Overview of the rapture: Church of Christ sermon

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Cougan Collins - LG Ministry

Cougan Collins - LG Ministry

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Church of Christ sermon: Overview of the rapture. Hal Lindsey has an interesting view of the rapture, which cannot be supported by the Bible. In fact, the rapture itself is not supported by the Bible.
For a more detailed look at the rapture doctrine check out my six-part series • THE RAPTURE

Пікірлер: 66
@myharleysgopro11 6 ай бұрын
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven.
@patsylynn2 5 ай бұрын
@yoopercouple3971 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining this. I have been seeing so much about the rapture, and I'm still learning so much about this kind of stuff. So I have been wanting to study whether or not the rapture was real. You helped me so much, and answered my prayer. Thank you, Mr. Collin. God bless you for what you are doing. So many people are preaching false doctrine that it is so hard to know who's right and wrong. I've been trying to study my Bible so much more so I know what is true, and what is not. I am so grateful I found your channel.
@LGministry 4 жыл бұрын
Glad I could help. I presented the most popular view of the rapture doctrine, but there are many different kinds of it, but none of them agree with Scripture. Thanks for the kind words.
@arcticfox2639 Жыл бұрын
He had no idea about the topic he discussed!
@barakoniner1644 Жыл бұрын
This whole explanation is WRONG. You want to clear teaching of what happens in the end times? Listen to Pastor Steven Anderson 22-hour breakdown of the book of revelation. I guarantee you will have no more questions about the end times. The pre-trib rapture is full of s***
@patsylynn2 5 ай бұрын
The word Bible is not in the Bible, but the word Scriptures and Scrolls are in the Bible. The word Trinity is not in the Bible, but the teaching of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is in the Bible.
@LGministry 5 ай бұрын
I understand what point you are trying to make but I would also equally state that the word trinity is not in the Bible. However I would agree that the definition of that word fits the triune nature of God but the rapture doctrine is not taught in Scripture. I do agree that the righteous will meet Jesus in the air, which could be described as rapture, which means caught up, but the rest of the teachings surrounding the rapture are false. So, I can agree with you to a point.
@jamierichards9926 2 жыл бұрын
I agree it doesn’t matter as long as we live for Jesus it doesn’t matter. I have a question though, what is the Bible referring to when it speaks of the mark of the beast? And why is that or does that seem to be so significant to our time? But I recently got baptized and about a year prior began seeking the lord and i agree I’m good now just trying to live the best life and be the best person I can. But I want to make sure I’m interpreting the Bible the best way. I also just became a member of the Church of Christ in my area.
@LGministry 2 жыл бұрын
Jamie, thank you for your question, and I am thankful that you are a member of the church. I appreciate that you are learning and growing in the grace of God. You are going to find many opinions about the book of Revelation because much of it is symbolic. Many in the religious world want to make the book of Revelation as something that is unfolding in our time, but much of Revelation was written about what was happening and would soon be happening to Christians at that time. When it comes to symbolic language, people can twist it into meaning whatever they want it to mean. So, I would suggest considering this article: www.christiancourier.com/articles/1474-the-beasts-of-revelation-13 And this: www.wachurchofchrist.com/uploads/3/0/9/3/30935601/the_mark_of_the_beast.pdf Here is another link: www.easttacomachurchofchrist.org/ask-your-preacher/2019/04/15/tribulation-antichrist-mark-of-the-beast May God bless you in your search for truth.
@tiamor100 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you pastor Cougan for teaching the truth about the rapture. I wish you will preach the truth about divorce and remarriage.
@LGministry 4 жыл бұрын
I cover that topic in my Life of Christ series
@bobb4237 4 жыл бұрын
Johnny Robertson has good videos on that topic.
@kallymaine8231 4 жыл бұрын
I would love if you would do some videos on hyper- preterism since you study with Don Preston. This view seems to be spreading and it just seems so crazy to me. I like your videos. Thank you.
@LGministry 4 жыл бұрын
@arcticfox2639 Жыл бұрын
PRETERISM is a satanic lie! Don't believe it! Jesus has not returned like they teach!!
@alfredomartinez3923 4 жыл бұрын
Could l get a transcript of this study that l may read?
@LGministry 4 жыл бұрын
You can email me for a copy at lgchurchofchrist@cableone.net
@arcticfox2639 Жыл бұрын
He didn't teach the topic correctly. He had no idea what he was talking about. You can look on youtube and find summaries of all of the theories. Apologetic Dog has a good one on the various views of Eschatology (study of the end times).
@pjfrog10 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent sermon, thank you. What state do you live in?
@LGministry 4 жыл бұрын
@pjfrog10 4 жыл бұрын
Cougan Collins my home state. Raised in Holdenville lived in NM for 50 years and have just moved to Hicksville Ohio. It seems most of the churches of Christ are now using instrumental music in worship services up here. I’m having trouble finding a church that sings With the human heart only.
@LGministry 4 жыл бұрын
@@pjfrog10 I understand. It is a shame that many are more interested in what they want instead of what God wants. I hope you find a place.
@pjfrog10 4 жыл бұрын
Cougan Collins thank you. Surely the church here hasn’t all gone that way.
@arcticfox2639 Жыл бұрын
He had no idea about the topic he presented.
@Texascodecase 9 ай бұрын
So who was the antichrist?
@LGministry 9 ай бұрын
From the pen of Wayne Jackson: 1 John 2:18-Who Is the Antichrist? Is the antichrist a character soon to be revealed on the stage of world events? Who is this person? By Wayne Jackson | Christian Courier Dispensationalism, which is currently the most popular form of premillennialism, has much to say about “the Antichrist.” According to these theologians, the Antichrist is a man, now living, who will soon rise to the position of a world-wide dictator. In his book, The Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey asserts that the Antichrist will come to power just prior to the return of Christ (1970, 140), which, he asserts, will occur during this generation (133). This view finds absolutely no support in the Bible. The term antikristos is found five times in four New Testament passages-all in John’s epistles (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7). It is quite significant that Lindsey, though devoting a whole chapter to the Antichrist, never once alludes to these verses (87-102). The reason is obvious; the biblical information on this topic is not in harmony with his fanciful theory. Consider the following factors: First, there is no one specific person denominated “the antichrist” in the New Testament. Rather, John declares that “many antichrists” have arisen (1 John 2:18; 2 John 7). Second, the Bible does not suggest that a mysterious antichrist is some sinister personage who is to appear in the late twentieth century. There were many antichrists in the first century. “[E]ven now,” affirms the apostle, “have there arisen many antichrists” (1 John 2:18; 4:3). A careful analysis of John’s references to “antichrist” reveals that the term is a general designation employed to suggest a spirit of unbelief that can be manifested in a variety of ways, both in the past and present. Thus, in 1 John 2:18, underline the term “antichrist,” and in your margin note: See v. 22; 4:3; 2 John 7. A general disposition of unbelief; not a specific person. Sources Lindsey, Hal. 1970. The Late Great Planet Earth. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
@barakoniner1644 Жыл бұрын
2:28? Wtf this dude describes the battle of Armageddon at the beginning?
@LGministry Жыл бұрын
The fact that you use "wtf" tells me a lot about you. You do know what that stands for, right? It is certainly not language a Christian should use. If you would like me answer something, great, I will be here.
@barakoniner1644 Жыл бұрын
@@LGministry you can't teach me anything heretic. The fact you apply this moronic dispensationalist view thinking something that happens at the very end of the millennium happens before the rapture I know you clearly di not know scripture
@bobb4237 4 жыл бұрын
Completely confusing.. your using rapture incorrectly. It simply means to be taken or great joy. If you use a dictionary. You need to seperate your terminology. Rapture, mellineialism, tribulation. All means somthing different. You do believe in rapture... that Cristians will be taken off the earth at Christ return. True?
@LGministry 4 жыл бұрын
I was speaking against the rapture "doctrine" as I explained in the video. Part of the problem is that people have different ideas on what words mean. It is true that all faithful Christians on the earth will meet Jesus in the air. In that sense, you could say that we are going to be caught up or raptured, but that is far cry from the rapture doctrine as taught by Hal Lindsey and others like him. Make sense now?
@bobb4237 4 жыл бұрын
Cougan Collins Yes. We must be sure to define terminology. Because you do believe in rapture (Christians will be taken at Christ return) but you don’t believe in millennial reign. Or you don’t believe the entire rapture scenario as most denominations teach it. Can i ask? When do you think it will take place? Pre, post or mid trib? Or None, it could be anytime?
@LGministry 4 жыл бұрын
@@bobb4237 The word rapture is not found in the Bible. I want to be clear about that. The Scriptures do teach that Christians will be caught up with Jesus when He returns 1 Thess 4:17. That is about as close I can get to using the word rapture in a general sense. As I told you, I am teaching against the rapture DOCTRINE. If you had watched my lesson, your last set of questions were answered. There is no earthly reign. The judgment day is just that a day when everyone will be judged. There is no 7 year period or 1000 year reign on earth. To put it simply, Jesus will return, the righteous and the unrighteousness will be divided and either go to heaven or hell.
@bobb4237 4 жыл бұрын
Cougan Collins thank you for taking the time to clear it up. I did watch your entire video. I apologize for not catching that you don’t think there is no tribulation before his return. I got you don’t believe in a millennial reign. So that would mean you take the position it could happen anytime. I’d like to talk sometime. When would be the best time to reach you. I called on Thursday. Thanks..
@RedSeaConsulting 3 жыл бұрын
@@bobb4237 Bob, I would recommend watching Amir Tsarfati, Jack Hibbs, JD Farag, Jan Markell. John MacArthur is another good one along with Dr. Phil Johnson. I love many who are in the Church of Christ but for Collins and others to quote Hal Lindsay many of us realized long ago Hal (and others like Hagee, et al) were misinterpreting scripture. Andy Wood is a good one for the Rapture and as Collins states that rapture isn’t in the Bible it is found in Latin and other translation. I’m not selling anything but I do look, listen, read, study, and research. For someone to say there is no seven-year reign (tribulation where the great restrainer has been taken out and the anti-Christ is revealed) or 1,000 year reign (millennial kingdom) doesn’t exist, their interpretation of scripture is far different than others. I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, Who was crucified and died for our sins and was resurrected to life on the third day and that nobody comes to the Father unless it is through Him. Many CoC’s would enjoy tearing away my flesh with some of my convictions and beliefs but Jesus said all of us would suffer persecution. Anyway, God bless and may the scriptures you’re searching for be revealed to you.
@marymcreynolds8355 3 жыл бұрын
Where are the dead in Christ then? Soul sleep? I have heard people say the dead go to heaven or hell right when they die. What is the truth?
@LGministry 3 жыл бұрын
@travisdesalvo9870 Жыл бұрын
Better watch what you say preacher boy you might be given an account in cuz everything you just said was absolutely incorrect you do not have the spirit of God do not teach
@LGministry Жыл бұрын
Since you chose to comment and seem to imply that you do have the spirit of God, which I guess you mean having some kind of direct access to God or special knowledge, then tap into that and put me in my place by specifically showing what I got wrong and then showing it from Scripture. You make claims all day long, but your opinions carry no weight. So, I challenge you to take me to task and expose how what I said in the video is incorrect.
@travisdesalvo9870 Жыл бұрын
You are a Church of Christ preacher, I spent my entire childhood and some of my adulthood in the Church of Christ thankfully converted by the spirit out of the Church of Christ and I thank God because I would still be twisting and manipulating the scripture to fit my own interpretation of the Bible I have been taught by the spirit of God and have learned that the word of God witnesses to itself the Rapture is very real it is in the Old testament it is in the New testament and nothing you say will change that I think it would be very confusing for you and difficult for me to teach you everything you would have to know in order to understand the one thing that you want to understand so no I will not but I will pray for you to get saved and commit your life to Christ and not to be baptized because that is the error that the Church of Christ makes baptism is not the way you get saved you get saved through faith in Jesus Christ then you turn to God and you believe it's that simple I cannot say God bless you sir but I will say good luck in the tribulation that you don't even believe in but you will experience it so get ready, have a nice day you will not go to heaven on that doctrine I promise you, leave that Church of Christ now do yourself a favor
@LGministry Жыл бұрын
@@travisdesalvo9870 You just proved my point. If you were actually inspired by the Holy Spirit, you would be able to cleary show what I got wrong in Scripture by backing it up with Scripture. That is the pattern we see in the New Testament. If fact, you wouldn't even have to give it a thought because the Holy Spirit would give you words to say that expose my "false teaching." But what did you do? You typed out a bunch a more words expressing your opinion, which provides NO PROOF of anything. Then you contradict the very inspired Word of God by saying that baptism has nothing to do with salvation. BTW baptism by itself doesn't save you. You have to have faith. Paul makes it clear that your have to put your faith in working of God when are baptized know that God is doing all things that are mentioned in Romans 6. Colossians 2:12 buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. In Acts 2:38 Peter answers the question of what these people need to do that have pricked in their heart, and he didn't tell him just believe in Jesus. Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. He told them to REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED FOR THE REMISSION/FORGIVENESS OF SINS. So, Peter, who is inspired by the Holy Spirit makes it clear that baptism IS THE POINT our sins are forgiven. Your false statement has people being saved BEFORE their sins are removed, thus you contradict the Word of God, which proves that you are not inspired by the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit will not contradict Himself. Later, Peter says it as plan as day that baptism saves 1 Pet. 3:21, yet you say it doesn't. Who should I believe? God's Word or you? I will chose God's Word. I hope you will study the Bible more and learn the truth because I want you to be right with God.
@barakoniner1644 Жыл бұрын
@LGministry Жыл бұрын
It is easy to I am wrong, but it is another thing to actually prove that I am wrong, but I am all ears.
@barakoniner1644 Жыл бұрын
Easy @1:34 you say this is where we're raptured BEFORE the 7 years yet there's not one single verse that proves it's before the seven years in fact. Daniel chapter 9 describe the abomination of desolation happening in the middle of the week or 7 years. Where is Matthew 24:15 describes the exact same abomination of desolation 15 versus later is the actual rapture. Which is the parallel passage with 1st Thessalonians 4:16. Where in verse 29 says very clearly immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days. Question is what days? all the 28 verses that came b4 verse 29. 2ndly 1st Corinthians 15:23 describes Jesus as the first-fruits then we at his coming which is the first resurrection AKA The rapture then it says he shall reign until all enemies will be under his footstool and The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Notice the order .... When compared with Revelation 20 you see those who did not take the mark of the beast and will be headed for the cause of Christ will rule and reign for that thousand years that he puts all enemies under his footstool which ends with Jesus destroying death in verse 14. My question would be how is it that they who did not take the mark of the beast part of the first resurrection if they were supposedly rapture three-and-a-half years earlier... Can't make up your false pretense that these are quote tribulation saints because it literally says this is the first resurrection. 3rdly how are the seals God's wrath when the fifth seal are those were martyred for the cause of Christ crying of the Lord saying how long until you judge them on the Earth, I thought this was God judging the Earth already. God's wrath doesn't begin until he shows up at the sixth seal when the Sun and Moon are dark and just as Matthew 24:31 says. Compare the seals with each thing Jesus describes in Mathew 24. They are blindingly obvious. In all honesty this is just tip of the iceberg. Believe me when I say whatever supposed reputation you think you may have against this I also be able to debunk that too I promise
@barakoniner1644 Жыл бұрын
@LGministry Жыл бұрын
@@barakoniner1644 No crickets, I don't get notified when comments are made, I have to find them and I just saw your comment. Everything you just wrote makes no sense from the start because I have never taught the rapture doctrine. When Jesus returns, it will not be secret, there are no 7 years afterward etc. As Mat. 25 clearly shows ALL nations will be gathered together. There is a Judgment DAY. The first 34 verses of Mathew are about the destruction of Jerusalem, which includes the abomination of desolation. As I said in the video. Matthew 24:34 "Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Jesus is saying that the events described before verse 34 would happen in that generation. So, all those signs that people say are the signs of the rapture were signs that would happen before A.D. 70. Starting in verse 36, Jesus starts addressing judgment day again. The language changes from those days to THAT DAY. Nearly all of the book of Revelation has already happened except the last part of it. For a more detailed look at what I teach against the false rapture view, I would suggest you watch my full series on the topic at kzbin.info/www/bejne/kHO9famhorSWsNE&ab_channel=CouganCollins
@arcticfox2639 Жыл бұрын
CC 's didn't study his topic and much of it was false. In other words, he was lying. Study up before you present something publically Mr. Collins!
@LGministry Жыл бұрын
Thank you for expressing your opinion. You certainly have that right, but nothing you said offers any proof of your accusation. Everything, I said was true. Now, if it doesn't fit your brand of the rapture, you need to know that I cannot cover all the various rapture views. The one one I dealt with is the one taught by Hal Lindsey.
@arcticfox2639 Жыл бұрын
@@LGministry chill!
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