get stronger and wiser, so keep going, find the beauty in what you do and what you are!
@thislopop2700 9 ай бұрын
@@Gebs-Art Hey man, thanks for the heads-up! And congrats on the 100 subs!
@Im2tiredforthis 9 ай бұрын
I wanna try art but i haven't got to it or ever will
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Trying is all it takes, you have nothing to lose by doing so, When I started doing art I was not expecting much but ended up falling in love with it, also its ok to not wanting to do it, there's many ways to express ourselves, not only visual arts! I wish you luck and hope you enjoy it if you ever try it
@tropicalbytsanity7845 9 ай бұрын
Honestly your very underrated, so heres a sub Also I need some help myself because I feel like my perfectionism is making me reverse my progress, I feel like I got worst, not by too much (probably not healthy that my main comparison of getting worse is someone elses art), but I would like tips to get more motivated, and to generally try to avoid perfectionism, because I am both a perfectionist and one with rock bottom standards, so I would like types that will help me generally improve Sorry if this sounds wrong, its very early in the morning at the time of writing this
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the support! I don't think you can reverse your progress, some things like state of mind, burnout, mood changes, etc can change the way we perform, so it might seem like we are going backwards, there's also stopping for awhile and getting rusty but not fully "forgetting" what we already know, so I think the issue would be more related on the frustration of not knowing how to improve/make what one wants So Im sure there's many things we could do in this cases, I would love to talk about these topics in future videos but for now ill try to give a couple things I would do if I was in that situation I think mainly is about feeling good right? so if you re feeling frustrated or not having a good time while you do art, maybe is not the right time or maybe you are doing something that you feel you should do but you don't actually enjoy, so maybe explore and experiment to see if you can find something that might click with you, maybe there's something that you absolute love doing but you cant know yet since you didn't find that method, so experimenting and trying new things is very important specially at the beginning, doing different projects, not only random drawings, but also story telling, designs, studies, comics, fan arts, different art methods like no line art, or using different brushes, small things like that can make a difference, but maybe overall look for artists you like and think what you like about their work, maybe is something you can study and practice yourself and little by little make your own art style full of things that are very fun to draw for you In any case give yourself time, sometimes it takes a bit but as long as you enjoy the process, it'll be worth trying I wish you the best of luck and hope you can find what sparks the joy on the process!
@tropicalbytsanity7845 9 ай бұрын
@@Gebs-Art You hit it right on the spot actually, it's hard for me to find ways to improve, because everyone I ask either says it's already good or don't give the answer I'm looking for, and not being to fully replicate what's in my mind is annoying, but I'm getting used to not making it one to one, but thanks alot actually, though I do intend to stay in art because I want it to be my passion, because I like power and the power to make what's in your mind reality is what I want to reach eventually, not one to one but atleast something I can do that looks good, thanks alot doc I'll go back to this once in a while
@typicools 9 ай бұрын
great video
@skyanimationsprodcuction4792 8 ай бұрын
for me it writhing dialogue of chanters i come up with idea then write the summer sometimes but as soon as stary write i redo or look back or daydream about it or i forget about it but i try not to and to finish it
@Gebs-Art 8 ай бұрын
That's nice that you have different chances to bring yourself back to keep working on things, is good not to push yourself too much and work when you want to work
@skyanimationsprodcuction4792 8 ай бұрын
@@Gebs-Art thank😁 by the way I was kind of proud of myself when I finished a story bores not the one story I was talking about 🤔 I still haven't completed that one yet I have completed the chapter one
@Gebs-Art 8 ай бұрын
Best of luck!
@skyanimationsprodcuction4792 8 ай бұрын
@@Gebs-Art 😁
@rovercubecubixo 23 күн бұрын
Perfectionism fucked me in the game that I'm developing, I rewrote code multiple times because I thought I needed it to be flexible, to be perfect. I also draw and I noticed that I was being perfectionism about drawing too, this video helped me to analyze things that could be me just being perfectionism thanks I love your videos
@Gebs-Art 15 күн бұрын
That is very unfortunate, I'm very sorry that it got the worst of you and limit yourself to the point of not enjoying it, it definitely feels like an illusion because we feel in control of how "perfect" we can make it, but finishing and moving on teaches so much more specially when we observe our mistakes and reflect to improve them, I'm happy that the video resonated with you and thank you so much for sharing, I really wish you all the best of luck on your future projects, I have high respect for people who code so best of luck, and thank you so much for your kind words ❤️
@nephanims8273 9 ай бұрын
15:31 I was saying these exact words yesterday. wow
@Gebs-Art 9 ай бұрын
Is easy to fall into that mindset, hope you can enjoy the process overall!
@naikyum 7 ай бұрын
@MinishMilly 25 күн бұрын
This hits very close to home, projects I didn't finish because I felt it wasn't good enough, or me being afraid of other people judging my work. What a shame, I'll try to accept doing mediocre work at times more now.
@Gebs-Art 15 күн бұрын
That is a shame, I completely understand how is like, and is unfortunate that how other people judge us shapes what we keep doing and what we stop doing, even if we truly love doing so, when I first started doing art I didn't show anyone for years, I did it strictly for myself, but back then I didn't have goals to make much out of my art, now I'm trying to make it my job even! So I really hope you can find that place to allow yourself to enjoy the process, I wish you all the best of luck
@MinishMilly 15 күн бұрын
@@Gebs-Art thank you very much! ♥
@liheia1884 10 ай бұрын
I know the video is wholesome analizis and everything BUT I just want to praise the editing on this video, is really funny and keep my attention. I can only imagine how time consuming it was plus picking all the cute little sounds, thanks for the video gebbu
@cutemo 10 ай бұрын
Huge agree
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
Thank youuu Lih, I did put a lot of work into the editing on this one and Im happy people liked it, lots of art and sound research but im happy with how it came out, thank you so much for watching and supporting!
@Gebs-Art 10 ай бұрын
@@cutemo THE MO liked my video, im happeh
@liheia1884 10 ай бұрын
Mo is best
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